Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Poem 1666. Resting time

                                                           Resting time
When sun shine from east we see it perfectly in life but when person speak lies we just
Can't understood it inside life those things which are creating effect in life will lead to many
Problems on every time when scene will look so good on every time when we see so clearly
Inside life we feel so nice but every thing can't be that clear in life we need to find hidden
Things on every point we need to find those facts which will have effect on life because
Life is not that much simple on any point we feel that those scenes which are not that much
Good on any point of life seem to enter on every point inside our life we just have one feeling
From our mind that scene of sunrise and sunset are clear but that much is not clear our
Thoughts and our mind when we move ahead we just have one feel from inside that when
Those clear scene will have effect on us we feel that we are standing on wrong area of our
Future and life when we move ahead we just never understand what we feel from inside
Those clear sunrise and sunset will have effect on our life we just feel different things on
But we need on every point to think in life when we went ahead on every angle of life we
Need to move ahead on every point but life is not that much clear on every point those scenes
Which will have effect on every point on those scene we see nice things on every angle and
On every point those scene which are so clear for us at every point will look so wrong on
Every angle of life I want to see those pictures which are looking straight forward in life
But other thoughts are something which are hurting us on every point I want those scene
To look so clear on every angle of life I feel one thought from inside that our world is not
That much straight on every point it will look different on every angle of life I feel just one
Thing from inside that those scene which are having reaction on every point are so straight
On every point but in life we don't get those simple things on every point of life when we
Move ahead on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that those scene which are
Created inside life will have effect on us at every point I feel one thought from my mind that
Things which will have impact on every point when I have created things in such a way in life
That those scene will look perfect as well as nice on every point when I see those sunset
And sunrise then I feel if only life will be simple like them on every time but then when I think
Again about child who cries at night I just feel one thing that life is not that simple on any time
When we are child we just never understand sunset and sunrise we may cry because we feel
That world is going to remain dark on every point we are scared of unknown darkness we
Just don't understand it is nothing but just our resting time on every moment we feel one thing
That we need to have light because we are scared of that darkness on every point I just feel
One thing from inside that these darkness will have impact on every point after all those things
Which will have reaction on every point that darkness which is for our good don't look that
Much perfect and nice on every point those darkness will have impact on every point I feel
Just one thing from inside these picture will be like sunset and sunrise on every angle of life,
We feel they are same on those point so when we are child we feel that we are stuck in that
Picture in life so when we are child we just never understand what is sunset and sunrise but
Then when we know that darkness is for sleeping and we are getting on morning our sunlight
We learn to even like those nights and darkness will become friend of tired spirits which work
For entire day on every time then I feel one thought from inside that this darkness will be that
Thing on every point which will give sleep on every point so we need it but we understand it
Only when we get sunrise again and again in life we just began to have faith in it inside life
When we see it repeated in life so on every point we have to see things again and again in life
To judge them properly every time so it is up to us what kind of faith we have in it in our life
Those scene will change on every time so I feel one thing from inside that we need to understand
Those scene on every time we need to move ahead inside life then only we can guess what is
Going to happen on next point sometimes like day and night life is simple on every point but
Sometimes it is hard on every angle of life I just feel one thought from inside that it will look
So good on every angle and every point if we keep our positive faith alive then we can always
See after night a day and we will understand darkness and failures is nothing but just a resting time.

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