Sunday, September 14, 2014

Poem 1686. Improving old things

                                                             Improving old things
When I start some thing new in life then I just have convince myself to take risks on every
Moment and point but when in life I start to move ahead on every point I just feel one thing
From my mind that risks are those things which will have impact in life I feel one thing that
When I will move ahead I want new world to open on every point but when I did something
New then it is just truth that it will not move ahead as per my thoughts and I have just one
Hope on every point I feel one thing that I have to do some thing new in life but then one thing
Which touch my mind that new things are not that much easy to start in life but then one day
I found most hardest task of life it was not starting new thing but just starting old thing in
Proper way of life when we start new thing rules are mostly your in life but when you need
To start old thing then we need to understand that they are not going to move as per our thoughts
And thinking we need to move ahead on every point with our thinking on every point is so wrong
To our mind because when new things enter inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that
Old things are totally hard to control in life and worst thing is that we need also to repair them
And then we can use them again inside life but then some people just feel why don't we just
Make new thing it is possible for us if that thing is just a new tangible thing but sometimes this
Happen to some group in life how can you just quit some body who help you on many points
Or that power and strength which belong to it once was reduced but can't be gone fully so in life
On every thinking we just need that strength on every point we feel just one thought on every thing
That we need to move ahead and improve our old things those things which touch our mind as
Human being should be correct on some point but some times we also have to use old things just
Because managing new seem to be so hard and need lot of time so whatever may cause but sometimes
Those old things need proper handling and polishing on every point I feel just one thing that when
I move ahead as human being I feel just one thought and one thinking that old things will need
Lot of improving on every point but then when we start to handle old thing old rules will become
Marking point for us at every point people stop us by telling us new rules on every point I feel
Just one thing that when I set some rules I must have set them with wrong type of thinking on
Every point because those rules are not that much helpful for us as a human being I feel just one
Thought from my mind that we just can't throw away those rules after entering inside some point
How wrong they may look but they are breath of that place until we have entered on some point
We know it from heart that those rules have managed to create them but then they have also
Manage to damage them in life but then we just never understand how important must be those
Rules to those people in life until we reach to them on some point we just never understand
How much they value those rules in life on every point we feel that we can change them in just
Few moments in life on every point I just feel one thought from inside of mind that those things
Which will have impact on us at every point of life we feel one thought from inside of mind
Those rules are hurting every thing but when we take some old thing inside our life we need
To understand that with it's power we are taking it's liabilities of life and they can't be paid with
Just one insult to all those who respect them in life I feel one thing from my mind that those
Insults are wrong on every point after all those people have worked all life with same rules then
How wrong slowly things turn in life they are find it hard to understood we need to understand
Them before we start to rule because rulers never win world those who manage to win hearts
Only finally manage to rule when you have more hearts then you will able to break with you
Kind words any rule but before that you must tell them that you are not hurting them you are
Just there for them and with them not over their head to rule even when you are head that
Sense you are just over their head doesn't help us that much in life after all we need to understand
One thing from inside that things will move ahead sometimes as per our thoughts on every
Point of life should take other with us not just behind us on every point people who are with us
Our friend may they are under us but they are smart enough to do their work in their life so
They are also wise but they are confused due to rules which are changed due to changes
That we did in life on every point I feel just one thing from inside that we need to explain them
Then slowly things will change in life on some point of our life we need to understand improving
Old thing is hard for life but we need to learn it on some point we need to move ahead in life.

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