Thursday, September 25, 2014

Poem 1706. Do small thing

                                                                Do small thing
In sky will have some brightness on every point I just feel one thought from inside that in that
Sky I feel one thing from inside that why I spend so much time in just looking at sky on every
Moment and on every point that sky in which we see those colors on every time it seem as if
Those colors never can be seen on earth any time but then sometimes I feel that earth have
It's own and different colors on every point it seem as if colors are acting as per our wish on
Every point because on earth we can grow things in life those plants which we see in our life
Never look that much good on any point because earth can grow many things but still they
Are not going as per our wish on any second of life when I will move ahead on every point
I just feel one thought from inside that sky will have some colors on every point but earth will
Have different colors in life when I will move with nature I just feel one thing from mind that
I just kept looking at sky may be because I am more concern about sky in life because in case
Of earth I can take care of it but in case of sky I feel so concern on every point because in
That sky I just throw pollution every time even when I decide to grow some tree that tree seem
So small compare to sky when I just see those wrong thing which enter in sky I just have one
Question on every try that how can I keep clean my sky because in case of earth I can do many
Things which in my hand on every try but then one day I feel even my earth is not that much
Clean still I just keep looking at sky on every moment I just feel one try that sky is that thing
Which is far away on every try I just have one thought which touch my mind and my soul
On every try that sometimes we are so busy in looking at big things on every try that small
Things are not even done by us on any try we just keep thinking that big things are so much
Required in life that small things are ignored on every try when we keep our earth clean on
Each and every try we just feel one thought that every part of earth is just part of earth and
It never related to sky but just think about that mess which comes for earth and then pollute
Our sky we need to understand one thing on every try that we are not suppose to look at just
Big things like sky sometimes we need to look at earth on each try we just feel one thing from
Our mind on every try that earth can get so much greenery which will please our eyes but
Then when we move ahead we feel just one thought that will lead to many problems that
Will create impact on our sky but they are not  any thing big than are just problems from
Ground which slowly manage to reach to sky we just need every moment to be taken with
Care on every try we feel one thought that ground is one thing which is in our reach but not
Our sky on every moment we just feel one thought from mind that we need to do small things
First to get to big things which will be big like sky when we just keep looking at small things
Then when we complete those things these things will reach to that sky which will help us
On every try we just feel one thing on every try that things are small but they are needed
To be done on every try I just feel that ground is so easy to reach and for doing things on
Every try we just never understand our that need of keeping that ground clean is true need
Of our sky small things are more needed to be done then only one day we can reach to that
Position where we can easily see that sky when we think about our life on every try so I just
Feel one thing from every angle that I must concentrate on just limited things which will touch
Our thought inside mind that small things are most important inside life because those small
Things will create impact on every point those small things will create effect on life and
Big things will slowly reach to that point when we move ahead step by step in life then I just
Feel one thing from inside that bigger things can be achieved by small things inside life when
We move ahead on every point so then small things will have effect on every point I just feel
One thought from inside that big thing will create impact but we just can't always run after
Those big things in life we need to understand small things from time to time we need to
Understand one fact of life that big things are important while small things are having same
Importance in life never just ignore those big things inside life which will help you to move
Ahead on every point because those things which are small will move you ahead step by
Step inside life so I feel we need those step in life because no one can running without
Walking in life I feel running is nothing but fast walking on some point same way this earth
And ground are part of sky on each and every time we can care of earth then sky will be
Clean as well as perfect in life so do small thing and big will be done for you automatically in life.

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