Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poem 1703. Demand in life

                                                              Demand in life
Those trees which have flowers look so nice but some tress without flower seem more precious
In life on some times I feel one thing from inside beauty is important but finally usefulness is also
Have value inside life but best is that thing which have both in life on every moment we just feel
One thing from inside that beauty and use both should be in one thing in life and when that we
Get I feel at least then we feel satisfied but it never happen we want more in life we just keep
Asking until we can inside life how wrong is that thought which just tell us we have right to
Demand as much as we like we never once thought that how much we have asked inside life and
On every point we just ask for more things and never feel that we are demanding too much in
Our life when I will move ahead I feel one thought from inside that I want each and every thing
In my life I want to have it all on every point I have one thinking from plenty of thoughts are
Creating effect on our life but when we want too much then we just never accept small things
As precious in life we need to understand one thought from inside that when I see different things
With different thoughts I feel that people expect so much that they just never fulfill with any
Thing in life and we can't get it all that is one rule of life and sometimes people just want it from
Those trees without making any tries how confused we are in our mind that on every moment
We just demand things according to our wish in life but we never think once that we need some
Sort of sacrifice we just keep asking and make that is a way of life just our wishes cross so
Many boundaries but we never feel it in life when we move ahead we just feel one thought from
Inside that we want this and that thing this one thought becomes truth of our life we just keep
Making wishes on every point of life we need to understand that wishes are not our right but
When we make one wish and it get fulfill sometimes we feel that it is our duty to just make
Some wish in life how easily people forget to understand in life even when they know that they
Can't have money still they demand more than they manage in life we need to understand that
Where we stand in life we have enough but we just never stop looking at what others have in life
They all got it just because they work for it in life they all got it just because they cried for it
Not with just eyes they have spend to get those things their days and nights it feel so much
Shocking when we need to understand our life on every moment we feel just one thought from
Inside that things will not move ahead as per our choice things will change slowly from one
Point to another point we feel just need of things in life we have one thought that we need to
Fulfill wish in life we just feel one thing from inside that life will move ahead on every point
But our wishes will good when we work for them on days and nights we just never understand
What we feel from inside we just never able to guess any part of our life we need to move
Ahead on every point we feel just one thought from our mind that those wishes which we have
In our life are not just something which we can get by claiming in life we need to work for
Those wishes on every time we need to understand one thought on every point that our wishes
Are those things which happen in our life only when we work for them in life at first we ask
For one thing then we want next thing in life we just can't be content what we got inside life
We need to have understanding on every point we need to understand that we are not just to
Demand in life we need to move ahead with our needs on every point we need to have our
Thinking in limits inside life when we ask for one thing we feel that we can win in life but
Then when we ask for next thing then we feel we need that thing in life we just kept asking
One after another thing in life we never truly understand what we have in mind as part of life
We just keep thinking on every point that things will move ahead from one area to another area
Of life we just never understand that when we demand too much we just hurt our mind and
We just get one thing that pain for our mind when some one ask one thing after another do you
Like that one in life I just feel one thing that it doesn't look that much nice to keep asking in life
So why don't we understand that feeling from inside that we need to move ahead on every area
And every point I feel just one thought from inside then we need to keep watch on our demand
In life because when we start to demand things we just never understand hard work for them
In life we just want every thing and those who kept asking never get anything in life so never
Demand things just try to work and get things in life that is rule of our future and our life.

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