Friday, September 19, 2014

Poem 1695. This game

                                                                  This game
One thing we speak by our lips but another thing is kept in our heart and thinking this is one game
Which we play every day and we never able to guess one thing that is result of this game on every
Point when our lips began to cheat our mind we just feel one thought from inside that our lips will
Confuse our mind on those moment when we just can't say thoughts of our life what we say from
Our thoughts and our mind is something always hidden inside we just can't say it because on some
Point we all are pretending to be some one which we are never in life those moments which are
Taking us ahead in life will just manage to confuse our thoughts and mind we will never understand
What we feel from inside but somewhere in heart we know it very well in our mind that caged
Birds of our thought will feed on our mind which tell us again and again that we are not truthful
Inside life we need to show our world that what we are from inside but our lips are so scared that
World will reject our thoughts or what is happening is not happening as per our choice those moment
And all those points which we live in life seem to have created impact on our mind we just never
Understand on any moment of life that our lips are not moving ahead as per our thinking and our
Mind which will make our life perfect and alive we want to move ahead on every point since we
Need one game which tell us how did we suppose to move ahead in life those steps which we take
With our thoughts and mind seem like something which we feel we are forming with our mind
But somewhere with our lips we are moving ahead in life to that part of mind which will never
Manage to touch us on any point we just keep thinking one thought from inside that our lips just
Needed to stop on some points but do we really need to stop them in life if our heart tell us that
We need some positive side then our lips must tell what they want in life but we can't do it because
Then people will not accept us as our wishes sometimes seem so wrong to them on every point
But when we say things just to please others in life and when we hide what we feel from inside then
We are confusing every part of our life we feel just one thought which is hidden inside mind that
Our lips can never tell us future in life we just never understand what is our thoughts on any point
Our lips may lie but can we lie to our heart so what is use of this game in life but still we just keep
Playing this game on every point we never understand that we are doing nothing but just managing
To confuse our thoughts and mind we never able to guess what we feel from inside every thought
Which we have will look so confused on every point those thinking which touch us at every angle
Of our life seem like something which we never understand on any point our thoughts are nothing
But just confused version of our life when different things comes out of our lips we just never
Understand what is inside our mind on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that
Our lips are helping us but when we use them in wrong way they began to destroy our life and
We just never able to say what we have in our mind because sometimes we are so scare to express
Our true feeling in life we say that we are scared because others will laugh on us but truth is totally
Different from inside we are just scared that when our dream will shattered what will we do in life
Our negative thought just manage to capture so important part of life that we just feel so confused
On every point our thoughts are just leading to that point where every thing which we dream just
Manage to look useless for our life just because we never tell what we want from our lips in life
Do you really feel hear no is so sad that you decide that you will never try in life then you are
Totally wrong because no can be adjusted after some time but never asking will mean that you have
Just never tried when you try for one thing you learn many steps in life it will help you in many
Areas of life winner is not important but trying is precious in life we just say it but our lips never
Dare to do it in life that is what we call ego which we all have inside we never move ahead first
Because we never want to hear rejection even if that rejection will make matter better than waiting
Inside life because just keeping one hope will never solve problem of life sometimes we can get
That hope but we are so scared that we just decide that it is not worth trying on that moment
We just feel one thought on every point that lips are not telling things from heart and that game is
Proper and wise but it never help us but still we all play it on every time and we never accept
Our rejection with grace in life because sometimes people have reason and rejection are not just
Because you are some thing inferior in life sometimes people need something totally different
While you are totally different in life that one who want to sweet can't eat chilly how much tasty
You make them in life we need to understand we have to find something which we need from
Inside of mind so let your lips tell truth to world and then let world decide if world can give you
That thing in life never stop yourself because you have failed in life because failure is so common
Like some stream which flow in every rainy season in our life and you can get over it if you decide.

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