Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Poem 1701. Mistakes in world

                                                     Mistakes in  world
On every point I thought I have understood this world on every point I feel I have made
Many mistakes to understand this world on every point it feel that we are standing on some
Wrong point inside this world we need it's beauty and look of that world on every area of
Life we just feel one thing inside world that we know so well this world that we just move
Ahead with assumption that we know very well this world when we see different sort of
Concepts inside world which will have effect on every part of world I feel just one thing
From my mind that I will like so much my world on every point I just set some assumption
And then assume how did I suppose to move ahead in world on every point I feel just one
Thought of this world that when I know it so well then I can move ahead in this world but
When I act in some way while assuming that I have made right guesses inside world then
On every moment I just feel that I need to move ahead in this world when I will move ahead
I just assume that I know many sections of world on every moment I assume next step
Just based on past steps which I have seen inside world when I see just ahead I just never
Thought one thing from my heart that I can understand world's every part I feel one thought
From inside that I can move ahead as per my choice on every point I feel just one thing
From my mind that I know limited things inside life I feel one thought on every point that
Those things which touch me and my mind will have impact on me inside my life but there
Is just one question on every point that this world is not going ahead as I thought from inside
World is moving in different way that what I feel from inside but I have just that way which
I felt right and that is something which will lead to confusions in life we just move ahead
From time to time and things got confused on every point when world will move ahead then
We feel one thought from inside that things are not moving that way as we feel from inside
When things are moving ahead I just have feeling from inside that I want whole world to
Move from point to point but we all assume that we will understand it on some point but
That never happen and we just assume wrong thing in life and that's why we make some
Mistakes inside life we just keep thinking that we know this whole world on every time and
We just assume one thing that we are moving in perfect way of life we never understand
What we feel from inside we just keep assuming that we know every part of life but that is
Not our confidence we assume this just because we want to move ahead in life we assume
This just because we feel we can win this way inside life we just feel one thought on every
Moment and point we just keep assuming things are not moving ahead as per our choice
When we move ahead in this world we feel our world need to move ahead on every point
Just as per our choice we just never understand that world need proper way to move ahead
In life we feel just one thinking from inside that this whole big world will give success to
Our future and life but only when we walk in world after assuming we know this world in life
We need to understand world is that part which look great on every point but when world
Will move ahead then I have just one thinking from inside that I don't understand many
Concepts of this world on many points I just feel that world is so great on every angle of life
When we move ahead we just assume things on every point we feel one thing that this world
Is set in such a way that it will look good on every time when we decide to see that this world
Truly from inside of mind we just assume one thing from inside that world is having so many
Different things inside life then when we feel one thing from inside that world will have that
Sort of different thoughts inside I feel one thought on every point that world will differ
When we start thinking in different way in life I feel world can have some proper thoughts
In life but when we feel one thing from inside world will change on every point in life so
Then I have one thought on every angle of life world will not look same if only I understood
World in better way in life because then I feel that world is not easily understood because
God have made it in hard way in life but when we move ahead we feel one thought on
Each and every point because world will never wished to be simple in life it is just that
Interesting puzzle on every time on which we need to spend many days and many times in life.

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