Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Poem 1678. Do we need it in life?

                                                            Do we need it in life?
How sometimes dream turns into reality of life but how sometimes we just feel that it is
Truth of life we all know from heart that it is not truth on any time but still we just feel
One thing that it may turn into truth inside life when we have one dream it will have different
Directions and different sides sometimes they are real and sometimes they are just false hope
Of life we just have to ask our heart honesty to know the truth inside because our heart always
Know one thing what is real and what is just false hope of life we just keep those dreams
With one hope alive they will take away our troubles from life we just think one thought from
Inside that dreams are not something which will real but they are just false hope of sunshine
When we have some dream from heart we want it to be real in life  when that dream is false
But still we need some dream to save ourselves from negative thoughts we just feel we must
Assume it until true dream doesn't appear in life those dream which we keep in our life are
Not always true sometimes they are just false shadows of our life we just keep them so that
We should not be take away with flood of our life when we move ahead on every moment
I just have one false hope from life even that false dream will turn true but then comes
Next question in life did I set that dream in proper way as I wish from my mind or I have just
Set it because I feel it will make me some great person in life but just greatness is not everything
Happiness is more important inside life those dreams which give happiness to us are turning
Into some small dream because we just included greatness on every point sometimes what seem
So great is not nice thing for life we just believe what we are shown but sometimes even those
Things are not complete truth of life when we see mistake on every point by assuming that
Those things are good just for our profit and with hope of big gain it is wrong way of life when
We move ahead on every point we just feel one thought that our thinking is not helping us that
Much in life because just to show others that we are great we just try to grab big things inside
Our life when we need some simple dream we just assume bigger dream in life with just one hope
That to show the world we are good and right on every point those dreams which we really need
Are nothing big but just small things in life we need good health and enough money and work that
We love are basic needs of life but to get something bigger with just one hope that we will show
This world that we are how great in life we just assume some dreams which will touch our thoughts
And our mind but they are neither true nor correct for our life when we move ahead we just feel
That we can win whenever we like but not if we assume some nonsense which touch our mind
When we dream we must understand that our life is not about to show off every one how good
We are and how great are our every factor of life we just need those simple smiles which tell us
That they are with us when we are down or up inside life we need just one hope that one day
We will win inside life after all those dreams should include that one hope in life we never need
Some thing which are like crown because they are not going to give that hope in life because
If one king have that hope that hope will also visits smallest house of town in life that hope which
Tell us that some one is with us doesn't care which kind of house is before inside life that hope
Which will show visit each house with same interest in life I just assume one thing that on every
Point I want hope to look good but still sometimes some great dream will carried away me in
My future and life when I will move ahead I thought one thing from inside that dreams are
Those thoughts which are easily able to capture our mind when we want to prove the world
That we are great and some precious treasure in life I just feel that this ambition is good but
We must set it too strong in life because then we just ignore small pleasures in life those pleasure
Which we use to cherish as small kid even eating ice candy can be as pleasant or more pleasant
Than car which is too big for us to drive we are those driver who want just bigger car even when
We don't have that much bigger road around our house inside our simple life why should we
Just dream of something which we never have much interest from inside I just feel that person
Who loves car can dream for bigger car if that one can drive but those people who doesn't know
Driving must not dream just because they want show off in life because those dreams are just
Burden on our life just carrying some one else's dream will never help us that much inside life
We can select some dreams which is bigger but we must think twice that do we need it in life?

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