Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Poem 1668. Need of water in life

                                                              Need of water in life
On every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from inside that people just never
Understand each other on many points they just keep discussing same thing by different ways
Of life some says and feel that they like water some like stream and some like ice but problems
Enter in life when some people began to like fire inside life since fire is good but not for water
Inside life water is something which is needed on many points but fire also never leave behind
In life because sometimes water turns in that form which will manage to harm us on every
Point and then we need fire to get heat in life but just because fire manage to protect from us
From cold and keep us healthy on many times but does that mean we can put our face in fire
Instead of water on any time but some people just never seem to understand thing on many
Points it is so funny part of life that sometimes people feel convince that they can skip water
But fire is more important in life I know that we must value fire but ignoring water seem so
Wrong on every point some wants stream then we can get water in form of rain one day in life
Some like ice it will melt on some time but those who like just fire are so different inside life
We just never know how to handle those people on any point because those people are having
So unique thought about life water and fire are two types we all know that we need both in life
But fire is always more risky on every point it can hurt us on every point of life we need to
Use it with care on every point if we let them burn us and hurt us on every point then how can
We move ahead in life if we just play with fire in wrong way in life that fire will lead to different
Things on every point which can harm us on many point while water seem so much safe when
It enter in limited quantity inside life water just help us on every point but fire can harm on
Every point even small part of fire can do bigger harm on many points in life fire have that power
To harm us in life but we just can't manage to ignore that fire on every point we feel that this
Fire can harm us inside life in such a way that we never forget that fire on any point that fire
Which touch us on many point is not that easy to handle in life but still some people just fall in
Love with fire and want it as need in life I just feel one thing from my mind that I can't say
No to those people on every point because fire is also need on every point inside our life we just
Can't live inside life without that fire but that doesn't mean that without training we can let it
Rule our mind fire is risky thing for life but people just never understand in life that fire is always
Greatest help for our life on every point it can destroy our thinking and our mind but then when
I think in details about that fire on every point then I feel that those people are not that much
Wrong in life but they need to understand one thing in life that fire will harm us on every point
Because those fire will harm us on every angle of life if we don't use them in proper way in life
On every point that fire seem to harm you on every point inside our life we feel just one thing
From that those fire which are needed inside life we feel just one thing from inside that those
Fire should not burn us on any moment and on any point if we use them properly in life we can
Win on every point if only we can ignore those bad effect on some point of our life we just feel
One thing from inside that fire is that power which can take us ahead on every point inside life
That fire will not hurt us so much on any angle of life if we use it in limit in life but those people
Who are suggesting that it should rule our life it seem so wrong to even keep it inside our house
On any point some times too much use will harm us so much that we feel we must not let it
Harm us on any point we feel that fire is that heat which will manage to harm us on every point
Fire is needed but I prefer water should rule us on every point that need of water which we need
Inside our life to remain alive seem so important on every point inside life because water is that
Thing which can finish that thirst from inside which is part of our life on every point inside life
We need to drink water just to finish that thirst because it is worst thing of life sometimes we
Even manage to live in cold without fire with proper clothes but water have still found so other
Options in life water is required on every point in life to keep us breathing and alive those things
Which are touching our life needed every time that water so how can some one says that fire is
Needed instead of water but still it happen some times inside our life we feel just one thought from
Our thinking and our mind that fire is not enough to give us strength on every time we need just
One thing that is water which is important to fulfill our thirst on every point we need water as
A source of life but some people just never understand it in life when we have such people then
We are in biggest problem of life but still we have to fight this on one point or another point of life
So never feel helpless when this happen in your life because one day water will surely rule your life
Because water have power to convince it's need over fire on every time in life we can just
Keep quiet and let water do it's job in life because fire will not help people after some time in life.

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