Thursday, October 31, 2013

Poem 1141. My thoughts and ambitions

                                          My thoughts and ambitions
How easily we win inside our life only if we understand situations of our life because
Inside our life from time to time we feel that we are going away from thoughts which are
Given to our mind after all inside our life from time to time we just feel one thing that
We have to understand for our life what other person's doing with our life because
When other person starts to push us on some point we began to think that we need to prove
That we must need to prove that person we are right so wrong is that thought inside
Our mind that from time to time we just feel one thing that we must waste our time in
Convincing someone that truth of life which we don't like at all inside our future or
Our life so from one point to another point inside our life we just feel that we know
All the truth of our life because those truths are something which will affect our mind
And from time to time we just feel one thing inside our life that we will never rise our
Sound or rise our voice for some thing like that in our entire life so from one moment
We must understand our thoughts inside our life that we should not waste life just in
Explaining some one that this person is wrong and we are right because it will create
Problems inside our life and from time to time we just feel one thing inside our life that
Our problem will not get solved until we began to learn proper things inside our life
But when we start teaching other lessons inside their life slowly we began to lose touch
With our own education inside life but from one moment to another moment inside life
I just feel one thing that instead of teaching other we need to more teach our selves in life
Because our teaching will not take us ahead on any type of point and our teaching will
Never help us unless we are fully learned inside our life so from point to point inside
Our future and our life do you really think just teaching other people will help us in life
No my dear friends I don't think this way inside my life because from point to point
I just understood one thing inside our life that we can't win success inside our life and
We can't win profits which will not really matter for our future and for our life so on
This spot I just found one thing inside my life instead of teaching others I am began to
Learn once again those lessons of my life and out of those lessons first one is that we
Must learn to listen and not to speak sometimes so if we began to lose them what will
We do inside our future and our life because from time to time inside our life I just feel
One thing I wasted so much time in telling other person what I thought about my life
That I began to think from one point inside my life that I am spending too much time
In telling other truth and right so maybe on some point I just have to think about going
Ahead in my future and inside my life I must learn to ignore them who are going wrong
Way inside their life because let them go as they wish but we must not let other people
Think that we are on wrong track inside our life so from time to time inside my life
I just feel one thing that I wanted to all alone after one thought of learning sometimes
In life so maybe this is some spot when I just keep my ear open and mouth shut for
Some time but sadly neither my eyes nor my ears seem to shut fully inside life so from
Time to time inside our life we need to find someone who will listen to us and that is
Our wrong thinking and our wrong point so inside our life on each and every point
I just wish that I must learn more if I want to win my future in my life maybe I should
Forget what will happen to other world inside my life after some point only then I can
Learn about life because when I start telling others then I will just lose inside our life
Because when we learn in our life we feel in strange way that we have lost many fights
But if we try to win them maybe our time will not permit us about it inside our future and
Inside our life so what ever may happen around me on that point I just feel I need to
Concentrate and need to learn how to go ahead with my thought and ambition inside my life
But now I also need to understand one thing inside my life that I must let go what others do
Because if I doesn't do it now then I can easily manage to harm my thoughts and ambition of life.

Poem 1140. Destroying

How nice seems those words and how interesting are those lines until people
Start using them to abuse each other in life how hard we have worked to learn
Those words when we are child but have we ever thought of those days before
Using them as abuse inside our life because if we remember them then we can
Understand this time to time that how did we work hard on that time to learn those
Words inside our life and how hard was it to speak those words from our lips on
That age and on that time so if we feel that it will help us inside our life I just feel
One thing inside my life that from time to time we just forget how hard it was to
Understand those words inside our life and how precious they were to us on that
Moment of life how much happy was that child when that one spoke word in life
I just feel how much innocent was that child's smile but as days went ahead then
We feel just one thing inside our life from time to time I just feel one thing inside
Our life those words are something so perfect and nice that when they come out
Small child will began to speak those words softly in our life those words are
Something so nice which of those words spoken sweetly inside our future and our life
So from time to time inside my life I just wish to remember those soft words which
Are spoken by those child's how nice they seem from time to time inside our life
So from that small child's face I feel that those expressions which are so nice that
I feel those words are something so pure at their sight they just can't be spoken
Softly inside our future and our life because even those words have softness inside
And those words are something which are so nice from every angle inside our life
Because those words are something soft from our mouth and they are so nice
But then why someone grow up they become so harsh for our life because those
Words which are spoken to me as small child are so important for me now a days
In life because when they grow up those innocent suddenly vanishes from our sight
Those words no longer give that respect which I deserve every day of my life so
I just think one thing from inside my mind why don't I understand that people will
Always change with life sometimes their words changes with time and sometimes
I feel that they are something so bitter that I prefer than them something inside life
Which is nothing but softness of that mind but when human grow up first they forget
That once upon time they are also child and once upon a time they also use to need
That help which given to them by one woman who is called their mother in life and
When they grow up I just wish they understand that when they tell some woman
That they are forgiving her just because she is woman in life or when they tell woman
That she don't have power and strength inside life they must understand that maybe
They can force that woman to bow but before god they are still a small child and
When something goes wrong and they will need that help inside their life but this time
It will not be from woman instead of it this time it will from god inside life just wait
For some moment and watch the show of life if you don't respect a person who help
You at that moment maybe god will not harm you on that point but just believe me
God is great and things will improve from time to time because when a human took
Revenge mostly that person goes wrong way in life but when god took revenge then
God will understand any logic of your mankind god will not question you and nor
Ask answers from you on every day of life god will just punish you inside your life
And those punishment which are given by god are not something so easy in life and
God will not except your excuse on that time god will not help every person in life
But god is good at taking revenge from each and every point how sad it feels when
God decides to take revenge from every side but still when someone hurt us then
Our heart ask for revenge time to time so sometimes we ask god to help someone
On other time we want revenge from same person in life but question is that did god
Listen to us sometimes I think god does just a god like god loves to game of cat and
Mouse before destroying some one in life it is a chance to improve for person like us
But for some person it's just game and cat and mouse destination finally is destroying.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Poem 1139. Destination

So I want to win one day I have decided in my life so I started like you to search for
Some proper and winning side when I went ahead I watch carefully each and every point
And then I looked at those sides which are so nice but then when I started choosing
I got so confuse on every point because winning don't seem like that perfect formula
Which is easy to keep it in side of my mind it seems like maths to me because I am not that
Good in maths in my life but still I got fully marks in it when I study properly inside life
Something are so easy to you that you don't need to study that much in that subject in life
But in some points we are weak so we need to study more in life but just because we don't
Get it that easily doesn't mean we can't get it inside our life because from time to time
I just feel one thing that is I need to understand my feeling about my skills and not just
Feeling sometimes truth about many things in life so I have started from one point and
Then went to another point and while doing all this my heart don't touch me in my life
I just feel one thing from my thought those winning is not that easy for life because every one
Want just to win losing never seem like any one's choice inside life I start on one day
In my life and then landed on wrong spot inside my life so from one point I understood
One thing that I can't win by just repeating again and again same thing inside my life
Because from one point I thought that it is like multiplication tables which will win from
Many occasions and many sides inside life so how hard may you try in life but winning
Never have formula in life winning will change from person to person inside our future
On each and every time so inside my life I just feel one thing that I don't need help in
My future of those maths formula from time to time because I was told so many times
That I need maths that slowly I thought maybe I just don't get anything until I know that
Proper maths I use to think that life must have some formula inside and to win in life
But be some formula of time they every time told that maths needed to reach to sky
And if I don't understand I can't have anything in life so I began to learn it and I got it
Alright even I able to get top marks but one thing never happen that I began to like it
I just use to think every one have thinking like mine they just try hard and win by learning
Maths so I spend hours after hours inside my life and then after some days I found
Maths is always so hard I began to look at other subjects as relief of every sort and
Suddenly maths become so boring for my heart slowly I forgot success and just went to
What things I like inside my life so from point to point I just feel one thing inside life
That maths is not that easy sort of part of my life whenever I think of maths I thought
It must be same to all and then literature took biggest part of my heart if began to enchant me
And I really loved it so time to time I just began to enjoy it but then I understood one thing
Only maths is not winning form people can also choose other sides if they wanted them
From heart so I choose different way and inside my life and from one point to another point
I just never understand what is beauty of maths until I saw my little angel nephew start
To write he was doing maths with so concentration in life that it feel like as if it is some
Art or poem inside he was so involved in it that he forgot his cartoons and it's time and
He was even not ready to go to play until he complete it on time that boy who don't
Want to miss any fun was writing it with full mind as if he had fall in love with that problem
Which was as well as crisis in my eyes so from one point inside my life I just feel one thing
That my thoughts are not right I just feel from heart on time to time inside our future
As well as our life maths is not that bad for our life so from that day I understood one thing
In life god have given us different skill but they have same effects on us from time to time
When we start walking from one way which take us to one destination inside life and
Other person took different way but reaches to same place inside life so what route
We take will not change our thinking inside our life and what we feel is something so nice
That we feel that our route is everything in life so everyone have their own route which
Should take them on their destination which is so bright inside our life so from point to point
I just feel one thing that if our destination is happiness then why roads matter so much in life.

Poem 1138. Just our heart

                                                    Just our heart
Even when I saw someone crying last night I accept that person to be smiling next
Morning and happy next time so from one point I start to think one thing inside my life
That when someone cry inside my life I expect that one to smile on next moment inside life
Because in my life when people began to cry I expect them to forget it and go ahead
With their life so don't you think that I must expect same thing from my mind so from
Time to time I just feel one thing inside my mind that how sad it feel when people began
To crying and how disgusting it seems when I feel sad about things in my brain and mind
So from time to time inside our life I just feel one thing from our mind that when someone
Else began to cry on wrong time like when we are planning some nice picnic outside or
Something nice have rise inside my thought and my mind I just feel that this person should
Stop crying on that moment inside my life so from time to time I just feel one thing inside
My life that when happiness is near that man why did this person want to touch just sorrows
Of life and problems inside mind will vanish from time to time inside our life just because
Our sorrows meet us from time to time I feel that this person must understand it inside life
This person is someone who can't understand that happiness is something so precious
For our life from time to time I just feel one thing inside my life if only this person would
Forget those sorrows and began to give smile how happily I can able to live my life so
From one point to another point I just feel one thing about life that can I get smile from
Each and every point only if this person understand thoughts of my mind so from time
To time inside my life I just feel one thing that I can will if that person will not cry on my
Happy and pleasant moment of my life because that person will just think of those sorrows
But I don't want to store those sorrows inside my life because sorrows are something
Which seem stuck with that person so they even come with us inside our happy moments
And inside my life on that point I just think how selfish that person in mind that this person
Just think about own sorrows and don't give chance to happiness which should enter in life
I feel only if this person understand happiness is so important to me on that point after all
In my daily life I just want to store those joys but this person don't smile and my vacation
Gets spoil so in this case I feel so sure that I am right and that one is wrong from every side
So on each and every point just think one way inside life that we should keep happiness
Intact in life but then when that person start keeping those sorrows how upset I feel from heart
But then after some days something wrong happen in world it was not that big but it really
Touch my heart I was so hurt that I don't want to enjoy any part so on that I have suppose
To go on picture that day and everything was ready just as wished from inside of my heart
That we should not go and just where we are when I saw them all getting ready I just
Thought one thing from my heart that those people are not nice because they are just
Smiling and getting ready to enjoy their happiness and their heart they just don't feel or
Understand emotions of my heart because they are the one who can't understand my thinking
And my pains from my heart so on each and every moment I just thought one thing from
My brain and my heart I just thought that I need to find someone who care more for me
Inside my world and heart so when I feel hurt suddenly I seem to forgot every thing
That I thought when someone was hurt in heart and on that moment happiness was so
Important and valuable part because on that moment happiness will give me so much joy
That I want other person to forget pain in their heart and when thing turn other way
I seem to have sudden change of thinking and heart because inside my life on each part
I just thought one thing from my heart that I can enjoy every part of life and never think
About what is wish of another person and what is inside their heart how much interesting
It may seem to my thoughts and to my heart because after few days in world I just wish
One thing from heart that I want every one to think just about my happiness and my heart
How unknowingly in this world we make such mistake in many parts we just feel one thing
That we  want people  to understand our feeling and we don't understand their hearts
So inside our life on every spot we just think one thing from heart that as days went ahead
I just wish one thing that I must have to become mature enough to understand others heart
Because these people are those person who stays with me on every day with their own
Thoughts and feeling and their heart but now a days it seems so nature to care just about
Our own feelings as well as just our own thinking and our own happiness in our heart.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Poem 1137. Life's next corner

                                                  Life's next corner
How interesting is this turn inside my life I just never understand why did I have to
Change my side when that side of winner began to lose in life I spend all my days
As well as night just in effort to see one day winning of that side I try to convince all
And feel sad every time because that person whom I want to win is not at all winning
In our life that person is something what I never dreamed in life that concept was
Something I never thought in life but question is that should I thank god on every day
Of life that god just open eyes on perfect time or should I get angry on god because
I am on once again on loser side but good sides always seem to look weak and soft
Inside my life but then I just thought maybe I should learn to take those sides which
Are good but not expect them to win inside my life then from point to point I just
Feel in life that I am thinking too much about those small things in life after all if I trust
And love my god then why ever I think that god will cheat inside life from any side
So inside my life from each and every point I just feel one thing that I will not bow
Before anything except my god inside my life but then I remember many times when
I force to before many people in life and suddenly life become so hard task for mind
How proudly we say that we will not quit in life and how quickly we quit from time to time
Inside our life because god may help me sometimes but god will not come to me from
Any angle in life because on that every angle we feel inside life that I am something
Which is not right from any side so maybe my mistake of past in choosing wrong side
Seem to follow me from time to time why did I ever get convince that person is right
After all many books told me many logic in their life from one point I start from
One point then turn to other point I just feel one thing that I stood alone every time
People may come and help us to decide what is good and perfect for our life but
Question is that we need to take side and that is just our decision of our future and
Our entire life so from point to point inside our life we just feel that we are all alone
In life I know one thing surely that I will not win every time in life but taking decision
When we know we will lose seem like tough decision for our life so I have just one question
What is wrong and what is right how can some one win so suddenly inside our life but
Then it seems in world evil have many powers which good one don't possess in life
But I just hope that one day evil one will lose and good one will have enough strength
Inside our life because from one point we start and then we go to other point and
How helpless we feel in entire life because when we took some side we think that
One will win because it wins every time but it seems in the world evil have some super
Power inside their life and inside their mind so from one point we start and then we go
To totally different point we just feel one thing we will lose everything inside our life
But if only I keep my brain cool at that time then I will understand that I have to change
My side because that person was too evil in life so from time to time I just feel one thing
Inside life that I can never win at all in our life I just feel that how easily I can win in life
And how easily I can just began to understand what are problem in life which may take
Other people years to understand in life after all we are doing something so interesting
In our future and our life I started with one thought and never return to that thought
In my life because that thing have turn in something so wrong that it began to scare me
In my life how sad it may feel but truth is that we will always win one day inside life
And good will be not that strong like that false statement inside life from time to time
I just feel one thing inside my life that I will never win and I will never tell anyone
Because good don't seem to have much chances inside life how sad it feel when
We know we are going to lose in life but most sad thing is that we are no longer we
Because our friends are not with us in this angle maybe them will wake up and may be
They will not feel it ever but I feel just one thing god will never forgive what is wrong
And what is evil for us so let's leave it to god to decide what he want to do on our life's
Precious as well as lovely type of world next corner inside our future and our world.

Poem 1136. Just I

                                                          Just I
How can someone console us from time to time I just feel that I am so hurt in mind
How can I console my brain when it began to press alarm again and again inside life and
How can we ignore it from time to time inside our life because when those alarm ring
I feel so scared in my life but then someone ask me how did I feel those alarm in life
I just can't answer that things in life when you look around your self inside your life so
From your point I just feel one thing inside our life that we must understand that
Our alarm also harm us sometimes in our life because from one point I start and I will
Move to another point which will have that alarm inside my mind but then some one
Told me instead of helping that alarm is trying to harm us inside our life from every point
I just feel that I have to ignore that alarm because if I try to take some precaution then
That alarm will harm me inside my future and my life because that alarm was ringing
From time to time inside my mind that alarm was forcing me to take risk in my life but
Instead of using it may be I should stop that alarm from each and every side inside life
So from our mind I feel one thing that we may not win in our life but still I feel one thing
Inside my life that when alarm will ring I will understand problems in life because those
Problems are something which are going to destroy my thinking inside my life and
I just think in one way inside my life that maybe after today I just need to write more
About I than we in life but then I think that maybe I am not strong but that don't make me
Loser in life so from time to time I just feel that one thing is changed in my life instead of
We maybe I need to introduce I in my life but don't worry my friends you are still part
Of my mind because you have never left me or my side but in our friendship we never
Need to say one thing that is we in life because in I we have both inside but those people
Who use to come with us in our life are no more with us so we need to use more me in life
Because we are no more large in number and we are less strong in life but does it make us
So helpless that we need to change our path and change our line how can I forget those
Thoughts which use to help us inside our life which change us from we into I for our life
Those people who come and goes away are never any part of our life and from time to time
I just feel one thing in life that may be I will lose my fight but still we are together inside
But those who left us in just few moment of hard time were never stood with us in any point
They are just guest who went away to their home sometimes and give us sorrows by
Insulting us while we serve food which we have made from efforts inside our life so
From time to time when I attend my such guest I feel that you are on my side but I know
That my dear friend your anger can destroy many things in life so you will not come
In my life to help me every time I know you are god still I feel you by my side because
You are the one who first come from mountain and start destroying every thing in sight
I just want to tell I need you on my side but it is just to keep me safe I don't want that
Punishment to other people in life so now I just learn to one thing in life that I am only I
No longer we inside my life but that will not stop me in fact it will increase my power inside
I will just learn one thing that I will never want to take wrong side because when some one
Hit you then you wish to hit back that person in your life and you will feel those pains
Which are always part of my life you can also know how much I want to hit back inside life
How interesting is this world that they expect you to come always for them inside life but
When question will come of helping me no one is stood there in life but it will not hurt me
Because from now on I have decided one thing in life that I will never say we and I will
Just stood on side when you suffer pains in life I don't call pain for them but I am sure
That one day they will have to pain for their mistake in life because cheater can never win
Inside this world or your or in my life so let's began to call I from now on inside my life
And if you are with me then just remember one thing in life that we can never become we
Once we become I in our life because I mean together in everything and not expecting
Just happiness and joy of my life so let's began to live as I inside our life and let's forget that
Term we which was used just for convenience not to separate us from each other in life.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Poem 1135. Our fights

                                                        Our fights
After all in life on each point I just feel one thing from my life I never manage to win
And never manage to lose inside my life because from time to time I just feel one thing
I can't just guess what will happen next inside my life how interesting is our future and
Those thoughts which are so perfect for our future and mind but after sometime I began
To understand in life that I can't win how much may I try to win inside my life because
Sometimes winning is not one person's job we need many to win inside our future and
In our life after all winning is something so precious for life that I feel I will lose because
People will not support me inside my future and inside my life since people are those
Who do just as they wish in their life how can we able to change their thoughts in life
So I know that I can't win in life because I just think that I will win only when I can
Get that positive kind of light but then suddenly I thought maybe I can win from if
Life will change in form and it's light so maybe I am taking things in bad way from time
To time inside my life so from one side I start my life and on other side I feel that these
Are just something which harass us from time to time because inside our life I just have
One thing from our mind that nothing is big until we consider it as a big problem inside life
So from time to time I just feel one thing from my mind that we are on wrong track of life
Because life will change it's color from time to time and just because something happen
In life which we dislike it will not affect our thinking and our mind from time to time
In our life when something we hate began to belong you inside your life then you will feel
Like some loser who can never win inside my life but some times even when we know
That we will lose by doing something in life we just decide that we don't want those people
Inside our life because some people are like that insects which will destroy us bite by bite
So inside our life from time to time I just feel one thing that I have to hit back them in life
But then I think it is so wrong to call any one insects in life so instead of calling them
I just like to ignore them in our life because just for some days and for some time
I just feel that I have lost every thing which was good and nice because as days went
Ahead I found one thing about life I feel so upset when I just lose many things which are
Precious for peace of my mind but still somewhere inside my heart I feel from time to time
Even if I lose one day I will learn to fight against all those things which will be in my life
Showed me sign of injustice inside life but then sometimes I feel so scared and think
How can I deal with it if that injustice will become part of my world but then I think about
This world I just feel one thing that I need to understand this world people who are moving
Around me without much thought about tomorrow and about that thinking but I just feel
From my heart one thing they are not scared because they have quit habit of too much thinking
Because sometimes we win and sometimes lose it is what our life's true rule so we think
On many moments as a human being what will happen to us if we lose everything but
When we lose it nothing wrong will happen every time in life we can always adjust with
New things which are so perfect for human being but when we know that new challenges
Are worst we feel that we will suffer so much but when I see those people who move around
Me and in my life they never look tense even when they know crisis are arise because
Inside our life on each and every thinking we just feel that we are losing something important
But still these people are moving so peacefully then I understood what I don't know that
They got some thing which I don't got and don't know they know from their heart that
They will win one day because they have more experience than me as a human being
They saw many crisis and suffer many of them and they knew from heart that we can survive
Each and every crisis with just little pain now it up to you if you call it big or small but still
Finally in our life we feel that these pains will surely lose before our fight and destiny because
Pains are something which just stay with us for few days and temporarily so inside our life
We just keep wrong thinking because we never have experience in section of suffering I don't
Mean to say we don't suffer in life but it's just that we suffer in different sector of our life
But whenever I saw those people living and smiling happily I just understood in my heart
That I am getting tense without cause because there will be always one end of all suffering
And it will be happy because by then every one understood that they have invited devil in home
So every one will be so happy to finally invite human and end those all type of suffering so
Never get tense when you feel that you are losing against some one because your fight have
Not yet began fully and it will only help us from each and every point to understand thinking.

Poem 1134. Servants of god

                                                     Servants of god
It feels so nice when someone understand us inside our life but I have just one question
In my life when I have so much friends inside my world why still I fear so much scared when
Ever I see enemy that enter inside my world from time to time I just think one thing that
Why did we need someone to understand those thoughts about world and how interesting
It will be feel every time cheated by god inside world why when people understand me
After some time in my world I feel so scared about each and every thing inside my world
How interesting is our life that take us far away from our motives and our world and how
Confuse we feel just because sometimes our thoughts are mixed inside our world so from
Point to point I feel in my world even when god is with me still I feel those failures because
I just want god to do things inside my world I just keep faith on god and not on skills which
Are gifted by god inside my world I just think one thing god will come down or may from
Sky god should do justice inside world but I never thought that if I try to deal with things
Properly in world maybe one day god will understand my thoughts which are not right
But perfect for my world even after understanding those thoughts sometimes god just
Don't want to throw light on them inside my world because those thoughts are something
For which we suppose to fight and god have already gifted us with those skills inside life
But then day after day inside my world I just never value them and start to running to god
On each and every day of our world sometimes in life people just confuse us and then
We began to think our skills are nothing they are just god's gifts so most important is
Our god so we just start to running to god with each and every problem inside our world
I know god is important but so are our skill after all they are god's gift and god want us
To use them proper how can we say we think god is important if we insult his gifts
If god have given us them to use we must learn proper way to use it I know god is great
But that don't mean our skills are nothing because they are also given us by god with
Intention to properly use them on each and every thing so inside our life on each and
Every spot I just feel that one thing inside my life that my skills are part of god in my life
When god have gifted them to me inside my life god must have thought that I will value them
From time to time inside my future and we use them in our life but instead of that we just
Feel that those skills are something not that important to life and if we just run to god
On each time we give god greatness inside life just tell me one thing if you got one
Servant who have skills in hand all time but instead of using them that servant came to you
Each time and tell that you are so great and perfect in every thing of life will you feel happiness
Inside our future and our life if our servant began to tell us we must do all our work because
We are so perfect in each and every thing in life don't you think we act same way with god
Inside our life we are those servants of god who just always tell god that god is so perfect
So god must do each and everything inside life because we feel that we can't able to do
Anything nice inside our future and in life as days went ahead in our life we feel just
One thing on every time that when we try to do something then things don't turn as we like
Because things may turn in many ways in life but one thing is so clear that we can't feel
Happiness until we find how to use our skill in our life since you are just servants we can't
Run to boss with list on each and every time because boss know work perfect so we can
Just ignore that need of perfection inside life if we want it that perfect then we must try
Ourself to finish our work more perfectly in our life because we can't expect to call someone
Great and in return that one will do all work for us inside our life we must understand
True feelings of our life those feelings are something which are so perfect until we find
Someone who once again suggest us that we can run to god from time to time so sometimes
I just feel that I run to god because I am too scared to do that work because it may harm me
In life if I don't do properly results may go against the world which is loved by thinking
Inside my future and my mind so from time to time I just think one thing about my life that
I need to find someone who will understand my skill and encourage me from time to time
I use to search for such person and got some person in my life but then someone told me
That my encouragement will be when my mirror began to encourage me from time to time
Because this is my life and I need to look at these things from each and every positive angle in life.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Poem 1133. Written on paper

                                                     Written on paper
So from time to time I just feel one thing in my mind how much I love it when with
People I began to admire art in life instead of struggling on other issues which are not
Liked much by me and by my heart some people say you can't ignore important things
In world but I have just one question how can you decide what is important in this world
Because many times in life I just feel one thing about our future from views of our life
That we are on wrong side of life how can every thing which is stressful can always
Become part of life why did we want to tell whole world the future will be predicted
Inside our life and how can some people who say that we must listen to world because
It is about reality starts predicting future from time to time because whenever I see
Those realities which are written in our life mostly I feel that after some moments people
Started predicting many things inside their life because when I began to read something
Just after few minutes in life I just feel that they are also selling fantasies at same time
For some they are good and for some they are bad in life whatever may happen but
Why did they have to predict future inside our life because I want to breath happily
At least for sometime and when they say that they know the truth I feel that they know
Future from each and every side inside life because these people just never understand
What is meaning of sunrise they just feel it from inside of our mind that we must understand
That let future come in it's own way instead of just coming from mouth of us each and
Every time that we began to feel every day in life we must understand that we want
People to think that did they know that much about life only one thing that can understand
Our thoughts only one person who can understand our want that one power is god so
Why did in life on each and every time we just feel that we are on one side of our life
And we know so perfectly our life then why don't we become god of this life but if
You want truth then we are so lucky that you are not god in life because if you become
Some power like god I feel my life will something horrible for our life so from time to time
I just feel one thing inside mind that we are nothing useful but just some people who never
Understand what we really think in our future and inside our life on days and nights
Is really our future from any side because if it is a future then I just feel one thing inside
My life I like it to be my future that any thing else inside my life so from time to time
I just feel one thing inside my life that I just never trust what others say but still it began
To upset me after some time because I just began to believe in sorrows instead of happiness
Inside our future and inside our life we just feel one thing that we need some one to tell
Those people that they can't predict our life whenever we walk we always see one big line
Of those people who just feel that they are those people who predict perfectly in our life
From time to time inside our life I just feel that our future changes according to things in life
Because our life is something like boat which can float on any side on any moment or time
We just saw that we are touching that shore and then just on that moment inside life
We feel that we are on totally wrong side inside our future and our life from time to time
Just in few seconds we feel that we have missed many shores inside our life because
Then those shore goes far away from our life but some times it about shore and sometimes
It's about storm inside our life whatever you call it but since you are human like me
You can't predict my future or our future because you are not god so please stop predicting
It from time to time whenever I see someone predicting my future inside my life then
I just feel same way inside my life because from each and every point I just feel in life
That one day we will win only if we keep moving in life because in this life I feel from many
Points that we are fully loser from one side to another side inside life because we always
Think one thing about our life on that paper we can write many things just destiny change
It all in just few moment in our life I feel so frustrated when I saw those papers in life because
When our days go ahead we feel that failures are sometimes invited in life and sometimes
They are just put before us from many thinking and from many sides inside our life
So whenever you read something inside life then you must understand that we need to
Wait until it began full truth inside our future as well as inside our full and whole life.

Poem 1132. My fight

                                                       My fight
On those trees I see many fruits some are so nice and some are not at all good
But one thing I felt inside from my heart that those fruits which are good are not always
That perfect for my thinking or for your heart so in this life maybe you decide to eat bad
Fruit so what will happen next in life since I can't change my destiny because I am force
To live with you this is my land but it also belong to you so I can say no but I can't force you
After all in life from time to time I just feel one thing inside me in life that may it be good
Or bad for me but since I don't have much power I have to act as you wish to do so inside
Our life we are force to do what things we don't like because you want to taste that fruit
I can neither quiet now nor convince you but when time will come you will see what
I told to you but I am just scared of one thing my friend you have destroyed everything
Without thinking of our gain maybe you think that you are so great but just tell me
One thing do you really feel we can win this way from each and every view so inside
My life on each and every day I just feel that I will have to taste what you offer to give
But then on one side I feel it from heart maybe that fruit can't be that bad because if
Everyone is trying to eat that fruits then maybe they are not that risky sort of fruits because
They are something profitable to our group so maybe you are right we need to take risk
But inside our life we think that we don't want to take risk but sometimes in our life
We just force to take some risk because risk is something so best for us and how interesting
It will be when we just can't get that fruit which are good for us and then some one tells
Bad fruit is not that bad so we must taste it if we want to go ahead in world so inside our life
On each and every point I feel so sad and confuse about choices of life will it help us
But no is answer by my mind but then suddenly new fruit began to grow on new branch
Of our life so from time to time we just think one thing inside our life that we want people
To understand that new fruit is so unknown that it can be risky for our life so now in our life
We have three choice inside our life one is to stay without fruit and adjust some time and
Other is to eat bad fruit inside our life so from time to time we just feel one thing inside life
That if you choose bad one I have to suffer inside my life so my dear friend I have to decide
Include this new fruit inside my life so from time to time I just felt one thing in life that
Just because you force me to taste that bad fruit I have decided to eat new fruit in life
Now even if that fruit have some bad side I just felt that I am not the one who can be
Blamed for it inside my life because you are the one who wanted to have success and
I don't want bad fruit inside my life so from time to time I just feel that one thing inside life
That fruits are something which are grown on trees inside our life because those fruits are
Something so new in our life that on these trees they may look nice but when I am stuck with you
Then you are stuck with me on same time so if you force me I can force you inside our life
This is so strange way to live inside our life you just try to rule me so I do every thing to
Stop you inside my life I just feel one thing it will not take us ahead inside our life so
From each and every time I just feel that we are on totally wrong side and from our life
I feel that we can feel it inside my life but fruits are something which will be on tree many times
Those fruits are perfect but not that nice but when we began to fight inside our life in our mind
Because you want one fruit and you start me to force to like it in life then on that day inside
Our life when you do that I will always fight back inside my fight even if I lose still okay
I fight because it is my thinking inside my life I have lost many wars but still I never stop my fight
Because losing war is not something new for my future and my life I just fight in my war
From time to time because when I see something wrong I just try to fight but just think
Twice before you say something because you may lose many things inside your life and
One of them is friendship with someone who was not insulting you even when you are having
Opinion against that person inside life now you can always eat all those fruits as much as
You like but I have just one question do you think that one will give you that friendship which
I have given you in life only if you have understood value of true friendship and peace on time
Any way now fight is started but that means you can no longer enjoy benefit from my side
And I will never give you what I have in my life so let's say that we are now never going to
Stood on same side even if we belong to same land because you have started this fight so
Let's say I will have god with me and you can have whatever you want with you in your life.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Adventure story 108. New friend

                                                          New friend
That day Renu and Seema were walking that day.When they saw their third friend Charu came running towards them,they both felt something wrong.Renu"What happened?""Nothing I thought we are late."Seema"But for what?"Seema was so confused.They were going to library to study and there was no fix timing for their library which could shut it so early inside their college in fact they could go at any time.It closed only on 7 p.m.It never close before that.She was about to ask question when she suddenly thought that it was something so wrong with Charu.Before she could ask something Charu started pushing them towards road.Charu"Let's go."Then all nodded and started going ahead but every one was upset now.They all were looking behind on each and every time.Renu and Seema was so nervous.They all had reading news which had horrified stories of crime.They just felt so upset.They all just started running towards library.Finally they reached there and Charu relaxed.Renu"Who was behind us?"Charu looked confused.Charu"Who?"Seema "I just feel one thing that on those moment inside our life that on every point some one was stood behind us and we just ran with all speed we can get inside life.It was horrible."Renu"Ya.I am so scared.""Come on.It is not that serious.We are big girls now we suppose to handle such things inside our life.These things are not big and don't go tell this in your home.At least I don't want this to reach my home because if my parents hear about it.They will stop me from going library.I must tell you they are too old fashioned.They could even stop my education."Renu and Seema both were horrified to hear it.On that moment they felt that it was too risky to tell anyone.But still they both knew that if that thing was repeated.They were going to tell their parents.They couldn't hide such things inside life.Then they went inside library.When they began to study slowly every thing seemed to be so normal that they forgot about it.Then when they turned to go back again.They felt something was strange.Suddenly Charu looked so nervous.They started observing ahead.They saw just one bad fellow who was walking with his bag.He seemed too shy to show such wrong intentions.But then they thought that if Charu was scared.Something must be wrong so Renu looked at him with anger and when that man ran away like some rabbit.Suddenly it looked totally wrong.It seemed like Renu harassed that innocent man because Charu was still scared so their predator was still out there.
           After that every day they began to ran away from that place in same way.Some times Seema and Renu tried to look back but they didn't see any one suspicious.But they could clearly see fear on Charu's face and slowly it was catching them. Next day Renu started getting ready for going to library. She began to feel tense that she just didn't even able to sleep properly to night.She had horrible dreams during night.She was shivering throughout night.She didn't want to go to library but she had to copy some notes from that book because she could not able to get books from market which were recommended by college.Even now she was so scared from inside her mind that she couldn't even able to concentrate on packing her bag.Then she felt hand on her shoulder.She remembered those dreams and she screamed.Her mother was shocked. Renu's Mom"What's wrong with you?""No..thing..I just don't want..""Are you feeling sick?"Then suddenly Renu felt that her head was so heavy.She suddenly felt that she wanted to vomit.She ran in toilet and vomited.After seeing her condition her mother told her that she should take rest in house.Renu wanted to do that anything else.After all it was lot better than going out on that road.Renu's Mom phoned Seema and informed  her that Renu was not coming.Renu was so relived then she went to sleep.But after some time her mother came inside and told her that she had to go to Doctor.She hated it but she wanted to cured so she decided to do as her Mom said.After all she didn't want to remain sick.She waited outside in long line.It was so horrible waiting outside for Doctor.She just didn't want to be sick.But in her stomach she was still feeling sick.After all she was vomited.She supposed to feel this way because she was sick.Then she finally went inside Doctor checked her carefully.She felt that Doctor was confused.Doctor"She looked fine.I think that it must be just acidity.Did you eat anything wrong yesterday?"Renu turned her head negatively.She didn't remember eating anything wrong.Then suddenly Renu's mom asked"Did you eat anything in Library?"Renu smiled with relief.She remembered that she had eaten sandwich from canteem so that was the reason.She was convinced.Renu"I had eaten sandwich."Her Mom smiled"That's the reason.What do you think Doctor?""It could but her stomach is fine."That Doctor looked confused and it made Renu and her mom more nervous.Any way finally Doctor gave them medicine and they went home.
           Seema was so angry.She was sure that Renu wanted to escape from coming with her to library so she managed to run away like this.She felt that it was not fair for moment she thought that she might pretend same thing but she knew inside heart that she couldn't pretend same thing every day.She didn't even want to take anyone's help.She was only girl before her father and brother who always show off that they were so great because they were men.She didn't want to bow before them or she was not going to ask for help.She decided that she would go ahead and fight with her own problem in her own way.She started getting ready.She just didn't understand Renu who looked so best yesterday who even managed to scare that man was missing from scene now.It was in every way shocking to her.She was also scared but she was not ready to give up.She was born fighter and she was going to fight so she started arranging her bag properly.Slowly she went out every time.She stopped.She sensed that some one was following.Seema suddenly felt so scared without thinking she started running.After some time she felt as if she was running some race that man was following her.She had no doubt about it.She wanted to run as fast as possible.She was about to scream when she noticed that she was on main road which was crowded so she felt little bit confident.She pretended that she was tying her shoe and looked back.She was shocked to see her brother who must be following her whole time.She smiled with relief.Her brother who was breathless now "Is there going to be any marathon for which you are practicing?You might have forgotten to inform me."Seema was so confused now.She had to answer her brother but she didn't want to look like chicken so she just ignored him.Seema"Actually I am getting late.""For what?When did college started fixing hours of library like this.I mean are they going to close door of library?or some one forgot to inform me about emergency and war had already started."After saying this her brother started laughing at her.On that moment Seema felt sudden rise in her anger.She felt that she couldn't control it any more.She was so angry on her brother that she started feeling that due to him.She was suffering on every front.He always showed that she was nothing but dust.Now she couldn't ask for help just because of her brother.She felt that her anger went straight way in her head and captured her thinking.She was not feeling anything except anger.
            Seema's brother was so shocked when he noticed that his sister Seema was looking at him with strange eyes which were literally shining with anger.Before he could say something,she took out her sandal and started hitting him.He was so nervous.He never expected such thing from his sister.He wanted to stop her.But it seemed impossible because slowly people started gathering around them.Every one began to abuse him.They all thought that he was some one who harassing Seema.Some people even started calling him "Molester"or "Rapist".It was all worst than his nightmare.Even after all this Seema was not in control.She was just screaming on him and abusing him.Until now he was the one who always used to boss on Seema.But today he clearly saw that even if he dared to raise hand all people would start hitting him.In fact they all were joining Seema already.Seema's brother felt so scared first time.After some time Seema came to her sense and ran away from there.But her brother found it very hard to escape from those people.Then after sometime Seema came back again with Police and rescued him.Police"What happen?Why did people started hitting you?"Seema was about to say the truth but her brother stopped her.Seema's brother"Actually I was playing joke on her and she got confused."Police gave them a long lacture and finally permitted to go.Seema's brother was quite hurt during that beating.Seema knew that her parents would get angry so she started going back home with him.When she reached home,she expected her brother to start complaining but he just told her to sit down.When Seema's Mom came running towards him he stopped her and took her inside kitchen.Seema didn't hear what her brother told her mother but she started crying.Then after some time she phoned her father.Then they insisted her to go to sleep.Seema slept on bed but she couldn't dare to close her eyes.She just kept watching fan.It seemed so perfect.She was feeling like bubble of anger which could burst on any one.When Seema started relaxing her brother took her Mom to corner.Her brother "I am sure Mom.She is taking drugs.That's why she got angry that way you should have seen her face."Her mom"My god!!What's wrong with this city?First that rape case near her college and now this.I hope god will cure my daughter.""Not god Mom.Come on she need a Doctor."Then her brother convinced her Mom for long time.Finally her Mom called Doctor.Doctor came there.Doctor checked Seema properly by that time she was feeling relaxed.Doctor"She is not taking drugs."Seema suddenly felt rise in her anger once again.She began to scream on every one.She started abusing and throwing things.Then Doctor told her brother to hold her and gave her injection.Doctor"I just don't understand.I think it is not physical.It is mental."Mom"What?My daughter is becoming mad.""Not mad.I think that she was just stressed.You should call her friends and ask them.I give this number.Go to this Doctor.She would be fine."Then Doctor left.Seema's brother and Mom was so scared.But when she woke up,she looked at watch and smiled.She looked perfect.
          Inside their heart Seema's family knew that she was not fine so her mother started asking her slowly.But Seema was not willing to share it.Finally after finishing lunch and eating food Seema took Doctor's medicine.She went to sleep.Then her father came home.Her Mom told every thing to her father.He looked at his son with shock.Her father"How could she do that?She never acted that way.""Dad,she was not in her sense.I thought that she took drug but doctor said it's madness.""What?Impossible we don't have any madness in family."Her Mom looked at her brother with anger"Will you shut up?Let me explain."Then Seema's Mom explained every thing to him."Did you phone to her friends?"Her Mom nodded negatively."Then what are you waiting for call them?"Her brother"When Seema was about to go her friend Renu called her to tell she was not coming.She must know something."Then Seema's Mom called at Renu's home.Her Mom told them that she was sick.But when Seema's Mom requested her to bring Renu yesterday to them.She agreed.But Renu's Mom was so shocked when Renu didn't feel okay next day.She phoned Seema's Mom and told her that she couldn't come.Renu's Mom felt disappointment inside her voice.Renu's Mom felt that something was totally wrong.Next day when she took Renu to Doctor.Doctor told her that her Daughter was fine.But still Renu was complaining about stomach problems.Then finally her Doctor asked"Did she have some kind of stress?""What?No..Nothing like that.""I am asking you because I thought that this is mental.Let me suggest a Doctor."Then he gave a number of Doctor.It was number of psychiatrist so Renu's Mom was so shocked but she didn't have any option so she was about to call that number.But she was shocked when she saw same number was calling.She was shocked.When she picked up the phone, it was Seema calling her.She wanted her to bring Renu with her to that Psychiatrist.She was requesting but Renu's Mom felt as if her wish came true.They literally ran to that Psychiatrist.Psychiatrist talked to both the girls and then called her parents.Psychiatrist"Actually this is happen due to stress which they suffer because of that follower."Then he told them whole story.Seema's father"We must caught that man and show him a lesson.""Wait a second.None of the girl saw him.We need third girl.Will you give me her number?"Seema"Actually she is our new friend Charu.She was scared of her parents...""Give me her number.I will handle it."Then Psychiatrist phoned her but after talking her looked confused.Seema's Mom"What happen Doctor?She agreed to come.""Yes but actually it was her Mom.But she looked quite modern not conservative like these girls telling."Finally they came.Every one was shocked.Charu's Mom was fully modern lady who seemed perfectly educated so no one could dream of her throwing her daughter out of college just because some one was following.When psychiatrist asked Charu questions about it.She looked scared.But her mother looked angrily at her.Her mother"My daughter was lying.""What?"It came in strange chorus."Yes.She was running because she was scared of cats.When she was child a cat scratched her,she got phobia due to it.I read in some book that you should not avoid such thing because it will increase phobia so I forced her to take route on which there was pet cat.She didn't want to tell her friends truth so she lied."Charu nodded.They all looked shocked.Seema"But you said some one is following.""I don't tell you.You got that idea.I just agreed with you."Seema and Renu were shocked.Psychiatrist smiled"Relax girls.Nothing big had happened.Let me tell you what happen.You both girls were scared  due to that rape case.Do you know that girl?"They both nodded.Renu"We are not friends.But we used to greet each other with smile.It was horrible.""So you are stress due to it so this happen because of it and I will help you out of it.But in case of Charu she need a larger treatement for her phobia.Madam you can't cure your daughter just by forcing her to go near cats.She need treatement and I will give it."After hearing this all parents looked relieved.Even Seema and Renu who were looking at Charu with anger gave her a nice smile.They decided that they would began their new friendship in which their would no place for lie.
                                                              The End

Friday, October 25, 2013

Poem 1131. Pressure

I have many problems inside my life and heart says I can adjust some of them because
Some of them are easy for our heart and some of them easy to handle by resources which
I can handle by my god but I have just one question inside my heart what can I do about
That problem in which more powerful people are involved because sometime people in life
Seem lose all sense and they kept complaining about what we got I just wish sometimes
From my heart people should understand to value what they got sometimes some dreams
Comes visit us and go but if we become too greed one day life will teach us where not to go
But inside our life on every point we just feel something which is so nice for our life because
We may want something inside our life then we must think logically inside our future and
Inside our mind so in life on each and every time we just feel that we will rise from anyway
But that is not right we need to find something which is important for our life and we will
Have to win many things inside our life from one point to another point but when we start to
Rush in those things inside our life sometimes we find that our enemy is invited inside in life
Because when we keep complaining against something in life slowly our life will change
And people began to take wrong decision inside our life because when we put pressure
Inside our life from time to time people began to get confuse and start producing short cuts
Inside life and those shortcut may harm us from each and every point so inside our life
Maybe we should just think twice before we use our pressure inside our life because if we
Put it on some one that one will try to win and that one will not think about sources which
Are perfect from each and every side inside our life so from time to time we just think
One thing inside our life we put pressure on people who will just manage to hurt person
In life because when our pressure is so much that slowly that person's thinking in our life
After all inside our life on each and every time we just think that we want success inside
Our future and our life so from every time we just never understand what should we do
Inside our life we always think many things we need for getting them we start inside our life
To do many things inside our life why don't we feel that this person will do something
Which will cause us problems inside our life so I just think one thing inside my life that
When we scream on someone we must need to think twice because human have tendency
To get confuse inside our life so we think inside our life that we need to understand that
What are we doing with our life because when we start that thing inside our life I just feel
One thing we must not every time scare person to do something inside our life so from
Each and every time we think inside our life we can always stop people from doing things
Inside our life which will harm us in life sitting on our head will just not solve issues of life
Just try to talk peacefully or you will get involved mess inside our life so from each and
Every time we create problems in our life can't we deal with things little bit peacefully
In life but whenever crisis start we see problems inside our life so from time to time
We just feel that pressure is something totally wrong in our life we must think properly
Inside our life that when we want to find something important and when we don't get this
Inside our future and our life because on every spot we feel one thing inside our life that
We must understand our thoughts which are important in our life we want success but
Not with this cost inside our life that it will take away our peace inside our future and
Inside our life because whenever we think about our future what will we see inside our life
Do we really need success that much that we are ready to destroy our peace inside mind
So from each sector of our life we feel that we must think twice when we ask for something
Inside our future and our life because our life is something so special inside our life that
From starting to end we just feel that one thing inside our life that we can't always allow
Our need to turn into greed for our mind but sadly many people don't understand that
Thing inside life because they will feel from time to time that if they put pressure they will
Win inside their life so from that point people will just understand thinking inside life which
Will not make us happy in our life and slowly our pressure destroy our future and our life
So let try to be peaceful inside our life and just try to understand that we will win if we give
People some time instead of screaming on them on each and every time inside life.

Poem 1130. Birds

From my window I was watching that beauty those parrots are so nice and it looks so perfect
To me from each angle I just want to keep look at them for many hours because I just don't
Want to miss that moment even if it mean losing everything in world but on that moment
Suddenly I looked at the watch and saw clearly that I am getting so late if I keep looking
So I have to go that was my feeling but I have decided that I will come back to look after
Some minutes but when I finish part of work and come back to see them I saw that all those
Parrots were flew away after all they also have their work to do inside their life and they can't
Just sit there while enjoying beauty of nature inside their life they were so busy before when
I watch them from window even on that moment they want to pull away their food which is
Not that easy for their world so when I was resting and watching they are making efforts
To get their things so maybe I call myself so much busy but sometimes I think other animals
Are also more busy they just search for their food and as well as for their safety and they don't
Even got house like you and me if our home fall how many problem we will see while these
Birds and animals hardly have that much home and safety they just wander around and
Some just stay in groups sometimes even they can be seen fighting so for those parrots their life
Was not so easy after all their food is so limited and that is due our mistake even when they
Don't make anything wrong still they are suffering because we did those forest cutting so inside
Their life in their limited food they do daily fight of managing don't you think these pollution and
Many other things don't hurt they fully inside my heart I feel they are hurting them in many ways
While they don't even get any kind of luxuries look at us we at least get benefit from those things
But they don't even get anything from it they just have to search for their food only need to do it
More carefully because their nature and surrounding have changed because human being decides
To change it for it's benefit fully so whatever stress we see daily do you think animal or bird don't
Face that sort of stress while living daily maybe we need to think what would have if they have
Acted like human being they must until now started many fight and screaming because
They are suffering without reason and benefit from these things but birds never do that and
Nor animal do it so don't you think that maybe it is not due to competition that we feel depress
It is our wrong thinking our brain is one thing which will help us on each and every thinking
Just think this way birds and animal got what kind of security and aren't they suffer from same
Risk as a human being but have you see a depressed parrot or some animal doing suicide
Because that animal is so depress fully so inside our life we feel that circumstances are forcing us
In wrong doing but just ask your soul one thing that do you agree with it totally or maybe our
Brain which is given us to take ahead and development is going in wrong way fully and it is harming
Our thinking on each and every moment because we feel that we are always cheated on every point
By some human being we just never want any injustice to us we want everything so perfect that
We can always ignore others we feel sometimes inside our life that when someone does injustice
Pity towards inside our mind so instead of sympathizing about others we feel one thing wrong
In our future and our life we just sympathise with our self and that will just harmful for our mind
So inside our life we feel every time that we don't have all those things on which we have right
So on each moment in life we feel from time to time that we need sympathy towards us by
All people in life whenever we deserve something we don't get it in life many people began to taunt
Instead of helping us in life and we feel hurt by those taunts inside our life so in life we always
Accept one thing which manage to harm us inside life that is we want others to understand that
We have our right and when someone does something and it harm us inside our life so from
Each and every point we feel until we get benefit we should not receive harm inside our life
So on those points we just keep trying to understand our future and other part in our life
Because we feel it is injustice when others get benefit and we suffer inside life but that happens
Sometimes in life and since we don't accept it we always suffer inside our future and our life
So from time to time we need to understand our thinking about our life we need to find some way
In which we have accept this fact of life because birds have same stress but if they don't get
Depressed inside life then why should we feel this way in our future as well as inside our life
We have got brain to take us ahead in life if that brain is taking us backward we need to train
Our brain properly in life and then only like those birds we will able to enjoy each day of life.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Poem 1129. Our thinking

                                                   Our thinking
How different is this world and how hard to understand what people can say about
Someone by their heart sometimes things are admired by world but hated by their own
People and nation from their heart while there are some people who are admired by world
And for their each and every skill they feel that we must understand those people and
Their thinking so inside the world in words many parts I just feel that some people are
Precious for world and at same time hated by their people because some qualities are
Such that they are hated by their heart because inside our thought we just understood
Their mistake and outside world just see what we get through them so inside our world
And inside those thoughts I just feel that people just love to repeat mistakes which are made
By our thinking and made my our heart so when people who live with us know our thinking
They just always find something wrong with our thoughts because inside our life and in
Our life's part mostly we wish that we don't want world to understand our thinking and
Thoughts that is what happen when person become famous that person just can't say
Clearly to everyone their own thought their sorrows are inside their heart because that
Person can't cry before anyone because eyes were always watching their every moment
So when ever they do something mostly they get hate inside this life on each and every day
I just feel one thing that when person are great people just never understand their logic
So just like to blame but how interesting it was to watch their thoughts on each and every day
Because their thoughts are something so perfect but still inside our life they always get
Blame because inside our world on every day we just feel that people will understand them
But people never understand their thinking or their thoughts people just feel that they are
Doing everything so that they want it and they are just dictator in their thinking so in our life
We mostly see one thing great people hardly get admiration from their surrounding but
People who are far away can see their great things because they can see those benefits
Which are we getting but they never see problems which we saw they just see positive
And we just see negative part so inside our world in each and every thing we just feel
That we are not getting anything but just ask your soul are you fully right but sadly many
Times we hear one thing that even our soul don't dare to say truth in life so when we are
Surrounded by all those people and human being how can our soul will tell us true thing
We are never going to believe it even if that soul try to prove the thing because we are
So involved in wrong thinking that our soul decide to just sit in corner and start ignoring
Each and every thing because inside our life on every point we just feel one thing that
We need to understand our each thought and our thinking because inside our life we
Sometimes just decide to ignore thing we need to claim and scream on each person inside
Our life because from time to time we feel that people are doing wrong things in life
But still sometimes we can't say it because our conscious is so scared inside our life and
We feel so scared by our mind because we just think that our luck will set if we let
Our conscious to rise but we never understand even those thoughts of our mind we
Just feel that we think that way that's why we took that side how easily we get attracted
By all those tall talks inside our thinking and inside our life on each and every time I feel
One thing so surely about life that we just get carried away in life many times we just
Feel that these are true feelings of our mind but still those feelings are nothing but just some
Thing which are created by us so inside our life so from each and every point I just think
That inside our life from each and every point I just think that we are thinking in right way
Inside our life so from every moment inside our life but our soul know that we are just
Copying those things we are told in our life at beginning we admire someone because
We are told to do that in life and while doing that we forget our logic then after some time
We are told to hate that person so we began to it inside our life and from time to time
We just feel that we must not like that person because that person is not right I just wish
To ask when did we learn to use our own mind instead of using it we just follow that
What other people told us on each and every day inside our future as well as inside our life.

Poem 1128. Results of deeds

                                                   Results of deeds
Sometimes I feel inside my life I just need to stop thinking about next thing in my life and
Maybe I just let my life go ahead as my life prefer and like because after all if god have
Decided all this how can it be wrong from any side but then once again after some time
I got once again involved in each and every thing of our life because god will help me
Is one feeling which always vanishes from my heart when something goes wrong inside
My future and inside my life because from time to time inside my life I just thought that
I am getting very tense on each and every time because instead of understanding our life
We just feel that we are nothing but doll which are controlled by life so many times I think
That inside my life I feel that my efforts just stay meaningless inside my future and my life
From one shore I start and then reach to other shore in my life I just feel that I am wondering
From side to side inside my life on every time I just feel that sky is so nice and perfect in life
When I don't interfere and went ahead in life but do you really think it is right because
Sometimes I get bullied just because I keep quiet god can help you but does that mean
Not moving fingers in our life but question is that if I move my fingers can god help me
Inside my future and inside my life on each and every time because when I say god will
Help me then it mean that god will not help me as per my likes and dislikes I feel as if
God have given me something which are important for my future as well as for my life
After all god is nothing but just a statue if I treat it that way inside life but worst thing is
That some people just worship god and then disobey all god's teaching inside life then
Can you tell me one thing inside my life sometimes I lose my faith is it mistake of my mind
But inside my heart I always feel one thing from my mind my god will always understand
My problem inside my life because after god is nothing but my best friend inside my life
So I saw that god is something which is precious thing inside our life so I thought that
Even if god will help me every thing inside our life so after some time then I think when
Thing turn wrong inside our life and when we can't able to change them sometimes then
When we say something against god and our faith is moved I feel god will understand me
If I don't did anything wrong inside my life because from time to time I just feel one thing
About life that if god will get angry it will only when we do something wrong in life I mean
Sometimes we lose our faith and challenge god on that moment in life I don't think my god
Will get angry on me I think he just looked at me with patient smile because whenever
A child walks falling is part of life but if we push someone then it will be a big crime but
Sometimes while walking in our life we are about to fall and then suddenly we hold something
Just because it's our instinct to hold and if that person fall can god blame it on us for life
Some people say that this is also crime but unknowingly when some one does mistake
God understand that person's mind this is one thought which confuse me on days
And nights can god help me if I did some silly mistake in life because life is so hard and
We have to take decisions from time to time do you think that god will blame us if we took
Wrong decisions some time this is question on which we get answers from both sides so
Some says that god will not forget those mistake and god will punish me inside my life and
Some people say that such mistakes are forgiven inside life because they are done on that
Instinct and you are not that mature that time but time to time I just feel one thing in life
When we can't get proper teacher how can we  pass this examination in our life because
If you want a fact then let me tell you one thing about life many times teacher teach perfect
For few days inside but then even our teacher changes routes inside life and instead of
Telling us what is good and what is bad in life our teacher started searching ways for them
Inside our life because they are confuse that they can hardly help us inside our life and
From time to time they think that they have find best way and suggest it to us in our life
A confused teacher can't teach to walk those hard ways of life so I sometimes feel that
We are those person who walk even without knowing which way is called what inside our life
So from each moment I just feel one thing in life that student who is without teacher can
Always make mistake in their life so god maybe punish me little bit and tell me what is wrong
And what is right but god will never be angry with me because god knows that I am not
A teacher but just a small student who was trying to understand truth about life so mistakes
Are not that shocking from me inside my life god will just show me how to go ahead and
Always tell me when I did wrong and when I did right by sending results of every deed in life. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Poem 1127. Neutral

Every day I think why did I need any enemy maybe I should neutral and forget to make
Any kind of enemy then I decide that we must do everything just as we wish in our life
For you and for me so inside our life I thought maybe if I make friendship with everybody
It seems so fine until I say these things to my enemy many times I feel even if they don't like
Still I see nod from my enemies I just never understood what is inside heart of my enemy
But still they give me respect and smile then at least try to pretend friendship with me but
When I say same thing to my friends suddenly they began to turn into my enemy how strange
Is this world that maybe due to modesty but I get little bit respect from my enemies but
Sometimes I see my own friends how easily turn against me they want me to act just as
They wish I never understand when they thought they can rule my thinking entirely so inside
My life on every day I feel something is wrong fully because how can my friend think this way
About my suggestion and about me how can they think that I just don't have right to act
As I wish fully on that moment I just feel so shocked that it is not just my enemy but it is
My friend who stood against me but slowly my life taught one thing you can't call someone
Friend unless you know that person properly sometime we think this word of friend so lightly
That we began to feel that our friendship is nothing big for some people but it is important
For each person as human being to understand friends are not those person who put
Restrictions on you as a human being but friends are those who stood with you and slowly
Understand what are your feeling when such thing happen in life once again see around you
As a human being after all inside our life I feel that our thinking is something which is nice
For you and me but when some people just force us to obey their thinking just don't think
That person have understood friendships meaning each person have some concept and
Each one have spend their life you know just about your self how can you guess about other
People inside our life I just never want to insult my friend fully but I know many things which
Can insult that one fully so that is what true problem in friendship that when you insult your friend
Then you will feel insulted by yourself fully I feel hurt but on that moment I can see there are
Other friends who are still with me they can understand my thinking and understood me fully
So inside our life on every point we need to understand our thoughts and our thinking that
Some friends will may come with us and other friends can easily insult you fully but I just
Want to say one thing at that moment that how can you question my loyalty when I know
Many things which are against you but still I am not telling them due to my thinking and
My modesty because inside my life I just never forget one thing when I have many thing against
You still I can't able to open my mouth fully because you have never cared for your friend
And you're never thought about true meaning of friendship but I still care for other friends
Who also belong to same side of our friendship when I will insult you by telling everything inside
Our future and inside our life on every time as human being I just feel one thing we must care
More about our friend than our enemy because inside our life on each and every friend we
Feel that friendship is so important for some person but for some people it is not that important
But it is important for me so I can't say those things because I respect those friends who stood
With me just tell me don't you feel sometimes in your life that you can easily adjust when enemy
Does something against you but most shocking is when friend forget logic fully they may go
Just as they wish and we can go as we wish inside our life because we are human being and
Sometimes some friends don't have same views inside life as human being but I just have one
Thought which I want them to understand fully even if I don't agree with you that don't make me
Until now your enemy because I am thinking maybe you have your own choice and thinking but
Just never try to force someone with your thinking because when someone is your friend that
Person will ignore your mistake in friendship but if that person turn into enemy it will not be good
For any body so never ever try to challenge someone as human being because each person have
Their brain and each one have some god's gift inside human being even if that one is quiet now
That don't mean it will remain same for every moment in life for you or me people change and
With that changes their style of fight and views but if by some mistake you hurt your friend in
Wrong way then it will be never a nice view because when you betray friend god will leave you
Or may be you betray your friend because god is not already with you I just can't tell you
What is first and what is next in line because I never tell you how beginning of earth started
Even if I read all science in life so inside our life something are just mystery just let them on
Their place and let them be history don't them bring ahead or you may repeat once again that
History in which you may feel you are hero but who is hero is until end going to be one mystery.

Poem 1126. Matchstick of success

                                              Matchstick of success
People always tell us winning is so important in life we need to win from each and every point
Just always they keep screaming on us we must learn to win in life even when we say that
We are happy in our life and we just don't mind they want to be winner inside their life so
We must become one to fulfill their wish inside their life how much I try to tell them that
I want happiness not success in my life and I am happy with what I got in my life but they
Just keep telling me that I will not remain happy if I act this way in life because for happiness
We need something which will not stay with me inside my life so from one to another point
I just feel inside my life need of success when those thing vanish from my life and I heard
These people on each and every time I just feel it from inside of our life we just don't want
But still things manage to scare us in life when they are said in such way that they began
To disturb sleep of our night when someone says to you that you are so wrong then inside
Your world you can feel disturb some people are so brave that they manage to pretend
But some people inside our life never manage to pretend this way because in our life on
Our days and nights we just feel that one day we can get money as much as we like only
If we get success inside our life even when we know that we don't have that need on that
Moment inside our life they just convince us that someday problem will fall on us like some
Thunder that shine so bright inside our life and then we began to feel that problems will come
From our heart and our mind because they just feel that we need to understand human mind
We have to understand that one day everyone will cheat us and we will not get anything
Inside our life so from each and every point we feel inside our life that we have to get
Success but sadly getting success is not as easy as shopping things in life but sadly some
People don't understand this in life and they just keep claiming that we are not getting
Success because we have not tried they want us to just run after it for days and nights
But inside our life on every point we just feel sometimes do we really need to run like that
Inside our future and our life on each and every point we just feel that we are not getting
Anything proper inside our life so from time to time we have to find some way inside life
Our success is something so perfect in our life and we feel that we can't get success on
Our life's any point we just run after success and lose pleasures of our life do you really
Think our tomorrow is that important that we forget today in our life just because someone
Told us that those thing which are needed will vanish after some time inside our life so
We just think from time to time that we may need something good for our life but that
Don't mean we can't live with old things in our life they just claim that every time our success
Is something which may take us on high point still inside our life on every point I don't
Feel I want to run after success sometimes I want to enjoy moments in life in fact many times
Inside my life I just think how many people really get success in their life if they are so limited
Then why these people expect me to become something so special inside our life but
From time to time I feel one thing inside our life and I feel that inside my life if I dream for
Star it look so perfect from life but when some else demand those stars from me suddenly
I feel it is so wrong inside my life I feel that I am not achieving any success because I just
Can't concentrate about those things inside our life so from one thing and our life that
So we need something which are part of our life and on every moment I just feel one thing
Inside my mind how can my truth will win when people began to like false things in life
How can I win quickly when truth always need some time to rise we can easily light some
Candle and they may look so nice but then with air that flame slowly moved with one music
And with that flame you will so good inside our life because that flame will become something
So it will have nice orange color inside that flame and that light because in that flame I can
See something pleasant and nice about our life but are you sure that this candle can give you
Enough light for your life so if you want a sun you have to wait for hours for it to rise and
If you want electricity then it will take a lot more efforts to learn how to adjust our light
So may be I can get that electricity of success or may be I can get it inside my life but
Still I want to tell these people that I want to try it even if for it I have to live my life
In just one matchstick of success for my future in life because it is my life and it is my choice.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...