Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poem 718. Puzzle of life

                                                              Puzzle of life
Life is like solving one puzzle on first point those puzzle which we have inside life will look
So wrong on every point that first puzzle which are important inside life I feel one thing from
Inside that those first puzzle which attract us on every point inside life I feel that this first
Puzzle which will turn totally complicated on every point I feel just one thought from inside
That this first puzzle is first task on every point I feel that this starting is something which
Will look so hard on every point inside life I have one thought from inside that those things
Which are nice in life are given to us after solving that puzzle on every point of life I feel
Just one thing from inside that this task which is set against us on every point I feel that
Those puzzles which we see in our life are so hard and we just hate them from inside but
Still we kept one hope that after solving them we will get light for our life so we just feel
That we must solve that puzzle on every time I have one thinking from inside that those puzzles
Which are creating problems on every point are reacting totally different on every point because
Those puzzles are something which are not that much nice on any point I have one thought
From inside those puzzle which are creating problems on every point but then those puzzles
Moving ahead inside life I have hard task which is so important to us on every point but then
I feel one hard task on that point I feel one thing from inside that this task which is so important
Inside life I feel that next task is like next pole inside life those things which are so important
On every point I feel one thing from inside that those tasks are taking us on every point but then
I feel that these hard tasks which will move ahead on every point those tasks which are moving
Ahead inside life I feel that hard work which enter inside our life I feel that those task which
Comes in that road of life will have reaction on every point but then those puzzles which are
Moving ahead on every point I feel that those problems which are entering inside life those
Tasks which are entering on those roads on which I have those tasks which are so important
Inside life I feel that this task is hard sort of thing on every point I feel one thing from inside
That puzzle is something which will look so nice on every point but then inside our mind
I feel one thing that after that puzzle I want to rest for some times so after long hours and
After long work finally I have solved that puzzle then I feel one thought from inside that those
Things from inside that even when any one don't given that promise but still I assume one
Thought from my mind that those things are creating problems for our future and our life
When we start to move ahead on every point I feel just one thought from inside of our life
That when I solve one problem rest is promised me by life but then when I start to move ahead
In life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside those things which touch our thought
And our mind seem so wrong on every point I will never understand one thought from mind
That when we start from one puzzle then we will land on another puzzle in life without any time
Life never help us and set that easy task in life life just want every moment to move ahead
From time to time I feel just one thinking from my mind that those puzzles which are hurting
My mind are not that much easy on life's any point I feel just one thing that from one puzzle
When I start to move ahead in life I am forced to move ahead on every point those tasks that
Are set before us inside life are not those tasks which will give light to our mind I feel one thing
From inside that those puzzle which we see before our eyes are never that much good for life
When puzzle start to move ahead from one point to another point I feel just one thought from
My thinking and my mind those puzzle which I will see in my life are not going to stop on any
Moment and on any point inside life I feel those puzzles which are located on any spots of life
I feel just one thing from my mind that puzzles are those tasks which we see in step by step
In life they will take us ahead on every point those puzzles which we see on many points are not
Helping us at all inside life I feel just one thought from inside that puzzles which we see in road
Of our future and our life are set in such way that on every point we feel that we can go ahead in life
Because life is not that easy on any point those puzzles which are leading to lot of problems in life
Are creating problems on every point I feel that those problems which I will see on every moment
Of our future and our life will manage to hurt us on many point I just feel one thing from inside
Of my mind puzzles never stop in life until destiny decide so hoping for is wrong in life if we
Really want them we must learn to enjoy our life as it is set before us on every moment and
Every point because life is given to us that way on each point which tell us that we can rest only
When time will decide when is proper time for rest inside life and that moment is perfect for life.

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