Sunday, February 3, 2013

Poem 673. Asking for things

                                                            Asking for things
When I see my old computer I just have one question in my mind I just think I need every
Moment inside life so then I feel one thing from my mind that those computer which will look
So perfect in my old life that computer which are made in old style in my new life I feel just one thing
From my mind that those computer which are old in every area of life I feel one thing that
That computer which needed for every time in old life when I bought it in life on that moment
I just use to run for it and try for it on every time when in school I saw that computer and
When I saw in my friend's house her own computer I feel I need to have that computer in life
So I just began to run around to get that computer on that point I feel just one thought from
My mind that those computer which look so modern and perfect on that point I feel one thing
From my mind that computer which is something every one had so it is required thing
For me then comes new thing that was adjusting in matter of other things I just decide to
Sacrifice every thing just to get that thing but now when I look at that thing I just feel one thing
That those things which was something so important to every one's thinking because those
Things which are once use to be useful thing suddenly it became old and unwanted thing
For our thinking because that thing no longer remain new thing laptops started to enter in place
Of that computer which was old thing so then on every point and on every thinking I just feel
One thing from my thoughts and my mind that if we need to change in few moments then
Why should we need to spend so much time on getting those thing which are not going to stay
With us for long time I just feel one thing that when we have one thinking I just have one thing
Inside my thinking that old things are not that much perfect for human being when we went
Ahead on every thought and on every thinking I feel one thing from my mind that every point
Old thing are always become totally wrong type of thing because no one will like to keep old
Sort of thing but if our liking is for so limited time then why did we hurt so many people just
With ambition to get that thing I just feel always one thing that nothing is so special in life
That we can hurt other people just to get that thing inside our world because we just never
Care for any thing beyond some limit in world what matter most is our thoughts and our
Precious relations but people doesn't seem to understand this world because we feel just one
Thing on every front that we need this thing because it can improve our future and we just
Feel that injustice is happening on us because other get those things and we just can't manage
To get that thing but we just never understand one thing that it is not time to get that thing
When time will come we can get each and every thing which is needed for us as a human being
We never understand one thing that injustice which is happening to me as human being is not
Just not getting thing but on that moment we just feel one thing on every moment I feel just
One thought from my mind that those things will help us as human being but truth of life is
That one thing is important to us as human being I will have just one thinking that those things
Which will look so perfect for us as human being but truth is that something precious in our
Mind is our relationship never get hurt just because you can't hurt that thing because those things
Which are so important to us as human being are not those things which look so important
To us on that moment or on that thinking those things which will look totally wrong inside life
Just after some moment when new better thing will enter in our life and we just look at those
Things as outdated things so just beware what you say for something just never let them
Touch you on wrong point of thoughts and thinking because those things are something so
Precious to us on every thinking because those things which are important in life for human being
Are not wrong kind of things I just feel one thing that in life on each and every thing I feel one
Thing on every thinking that those things which are totally wrong for us began to look so
Perfect when we start to appreciate things which are just look good for every sort of human being
Inside life but then just after some points we feel that we just don't require that thing so may be
In our life we need to be careful when we fight for things sometimes they are needed for just
Limited timing and we can get them easily if we wait for that time why should we need to
Insult all other human being on that point I just feel so glad from my mind that I have not fought
For that computer and just control my feelings because now I can get laptop because of that
Practical thinking since only those people who talk sweetly and nicely get things those who
Scream are not show on face but from inside they are always given less and hated by human being.

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