Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Poem 689. God's lines

                                                                      God's lines
Can you believe if I say to you that god come to meet at night and tell you some thing which
Will be convenient for my life so when I set my thought I feel so sure that you are not that much
Easy to convinced inside life I don't insult you but still I hope from my mind that people who are
Standing around me will not just get carried away but use their voice when we move ahead on
Every point I feel one thing from my mind that those who are around will use their logic in life
When I said something I feel one thing from inside that those lines which I said are not believed
With blind eyes I wanted logic to come from every side but many times I feel that people just
Forget logic in life they began to think on thing that they just want to understand one thing
From inside that they have to keep faith on someone on every point those lines which they heard
From some people in life seem to them like some thing which god said in life when they move
Ahead on every moment and on every point they just follow all those concepts and all those
Types of lines when we just don't understand logic on any point we just began to follow some
Sort of lines in life when we feel one thing from inside that those lines which I have said are
Taking me to wrong point I feel one thought from my mind that when our logic end then we
Will make bigger mistake in life when those lines began to help us we just never think once in life
That devil can also help you get things in life we just began to feel that god is helping us in life
And then we just began to believe each and every lines and most sad thing is that we just can't
Understand what type of things we should trust in life on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that those lines which are told to us look so wrong on every
Moment and on every point because they are said in wrong way inside life I just have one feeling
From my mind that some lines which are discussed with others may be changed with logic but
Some just don't change that much in life when we began to think about those sentence and
Those lines are something precious to every point of life I will never understand what I feel from
My mind but I just know one thing that sometimes people just keep logic far behind on every
Point we just feel one thing from inside that some lines are some thing which will just touch us
And our mind those lines which have logic on every point will change them on every moment
And on every point in life these lines which will have different meaning from inside those lines
Are confusing many times people's mind but problem is that they just never understand us
Since it will take too much time to convince our lines and those lines which are worshiped
Where already convinced from inside those lines which will have different reaction on each
Moment and on each point will manage to tell our heart that those meaning will not have that
Much good logic in life those things which I like to discuss on many points but when life will
Began to tell one thing by my logical mind that other party have convince them and other party
Is called god for them I just see one thing from my mind that logic is far behind inside our logic
And inside our mind those thoughts which are so important to us are depend on how did
We move ahead in life but when we don't convince others at first how can we convince them
In end of game that we are right so sometimes we need to lose to understand one thought from
Thinking and mind that all those logic which touch us are so wrong on every point but that
Logic which touch us on every point will never look that perfect on every angle of life I just
Have one thought from my mind that sometimes after some days those people began to feel
That person is not just human that person is some god when I said some sentence people ignore
Those sentence but I feel better because it seems as of their logic is alive I just feel one thing
From my thought and my mind that god is not existed in human being and we all have just
One thing that is human mind when we move ahead we just feel one thing from inside that those
Thinking which we have in life will never thinking of god which touch our mind those thoughts
Which touch us on every part of life are not going ahead as per our thinking and our mind
But when we think that this person is god we just leave logic behind but people just never believe
That thought on any point they just never understand when they assume god inside that person
And inside that person's life so on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing from
Inside that sometimes our innocent lines are ignored and selfish thoughts become god's line but
Still we have to accept it in life because it is god's will and that's why things turn in that way in life.

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