Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Poem 702. Walnut's cover

                                                              Walnut's cover
How I wish you stood with me as you stood with me when I was just small child
I feel one thing from my mind that childhood is that time when I get help on every point
I will just have one feeling from inside my mind that those things which we do in our
Childhood will never look proper for our life on every moment and on every time we just
Feel one thought from inside that those childhood dreams which we have from our mind
We can fulfilled when we grow up inside life but then as we start to grow up we feel one
Thing inside life that we should get things same way as we use to get as child when we
Move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind that why should things change in any
Way inside life I feel those thoughts which we have in our mind are not going ahead as per
Our thinking on every point those children which are moving ahead are with help while
Grow up suppose to move ahead with their own brain in life when I will move ahead on
Every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those easy helps which we get in our
Childhood and in that part of our life seem to be going away far from every angle of life
We just feel one thing from our mind that childhood dreams are something which are leading
Us to many problems in our life those dreams which are part of our mind will not look that
Perfect on any part of life I will have one feeling from my mind that grow up will never
Went ahead in life on every point with those help which we get as child we just never
Accept one thing from our mind that those days are over when we get help and those days
Have come when we give help in life we all feel so happy where those days when we use
To get help from our side but I just feel one thing from my mind that those days are not
That much nice on that point because child want to do every thing on own child just hate
To get help from outside because when you ask for it get reduced in life you can't
Move ahead as per your choice those helps which you got as child never seem so good in
Your future and your life I feel one thing that when we need to help us we just can't move
As per our thoughts and as per our choice all those help seem like some thing so useless
In life I feel one thing from my mind that childhood dream was of doing every thing on
Our own and when we grow up we just forgot it's importance in life on every point we just
Began to feel one thing from our mind that those help which we get in childhood are so
Perfect and so nice when those help of childhood become alive it seem once again freedom
Is going away from life so on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that those childhood help which enter in our life ask for our
Freedom as return price on every point when we move ahead we feel just one thing from
Our mind that those things which are good to us are nice for our life because those things
Will tell us that help will be given to us only when that person decide so we just get so
Upset on every point because we can't able to do things as per our liking and dislikes we just
Feel one thing from our mind that we are not free due to that help so we want freedom
From those help as child but when we grow up those burden enter in our life and slowly
Our need of help will get reduced on every point those aspects which help us will take us
Ahead on every point seem to hurt our feeling in life I just feel one thought from my mind
That may be we should understand one thing in life that our hard work is like cover of
Walnut which will have nice taste of freedom inside when we get help from other then
We are never free in life we can move as we wish on every time those helps which we need
Are never taking us ahead on any point those things which we need from our mind are those
Aspect which wake up our nice plan on every point are those hard work which we do in life
We must learn to help others and break that cover of walnut from every angle of life because
If we don't able to do that then we will never able to do that in life those things which enter
In our life are not just help they are also work which we need to do in life so never say we
Need help because help will ask some cost in return inside life and it will just lead to many
Problems and troubles inside life those different works which we do in life will never take us
Ahead on any point of our future and our life because those childhood helps should be limited
To just childhood in life and grow up suppose help other children on that age and on that time
Of their future as well as their grow up life so never ask for that help when that age cross in life.

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