Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poem 717. Positive to negative in life

                                                       Positive to negative in life
Whenever we go out to meet we see different type of people on every moment and
On every time I see different people some are so nice on every point I feel just one thing
From inside that nice sort of feeling which are so good and perfect for our life I feel that
Nice thing which will be so good for our life I feel that these nice people who are moving
Ahead on every point inside life I feel just one thought from inside those nice people are
Those people which are needed inside life I feel that those nice sort of people who are
So good on every point those people are looking so beautiful on every time those nice
People are great on every point I feel one thing that those nice people are those people
Who act so good as well as nice on every point those people will act in good way in life
Those people who act nice in every way of life I feel one thing from my mind I feel just
One thing from inside that nice things will look so good on every point I feel that those
Nice people are treasure of life I feel one thought from inside that different people are
So unique on many points I feel one thing inside life I feel that some people are shy and
Some people are brave inside life I feel one thing from my mind sometimes shy people
Seemed better and some times those shy people are scaring us on every moment inside
Our life those people who will get scared on every sound of life I will have just one feeling
From inside that feeling scared is so hard on every point then I feel one thing from inside
Even leaf can scare some person inside life I feel that those people are getting scared on
Every moment inside life I feel one thought from my mind that getting scared  is totally wrong
On every point I feel one thought from inside those things are totally wrong inside life
Which will have good effect on some point sometimes those shy people proving caring in life
Some times bravery wins heart and mind so each type of people seem to have some good
Aspect inside some look better in one way and some look better in other way of life I just
Have one feeling from my mind that I just feel so strange are those people who never
Say any thing positive in life those positive thoughts which are so important to us on every
Moment and on every time will look so wrong on every point of life I will have just one
Feeling from inside of mind that strange are those people who have so different type of
Nature on every point I feel one thinking from my mind that some thoughts are positive
But some people just like to turn them negative for entire life those thinking which will
Help us on every point will look so wrong to us when we move ahead in life I just have
One thought from my mind that negative thinking will not help us in life but we can't stop
Those people because negative thoughts are their life style on every moment they just kept
Their negative thinking alive on every moment and on every time I just have one feeling
From inside of my mind that positive and negative thinking are just two parts of our same mind
While thinking positive it takes hours but negative person seem to have one thinking from mind
That it will take them just few moment before it turn into negative thoughts of life I feel just
One thought from my mind that negative thinking is those thoughts which some people like
To treasure inside life they just began to think negative on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing that negative thinking has become truth of their life when we think one
Way about all thoughts we just feel one thing from our mind that those people who change
Our thoughts are turning thinking in different ways of life I want to think positive but then
I feel one thing from my mind negative thoughts are those positive thoughts which are
Capturing mind on every point inside life I just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts
Which are so negative thoughts in life then from positive we must change it into negative
Of life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside those positive thoughts are
Something so precious in life on every moment I just feel one thing that I must change those
Thoughts into something different inside life but for that I like one thing to avoid those people
On every point but those people are not staying away from me in life because such people
Have one habit to follow us on many points from every angle we just move around as per
Our thinking on every point those thinking which are having positive effect on our life seem
To vanish in few seconds while other people just remain stuck away around us on every point
Actually that is not truth but truth is another in life that when positive people stay with us
It feel like few moments and negative seems like centuries in life but I just never understand
Why did someone just hate positive in life but god have made some people in such a way in life
That nothing seem so good and positive in their life they will just feel one thing from mind
That every thing is negative on every aspects I just never understand how can they think this way
Inside life and on every moment they just manage to turn thing from positive to negative in life.

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