Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Poem 715. Knowledge of world

                                                              Knowledge of world
Behind closed windows how can you know that big world we need to go out to see this world
This is one famous line in books and on many points of world but do you really feel that you can
Understand world just by travelling inside this world this world is so big and on every moment
When you walk you can just see some part of world that part can be good or bad it depend on
Your thoughts and your luck but one thing never so true as our thoughts of world that when we
Stand there we just see few parts of our world but never able to see full and complete world
Because on every point inside this world we feel that when we travel we are seeing some part
Of that world on some points we are moving ahead on every moment of our life those things
Which we see on that part of life will have effect on every point that world which will bring
Knowledge on that part of life will not look that much fine on any time I feel just one thing from
My mind that we see just that world which will look so much nice to our eyes those things
Which touch us on every point will look so truthful that we just began to feel that this limited
World is truth of that world on every point those thoughts which touch our thinking told us
From inside that this world is that true world which is existed inside our eyes but many times
Those things are not that truth of life they are just those parts which we see while wandering
And they don't explain us every part of life we feel just one thought on every moment that
We need to see whole world and every part of world on every time so no one can claim one thing
In life that you can get knowledge of world on every point because that knowledge will manage
To hurt our thinking and our mind on every moment we need to understand that logic of life
We need to understand that those thoughts which are showing truth of our world are not going
To help us that much in life because we never understood that world while traveling with
Our couch and with our guide I just feel one thought from inside that those thinking which are
Part of our life are not going ahead as per our wishes on every time we feel just one thing from
Inside world that knowledge of this world is not just on that place in which we travel for some
Moments and for some time I just have one thought from my mind that knowledge it depend
On how did we move ahead in life those thoughts which touch us on every moment of life
I feel one thinking from inside those things which we get as part of our life are depend on
Every aspect of life I feel that knowledge is something which we get by understanding people
In life and our guide will just tell us geography not knowledge from inside so if you want to
Understand environment then it is good and fine you can travel and understand weather just
In fine way inside life but when we want to understand world from inside we feel just one
Thought from inside of mind that when we travel we get knowledge from each point
Those people who are traveling around us in life can hardly know what we have inside so
When we say something we must understand one thing from our mind that we don't have
Knowledge of world on every point our knowledge is so limited inside our life that we can't
Even say we can understand our nation's mind we can never tell what others feel from inside
Because we are so busy in taking for granted that we stop guessing again and again in life
That knowledge is something so precious inside mind I feel just one thought from my mind
That on every angle of our life it seems as if knowledge is something so precious inside life
I feel one thing from my mind that when we think about world on every point we want that
Thought from inside those knowledge which is something we really need in life but then
We hardly feel those things in life because we are all busy with our thought of life so then
I have one thinking from inside my mind that knowledge is something so great on every point
We feel one thing from inside that we have all knowledge and so we just kept telling it to world
And never hear other person's point so I feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Are taking us ahead are telling us on every point inside life we can't have knowledge so then
We can always become winner on some point inside life so I feel just one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that knowledge of world is not that easy thing on any point so we can
Win on every point of life but that is not possible if our knowledge is something which is so
Limited still we all feel we know this world so well in life we don't have knowledge from every
Point of our future and our life because that knowledge will be hard to get in such a little life
After all we have so big world in which we can just travel but for having knowledge we need
To stay in each part of that world for some moments and for some time inside our mind and life.

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