Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Poem 677. Our fight

                                                                   Our fight
Sometimes you know what will be result of our fight we all know that we lose it but still
We keep fighting in life how strange is our life on every moment and on every point I feel
Just one thing from inside that those fights which we have fought inside life I feel one thing
In life that those fights which we want to do in life those fights which are so important to us
On every point but then when we all know that we are not going ahead with fights on every
Moment and time I see one fight inside that those struggles which we do in life look so wrong
On every point because we start those fights just not with hope of winning and just with hope
Of justice on every point I feel one thing from inside that those fights which are started with
Good motive will have always positive sides in life after all those good acts will help us on
Every moment inside life I feel one thing from my mind that all fights are not about winning
But some are just for our happiness inside we feel that those fights will not let us be successful
On any point of life we feel that those thoughts are just stuck for justice on some points then
We feel one thought from inside that those fights which are moving ahead inside life I feel one
Thing from inside that fights which I like to fought will look wrong in life when they are set
In such a way that we are not doing them with motive of winning on every point I feel just
One thought from inside that some fights are just for those motives which are so precious in life
We just never understand one thing from inside that those fights are making things worst in life
After all those fights which are having different angle inside life will look so unique on every
Point inside life because those fights which are giving us life are not going ahead as per our
Thinking so sometimes even right things will not win in life so then we have just two options
Inside life but then I feel those fights which are managing to take us ahead in life that those
Things which are having effect on life those things which have started fights on every moment
And on every point those fights which are going ahead on every point but then I feel just one
Thing from my mind that fights are some thing which are started inside life due to those thinking
And those thoughts in life which tell me that if I don't fight then I will slowly lose every thing
Inside life I feel that all those logic and principles are creating effect on us at each and every
Point I just feel one thing from inside life I feel one thought from inside that those thoughts
Which I have in my mind I feel that those fights which are creating inside life I feel that those
Positive things inside life I have just one thing in the life I feel that one thing from inside
That those good things which are important in life I feel one thinking inside on every moment
I feel just those thoughts by my mind which tell me that I am telling truth inside life but then
I feel that those truths are so precious in our life I have just correct morals inside life then
I have one thought from in the life that those morals which I have set inside life I feel one thing
From my mind that those morals which I have set in my life I feel just one thing from inside
Those rules which are set in proper way in life I feel one thought from in the life I just have
One thing from inside that those positives thoughts which are set in the life I feel just one thing
From my mind that thoughts should set in good way inside life on every moment we just feel
One thought from my mind those morals who set them on every point but then those thoughts
Which are going ahead in life I feel one thought from inside life that those things which are so
Hard for our life after all those fights are going ahead on every point I just have one thought
From inside that those things which are so important in the life are so valuable on every point
I feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which are taking me ahead on every point will
Look so wrong on every point I feel one thought from inside those things which are having
Totally different in life I feel one thing from inside that those things which are looking so
Wrong on every point those things which are important in life I feel one thing from inside that
Those thoughts told me that without thinking of winning in life I must do that fight so sometimes
Even for satisfaction of my mind I just do some fights but when I start those fights I feel so
Happy from inside that winning will no longer matter to me on any point I just feel one thought
From inside that winning will be good for my life because those things will give happiness for
Our world but morals sometimes seem more precious and important on every point inside world.

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