Thursday, February 21, 2013

Poem 706. Changing route

                                                             Changing route
Inside our life we can never guess what is our loss and what is our profit on every point
So when we went ahead without much proper guess inside life so on every moment those
Profit and losses seem good for our life we feel just one thing from our mind that those
Two types of thinking and any one can be good for our life but then why we just began to
Hate other thinking when we should just pursue first thinking and that is enough for our life
When we went ahead I just feel one thing from inside those profits and losses are just two
Sides of our life and we just never know which one is better but with good faith we start
To move ahead on one side of our life on every moment we just feel one thing that is best
For our life those profits which are creating different effects in life will have so different
Thoughts on every point I feel just one thought from inside that when we choose one thought
From our mind we went with that thoughts from miles after miles on every point we just
Feel one thing from our mind that this route is so good on every angle of life when we move
Ahead on every point we think that thought is so right those routes on which we move seem
To move perfectly inside life so we walk on that route for our many days of life while just
Thinking every thing on one point that we are doing best on every point we feel one thought
From inside that we know that this route is for justice for our life we feel that we are moving
Ahead on every point and justice is what we are doing by fighting to those people who did
Those wrong things in life on every moment and on every point we feel one thing that those
People who are standing against are not that much good inside life we feel one thought from
Our heart that those good routes are moving us to really honest and good point on every angle
Of our future and life We just feel one thought from inside our mind that those routes on
Which we walk are not that much good or that much nice on any point because when we
Are in middle of route we find people who are suggesting us that we are right inside life are
Just creating problems for us on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Things which are so important to us in life are dependent on those rules on every point but
When we move ahead rules seem also manage to confused on some point because when
We have just limited knowledge from one side we just never able to guess which side is so
Good on every point of life when we move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind
That those routes which are taking us ahead on every point are something so good but when
We learn to move ahead on every point slowly knowledge will get increased on every point
Of our future and our life when we want to move ahead we just never once thought in life
What will we do if one day we feel that we are standing on wrong side of life what will happen
If we have misunderstood things inside our life because those things which we thought from
Our thoughts and our mind are not moving ahead as per our wishes on every point so when
We began to move ahead inside our life we just feel one thought from inside that those routes
Which have choose sometimes are wrong due to half knowledge of life then we need to change
Our routes on that moment and on that point we just have one thought from inside that those
Things which touch our mind will no longer seem something so nice on any point because
In life on every point we feel one thought from our mind that those things which are touching
Our mind on every point are not that much good then we just change them in life I feel that
Sometimes changing route is right some people may get shocked or disagree with you in life
But if you feel that you are wrong on first point just change your route without thinking for
Second moment or second time because then only you will move ahead in good way inside
Our life on every moment we just have to think one thing from inside that those things which
Touch us on every point will look wrong on many thoughts and on many points but still we
Feel one thing from inside that those things which move ahead are better be good that just
Staying on same wrong point so we just decide to change route and began to scream against
Same person with whom we stood for long time some says it's wrong but I will disagree
From my thoughts and my mind to that concept and that truth of life which will enter in life
Only after some time honesty to just one person doesn't mean dishonesty to god and life so
When you feel some one whom you trusted does something wrong never stop yourself
From changing route or side because life is about moving ahead to correct side on every point.

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