Thursday, February 14, 2013

Poem 693. Flying out of cage

                                                               Flying out of cage
Lovely bird which fly in that big sky it will look so beautiful for our sky I feel just one thing
On every moment and every point I feel that this beautiful bird will look so nice when they will
Look high on every point I feel that those birds which will look so nice when those birds are
Looking so lovely on every angle and on every point those birds are so lovely on every point
I feel one thing from my mind those birds which look so nice when I see them flying inside
Sky on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that flying of bird look so nice on every
Moment and on every point I feel that birds are like some thing which look so good to mind
Those birds are nice and enchanting on every point when I see those birds flying in such a way
Inside life I feel one thing from my mind those birds are looking so unique when we are
Moving ahead with that different grace in life I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Beauty which I see in that flying I feel one thing on every point that flying is one art which
Look so different on every point I have one thought from inside that flying is one thing
Which I do with one motive in life it seem as if we want to fly on every point I feel one
Thing from my mind that flying is one art which touch me on every point because flying
Have that talent which touch our thoughts and our mind flying is one skill which I feel from
Inside that skill which will take us ahead on every point those tricks of flying which lead to
Many problems in life I feel just one thing from my mind I want that beauty to lead on that
Problem on every point I just have one thought from inside that birds are flying so nicely
On every point I feel flying is one skill which look so nice on every point I feel that flying is
One talent which will lead to problems in life but that skill of flying which is given to birds
Make so hard to watch them in life that birds are flying so high on every point it seem as if
Those birds are looking so precious to life I feel flying is one skill which is so rare to our thinking
And our mind we feel just one thing that flying is that skill that will lead to many problems
In life I feel that when I watch in sky I see that those birds which will look so nice I feel one
Thing from my mind birds which are flying so majestically in sky will look so nice on every
Moment and on every point I feel that flying is one talent which will look so precious in life
I want to store that beauty of those birds which will look so nice on every point I feel just one
Thing from my mind those birds I want to be locked in cage on every point those birds are
Looking so wrong on every angle of life because that flying is one talent which will look so
Good on every point I feel one thought from inside that flying will lead to many talents in
Our life on every point those cage are locked on some points but then those birds are
Something which are flying so high inside our life after all those flying which will help us
Inside life I feel one thing from my mind that if I keep birds in cage is seem simple in life
I feel that flying is one talent in life but I can't keep those flying things by my side to please
My thoughts and my mind because flying is one skill which will touch me on every point
Because flying is one skill that touch me from inside those skill which I like include flying
But keeping that skill with me inside life I feel that flying is precious but keeping person
In cage is wrong so flying is always one talent which lead to lot of problems in life on
Every moment and on every point I feel cage is one thing in which we remain stuck for all
Our life I feel one thing from inside that cage is something so wrong on every point I feel
That cage is one place in which we store bird on every point after all those birds which
Are so wrong on every point cage is never right for any bird on any point of our life
Bird are caged on every point after all those birds are caged for long time but those birds
Which are caged in wrong way in life so I feel that those bird which are flying on every point
Should not be caged on any point inside life I feel one thing from my mind that birds are
So nice on every moment inside life I feel one thing from inside that birds having problem
On every point I feel flying skill is so wrong on every point I feel just one thing from inside
That flying is not right and for cage they should get freedom inside life I feel one thing
That sort of talent which should be given full freedom of flying some thing we like so
We should not keep them caged inside life I feel one thing from inside that cages are something
Which are so important inside life not because we need but because we want to throw them
Away from our life on every point inside because flying away of birds are better than keeping
Them caged to please our thoughts as well as our mind on each and every point inside mind.

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