Monday, February 18, 2013

Poem 699. Small problems

                                                            Small problems
Some people are so different from what they seems they are so different that what they seem
 They are just pretending on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those people
Are confusing us on every point those things which are touching our mind will look so wrong in
Every point I feel one thing from my mind that people are confusing us on every point but then
I feel one thing from my mind those people are just pretending on every point after all those
Thoughts and those points are taking us ahead in wrong way of our life we just feel one thing
From our mind that those mistakes are moving ahead on every point these mistakes which
Are happening to us on every point inside life I feel one thing from inside that those people who
Are so important inside life I feel one thing from inside but those people who are showing us
As if they are our best helper of our life and in every small problem they seem to find some
Sort of solutions in life and help us in small problems in such a way that we feel they are so
Great on every point we all feel just one thing from inside that those problems which will lead
To every problem inside life I feel that those small things are leading us ahead on every point
I feel one thing from my mind that small problems are solved by those person then we feel
That those person are so great on every point I feel one thing from inside that small problems
Are helping us on every point that small things which are touching us on every point then
I feel just one thing from my mind that those things which are solved are so small on every
Moment and point but we feel since they have solved small one then they will solve bigger one
Inside life I feel one thing from inside that those small things are indicator of life and we began
To keep faith on those people inside life but then these faith are something so important inside
Our life so then we just began to believe those people are best thing in life so we just keep thinking
They will help us in big problems of our life on every moment it seem that only small problems
Are solved but bigger one can't be solved in life those problems which we really face in world
Are bigger one on every point and when they enter we feel that those problems are leading to
Bigger difficulties can be solved with their help in life but things will change as soon as those
Bigger problems in life after all those small problems which will look so wrong on every point
I feel one thing from inside that small problem are nothing but just example of our life but
They are trial of life but then I feel one thing from inside that those trial are nothing but just
Few facts of life we feel one thing from inside that small problems are leading to mistake in
Our future and life I feel that when bigger problem enter in life I feel one thought from inside
That bigger problems when enter those people who help us with smaller vanish from our life
We feel one thing from inside those problems which are creating problems inside life I feel
One thing from every point that this person will help us on every point but that will not
Happen in life I feel just one thing from inside that those things which will help us are not
As we guess in life I have one feeling from inside that those problems which we have are
Not helping us on any point we made small mistake by guessing things in wrong way in life
We feel that those persons will help us on every point we feel one thing from our mind that
Those things which will take us ahead are not that simple in life we just keep guessing who
Will help us on every point we feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which touch us
On every point so I feel one thing from inside that simple things was our guess but they will
Look so wrong on every point I feel those thoughts are taking us to every point on wrong
Place on every point I feel just one thing from inside those things which will look so different
On every angle inside life but then I feel one thought from my mind that those things which
Touch me on every point are not same as they were in small problems in life so we must
Not keeping guessing our future on every time because it will make things worst for us on
Each and every time I feel just one thing from inside that those small things which help us
To guess things in life so I just feel one thought from inside that those small mistake will
Leading to problems in life I feel one thing from my mind that small mistakes are truthOf our future and our life that we just feel one thing from inside that we are guessing every
Thing totally wrong way inside life because small mistakes are something which are wrong in life.

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