Sunday, February 24, 2013

Poem 709. Written words

                                                                  Written words
Can written words tell someone what you want to say can they explain that part of heart
Which we all want to say can you change person's view by writing some thing there or can
You change some one's mind and views on some moment but when you write something
It is just telling what you want to say you can never able to guess that if other person understood
Your feeling and if other person believe you in any way writing is like talking from one side
And expecting other person can understand you on that moment we just can't understand if
That person understood in any way those words which are so touching to our mind in every
Thought and moment I feel just one thing on every day that those words which look to you
So wrong on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that words are just talk from
One side it is never understood what was said by other side but sometimes it's good and on
Some times it is bad for our life because those words which are precious to us but to other
Side it is also good for our life since we just don't understand others face we can keep telling
Our point without stopping by others reaction or face in life sometimes feel it is how truth
Always comes outside some says you can see it in eyes but I just feel that sometimes we are
So scared to tell truth with those eyes because it is cutting our heart from inside and we feel
One thing from our mind that we can't able to tell it but then we can always say it with help
Of writing in life because in that form we can't see other people's eyes which may don't agree
With us for long time but then after some time they will see truth on every point we feel just
One thing from inside that truths are those precious things which are so harmful in life and
On every time I feel one thought from my eyes that we are not moving ahead as per our thoughts
And our mind because written words are those words which are proof of life and still no one
Can stop us from writing by just screaming on us loudly from time to time those written words
Are some thing which touch us on every point I feel write will look so nice when we move ahead
On every point because in that process we can move ahead on every point because words can be
Written on every angle of life we feel one thought from inside that those sentences will have those
Words which are telling all those truths which we are scared to share because we feel other will
Not believe us or we are scared us on every point so then I feel one thought from inside that
Those words are something which are written on every point but then those words which will
Look so good on every point but then those words are something so good inside our life but
Then on every word I feel one thing from my mind that writing have given us full freedom
To just write on every point inside life I feel that thought from inside those words can
Be just written and kept there for long time until those people manage to tell them truth in life
So then I feel one thing from my mind that those words which are written on some point then
I feel one thing from inside that those words are some thing so meaning for our entire life that
We feel we must understand them inside life on proper moment and nice we feel just one thing
From inside because those words are having that power inside look so right sometimes we can
Always want to tell some thing in life so on every moment I feel one thought from my mind
That those things which are turning on every point I feel one thought from my mind that
Those written words are something which are taking us totally wrong on every point because
Those words are creating reactions of those words on every point I feel one thing from my
Thoughts and my mind that those words which are written on that point with just one hope
In our mind we feel just one thing from our mind that those hopes which are so important
Inside life will not have any effect on our mind those things which touch us on every point
Can be written and just kept there so that they can at least be proof for our life so when we
Move ahead on every point that those written things are something which are important in life
Because those words are some thing which are written inside our world on important in life
I feel one thought from inside precious inside life I feel one thing totally so precious in life
I feel those words are written inside life I have seen written words are important inside life
I have just one thought from my mind that written things will help us on every point of life
Those things which will look so truthful seem better to be kept written in life because instead
Of convincing writing is enough inside life then I feel one thought from every point in life.

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