Sunday, February 17, 2013

Poem 698. Easy task

                                                               Easy task
On one fine evening I decide to see sunset in life I start to run get it in my life because
That sunset have that beauty and that shine which will touch me on every moment and
Touch my mind on every point that sunset which will look so good for my life will look
So precious to me on that moment and on that point I feel just one thing from inside
That those moment when sun is so fine on every point after all those sunset inside life
Those beautiful and nice things on every point that sunset look so wonderful inside life
On those things which are having nice look on every point because those sunset will
Look so lovely and interesting in life that sunset which look so nice on every point but
That sunset which have so extraordinary beauty on every point I feel just one thing from
Inside that this sunset which look so nice and enchanting on every point after all those
Sunset I wanted to be stored inside life after all we need to click those things in photos
To give them look so nice those photo which are so nice on every point because in that
Photo we can store beauty inside on that photo on every point I feel just one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that this beauty which is stored in that picture which look so
Pretty and nice on every moment those photos are managing to store that sunset on some
Part of life on every moment I feel one thing from inside that beauty which we needed
Inside life that beauty which will look so nice inside life after all those beauty which will
Look so nice on every point in that photo in which I see something beautiful on every point
There are beautiful time of sunset inside life which I want to store inside my mind but then
Those sunset which is nice and enchanting on every point I feel one thing from inside
That beautiful thing look so nice on every point I feel one thing from my mind but
Then on that time I feel one thing from my mind that sunset will look so perfect on
Every moment and on every point that sunset which will look so nice but I can't keep it
With us on every point those sunset which look so nice inside life after all those look
Will never seem that much nice on every point that sunset will look so beautiful in life
But then sunset will look so enormous in life because on every moment we need to
Understand one thing on every point I feel one thing from my mind that sunset is so
Nice on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that sunset will look so nice on
Every point but we can't store that time until we get to that sunset on just proper time
So I just run after all behind that sunset on every point because on that sunset we just
Feel one thing from inside that sunset is so precious to me on every point I have just
One feeling from inside that I want that sunset so one day I start running out for sunset
On every point I just feel one thing from inside that easy task to see that sunset in life
Those task of sunset on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that this sunset
Will look so nice on every point because that sunset is stored because I feel that I can
Get thing as I like in life I just feel one thing from inside that sunset which I stored is
Totally easy task for life because that sunset which I was searching is found on every
Moment and on every point since that sunset seem to so easy to catch inside life but
Then those sunset which will look so wrong on every point that sunset was looking on
Every point I feel that I can drive vehicles when I went ahead in life I feel just one thing
From inside that suddenly I saw there was crowd on every point I feel one thing from inside
That those road were blocked on that time I just can't manage to get in life that simple
Sunset on that time I feel just one thing inside life those sunset which will look nice on
That point but I just can't able to catch it in life sometimes hard things are got done on
Every moment and every point I feel one thing from inside that simple task will become
Complicated sometimes and complicated turn into hard one in life on every moment and
On every point we feel one thing from every area of life we want simple things but then
We just get complicated one in life we feel one thought from inside that simple things
Are turned in complicated on every moment so just treat each thing in same way in life
Because we can't guess what is simple and complicated inside our future and our life.

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