Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poem 718. Puzzle of life

                                                              Puzzle of life
Life is like solving one puzzle on first point those puzzle which we have inside life will look
So wrong on every point that first puzzle which are important inside life I feel one thing from
Inside that those first puzzle which attract us on every point inside life I feel that this first
Puzzle which will turn totally complicated on every point I feel just one thought from inside
That this first puzzle is first task on every point I feel that this starting is something which
Will look so hard on every point inside life I have one thought from inside that those things
Which are nice in life are given to us after solving that puzzle on every point of life I feel
Just one thing from inside that this task which is set against us on every point I feel that
Those puzzles which we see in our life are so hard and we just hate them from inside but
Still we kept one hope that after solving them we will get light for our life so we just feel
That we must solve that puzzle on every time I have one thinking from inside that those puzzles
Which are creating problems on every point are reacting totally different on every point because
Those puzzles are something which are not that much nice on any point I have one thought
From inside those puzzle which are creating problems on every point but then those puzzles
Moving ahead inside life I have hard task which is so important to us on every point but then
I feel one hard task on that point I feel one thing from inside that this task which is so important
Inside life I feel that next task is like next pole inside life those things which are so important
On every point I feel one thing from inside that those tasks are taking us on every point but then
I feel that these hard tasks which will move ahead on every point those tasks which are moving
Ahead inside life I feel that hard work which enter inside our life I feel that those task which
Comes in that road of life will have reaction on every point but then those puzzles which are
Moving ahead on every point I feel that those problems which are entering inside life those
Tasks which are entering on those roads on which I have those tasks which are so important
Inside life I feel that this task is hard sort of thing on every point I feel one thing from inside
That puzzle is something which will look so nice on every point but then inside our mind
I feel one thing that after that puzzle I want to rest for some times so after long hours and
After long work finally I have solved that puzzle then I feel one thought from inside that those
Things from inside that even when any one don't given that promise but still I assume one
Thought from my mind that those things are creating problems for our future and our life
When we start to move ahead on every point I feel just one thought from inside of our life
That when I solve one problem rest is promised me by life but then when I start to move ahead
In life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside those things which touch our thought
And our mind seem so wrong on every point I will never understand one thought from mind
That when we start from one puzzle then we will land on another puzzle in life without any time
Life never help us and set that easy task in life life just want every moment to move ahead
From time to time I feel just one thinking from my mind that those puzzles which are hurting
My mind are not that much easy on life's any point I feel just one thing that from one puzzle
When I start to move ahead in life I am forced to move ahead on every point those tasks that
Are set before us inside life are not those tasks which will give light to our mind I feel one thing
From inside that those puzzle which we see before our eyes are never that much good for life
When puzzle start to move ahead from one point to another point I feel just one thought from
My thinking and my mind those puzzle which I will see in my life are not going to stop on any
Moment and on any point inside life I feel those puzzles which are located on any spots of life
I feel just one thing from my mind that puzzles are those tasks which we see in step by step
In life they will take us ahead on every point those puzzles which we see on many points are not
Helping us at all inside life I feel just one thought from inside that puzzles which we see in road
Of our future and our life are set in such way that on every point we feel that we can go ahead in life
Because life is not that easy on any point those puzzles which are leading to lot of problems in life
Are creating problems on every point I feel that those problems which I will see on every moment
Of our future and our life will manage to hurt us on many point I just feel one thing from inside
Of my mind puzzles never stop in life until destiny decide so hoping for is wrong in life if we
Really want them we must learn to enjoy our life as it is set before us on every moment and
Every point because life is given to us that way on each point which tell us that we can rest only
When time will decide when is proper time for rest inside life and that moment is perfect for life.

Poem 717. Positive to negative in life

                                                       Positive to negative in life
Whenever we go out to meet we see different type of people on every moment and
On every time I see different people some are so nice on every point I feel just one thing
From inside that nice sort of feeling which are so good and perfect for our life I feel that
Nice thing which will be so good for our life I feel that these nice people who are moving
Ahead on every point inside life I feel just one thought from inside those nice people are
Those people which are needed inside life I feel that those nice sort of people who are
So good on every point those people are looking so beautiful on every time those nice
People are great on every point I feel one thing that those nice people are those people
Who act so good as well as nice on every point those people will act in good way in life
Those people who act nice in every way of life I feel one thing from my mind I feel just
One thing from inside that nice things will look so good on every point I feel that those
Nice people are treasure of life I feel one thought from inside that different people are
So unique on many points I feel one thing inside life I feel that some people are shy and
Some people are brave inside life I feel one thing from my mind sometimes shy people
Seemed better and some times those shy people are scaring us on every moment inside
Our life those people who will get scared on every sound of life I will have just one feeling
From inside that feeling scared is so hard on every point then I feel one thing from inside
Even leaf can scare some person inside life I feel that those people are getting scared on
Every moment inside life I feel one thought from my mind that getting scared  is totally wrong
On every point I feel one thought from inside those things are totally wrong inside life
Which will have good effect on some point sometimes those shy people proving caring in life
Some times bravery wins heart and mind so each type of people seem to have some good
Aspect inside some look better in one way and some look better in other way of life I just
Have one feeling from my mind that I just feel so strange are those people who never
Say any thing positive in life those positive thoughts which are so important to us on every
Moment and on every time will look so wrong on every point of life I will have just one
Feeling from inside of mind that strange are those people who have so different type of
Nature on every point I feel one thinking from my mind that some thoughts are positive
But some people just like to turn them negative for entire life those thinking which will
Help us on every point will look so wrong to us when we move ahead in life I just have
One thought from my mind that negative thinking will not help us in life but we can't stop
Those people because negative thoughts are their life style on every moment they just kept
Their negative thinking alive on every moment and on every time I just have one feeling
From inside of my mind that positive and negative thinking are just two parts of our same mind
While thinking positive it takes hours but negative person seem to have one thinking from mind
That it will take them just few moment before it turn into negative thoughts of life I feel just
One thought from my mind that negative thinking is those thoughts which some people like
To treasure inside life they just began to think negative on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing that negative thinking has become truth of their life when we think one
Way about all thoughts we just feel one thing from our mind that those people who change
Our thoughts are turning thinking in different ways of life I want to think positive but then
I feel one thing from my mind negative thoughts are those positive thoughts which are
Capturing mind on every point inside life I just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts
Which are so negative thoughts in life then from positive we must change it into negative
Of life on every moment I just feel one thought from inside those positive thoughts are
Something so precious in life on every moment I just feel one thing that I must change those
Thoughts into something different inside life but for that I like one thing to avoid those people
On every point but those people are not staying away from me in life because such people
Have one habit to follow us on many points from every angle we just move around as per
Our thinking on every point those thinking which are having positive effect on our life seem
To vanish in few seconds while other people just remain stuck away around us on every point
Actually that is not truth but truth is another in life that when positive people stay with us
It feel like few moments and negative seems like centuries in life but I just never understand
Why did someone just hate positive in life but god have made some people in such a way in life
That nothing seem so good and positive in their life they will just feel one thing from mind
That every thing is negative on every aspects I just never understand how can they think this way
Inside life and on every moment they just manage to turn thing from positive to negative in life.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Poem 716. Repeating mistake

                                                         Repeating mistake
Why sometimes in life time turns wrong way inside life it will create so many times
Inside life I feel one thought from my mind these times are turning wrong way inside life
I feel one thing from inside that wrong area inside life those things will turn into some thing
Totally wrong way inside life I feel just one thought from my mind that we are turning
In wrong way on every side of life I have one thought which will harm me on every point
That wrong things are creating problems for our life when wrong way are used in life
Then they will create problem on every time I feel one thought from my mind that those
Things which touch us in life I feel one thought from inside mind that those ways which
Look so wrong on every point seem like some thing that we use for our needs on some
Moments and on some times I just have one thought from inside that wrong ways are
Always repeated in future on many times I have just one thinking from inside that those
Wrong ways are leading to losses inside life I feel one thought from my mind that those
Wrong ways are true ways which wake up our mind we feel one thing from inside on
Every point those things which are so important inside life wrong way are moving ahead
On every point I feel one thing from inside that wrong ways are those truth which are
Easy for our life but never take them inside your life because they are creating problems
On every moment of our future and our life I feel one thing from inside that those wrong
Ways are those ways which are taking us on wrong points we feel one thought from inside
That wrong ways are those ways which are leading to ahead on every point inside life
But then I feel that wrong ways are those ways which are taking inside our life on every
Moment and on every point inside life I feel that some people are moving ahead inside life
I feel one thought from inside that wrong ways are something which are leading problems
Inside life I have one thinking which will lead to difficult roads in life I feel one thing from
Our thinking inside life those wrong ways will look so hard for our future and our life but
Then I feel one thing from my mind then those roads which are having reactions in life but
Then I have one thought from inside that if we decide to take wrong way on every point
Inside life I have right ways which are taking some thing totally simple on every area in life
Those right ways which are taking us ahead on every point those right ways are some
Sort of part which are so precious inside life I feel that right way are not that right for life
Because we want our friend to our side but sadly those friends are standing on opposite
Side in life I feel one thing from my mind that I am standing on that side which are taking us
On opposite side of life I feel one thing that other things which are standing on every point
These friends are those people who are helping us on every point I know that friends are
Precious inside life I feel that those people who are important to us on every point but then
I feel one thing from inside I feel one thing from inside that friends are those people who
Are needed inside life I feel one thought on every point I have friends who are so important
Inside life I feel friends are something which are so valuable inside life but then I feel one
Thing from my mind those friends are something which are turning into wrong way in life
I feel that those friends who are so honest inside life are not that good on every side in life
Those friends who are suppose to help us on every point seem to have different reactions
Inside life I feel one thought from my mind that mistakes which I made are not about those
Ways which I took in life but those friends which I made inside my life because those things
Which are leading to many areas of life will lead problems on every point of our life since
Those problems are something which are taking us to many problems inside our life but then
When we made friends we feel that they are so good for life that we just feel one thing from
Our thoughts and our life that they are best for our life but then I feel one thing from inside
That those friends are our mistake so instead of changing ways we need to change friends
In life repeating our mistake is never right so just because someone is your friend don't remain
Stuck to them in life because friends are for giving happiness not for spreading sorrows in
Our future and life and changing our ways are leading to more problems for us on every time
So go ahead and change that friend but never change your right way inside our life because
Repeating mistake is always wrong it is never right for our future as well as our life.

Poem 715. Knowledge of world

                                                              Knowledge of world
Behind closed windows how can you know that big world we need to go out to see this world
This is one famous line in books and on many points of world but do you really feel that you can
Understand world just by travelling inside this world this world is so big and on every moment
When you walk you can just see some part of world that part can be good or bad it depend on
Your thoughts and your luck but one thing never so true as our thoughts of world that when we
Stand there we just see few parts of our world but never able to see full and complete world
Because on every point inside this world we feel that when we travel we are seeing some part
Of that world on some points we are moving ahead on every moment of our life those things
Which we see on that part of life will have effect on every point that world which will bring
Knowledge on that part of life will not look that much fine on any time I feel just one thing from
My mind that we see just that world which will look so much nice to our eyes those things
Which touch us on every point will look so truthful that we just began to feel that this limited
World is truth of that world on every point those thoughts which touch our thinking told us
From inside that this world is that true world which is existed inside our eyes but many times
Those things are not that truth of life they are just those parts which we see while wandering
And they don't explain us every part of life we feel just one thought on every moment that
We need to see whole world and every part of world on every time so no one can claim one thing
In life that you can get knowledge of world on every point because that knowledge will manage
To hurt our thinking and our mind on every moment we need to understand that logic of life
We need to understand that those thoughts which are showing truth of our world are not going
To help us that much in life because we never understood that world while traveling with
Our couch and with our guide I just feel one thought from inside that those thinking which are
Part of our life are not going ahead as per our wishes on every time we feel just one thing from
Inside world that knowledge of this world is not just on that place in which we travel for some
Moments and for some time I just have one thought from my mind that knowledge it depend
On how did we move ahead in life those thoughts which touch us on every moment of life
I feel one thinking from inside those things which we get as part of our life are depend on
Every aspect of life I feel that knowledge is something which we get by understanding people
In life and our guide will just tell us geography not knowledge from inside so if you want to
Understand environment then it is good and fine you can travel and understand weather just
In fine way inside life but when we want to understand world from inside we feel just one
Thought from inside of mind that when we travel we get knowledge from each point
Those people who are traveling around us in life can hardly know what we have inside so
When we say something we must understand one thing from our mind that we don't have
Knowledge of world on every point our knowledge is so limited inside our life that we can't
Even say we can understand our nation's mind we can never tell what others feel from inside
Because we are so busy in taking for granted that we stop guessing again and again in life
That knowledge is something so precious inside mind I feel just one thought from my mind
That on every angle of our life it seems as if knowledge is something so precious inside life
I feel one thing from my mind that when we think about world on every point we want that
Thought from inside those knowledge which is something we really need in life but then
We hardly feel those things in life because we are all busy with our thought of life so then
I have one thinking from inside my mind that knowledge is something so great on every point
We feel one thing from inside that we have all knowledge and so we just kept telling it to world
And never hear other person's point so I feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Are taking us ahead are telling us on every point inside life we can't have knowledge so then
We can always become winner on some point inside life so I feel just one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that knowledge of world is not that easy thing on any point so we can
Win on every point of life but that is not possible if our knowledge is something which is so
Limited still we all feel we know this world so well in life we don't have knowledge from every
Point of our future and our life because that knowledge will be hard to get in such a little life
After all we have so big world in which we can just travel but for having knowledge we need
To stay in each part of that world for some moments and for some time inside our mind and life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Poem 714. Health

When we get sick we always promise we will not act that way after that inside life but
Then I feel one thought from my mind that health is something precious inside life and
That health which is part of our mind I feel one thought on every point that health is that
Sort of thing on every point that health is something which always have effect on us at
Each and every point it seem as if health is so important sort of point that we just feel one
Thinking from inside that health is precious to us on every point because that health will
Look so nice but then I feel one thing from inside that health is something which will look
So wrong on every point that health is only thing we truly need in life because without
That health nothing is more precious in life when we feel something wrong with health
Suddenly every thing comes to one halt on that point those things which will have impact
On our life look so good to us on every moment and on every point we feel that if our health
Will be cured we will take perfect care of it inside life never let our health to get hurt on any
Point of life when we start to move ahead in our life we feel just one thought from our mind
That health is that precious thing which touch our thoughts and our mind on every moment
We just feel one thought from inside that health is something which will look so nice on
Every moment I just have one feeling from my mind that health is something so valuable
On every point of life I just never understand what I feel from my mind that health is something
So important and precious in life when days went ahead I just get perfect and once again I will
Start my life and then I will began to feel we are moving ahead on every angle of our life when
Things will move ahead we just have one feeling from inside that health is okay so we can do
Our work on every point we feel that doing our work is something so good on every point and
We feel just one thought from our mind that health is that precious thing which will look so
Unimportant when we have it inside life on every moment we just feel one thought from my mind
That those things which are so important for our life are those things which are so important
Inside life I feel one thing from inside that those things which are regarding to something
So important like success in life began to look valuable on that point and I will just began to
Get convince about one thought from my mind that those things which are so precious to us
In life began to look more and more valuable on every point I feel one thing from inside that
Important things are those things which are as valuable and we can get money due to them
In life I just began to feel one thought from inside that we want many things which are so
Important and precious for our life when we move ahead we feel just one thought from our
Thinking and from our mind that those things which are touching our life are nothing but just
Those things which look so good and perfect on every point I feel just one thought from my
Thinking and from my mind that those things which will give us importance are needed more
And more inside life suddenly as other normal things become useless for our life on every point
Those things which are regarding health become less important because I will began to feel
That my health can't be hurt in life so I will began to do all my work without thinking of health
Or other things in life I just feel one thought on every point that things which touch me in my
Future and in my life are not taking me ahead on any point I feel just one thought from my mind
That things which are needed are more valuable and health can be adjust inside life so then once
Again I will began to do many compromise inside life regarding to health because suddenly that
Health become some thing not that much valuable in life when we move ahead I just feel one thing
From my mind that those things which are leading to problems are something which will give
Our thoughts success on every point I will never understand what I feel from inside but still
On every moment I have one thought from my mind that health is that thing which required to
Have power inside life health is that thing which need to take us ahead on every point I just feel
One thought from my mind that health is that wealth which is needed by us inside our life so
When we move ahead I feel one thought from my mind that health is something which will
We need on every point health is that part which we want to take for granted on every point
And then when it began to get damage once again we start from beginning in life once again
We sleep on our bed and promise our heart on every time that we will not do those mistakes
With health next time but sadly we forget that promise every time because life have temptation
On each and every point I just feel one thing from my mind that health is something important in life.

Poem 713. Weak point

                                                                Weak point
Each person has some quality and some weak point but no one is just full of admiration in life
When we move ahead we must understand it in life that we can't move ahead with one hope
In life those other things inside life those things which are so precious inside life I feel one
Thing which is so important in life I feel that there are two sides of every point that in each and
Every person we see two sides some are good and some are weak points inside life I feel one
Thing from inside that good points are nice things in life I feel one thought from my mind then
I feel weak things are totally horrible for our life I feel one thing from inside that we just want
One thing from inside that those qualities are those positive points which are touching us on
Every angle of life I feel one thing from inside that qualities are wonderful and they will help
Our thinking on every point we just feel one thing from mind that qualities are something which
Are so wonderful on every point of life we feel one thought from inside that those qualities
Are not touching us that much inside life I feel one thinking from inside that weak points are
Something which will have effect on our life I have one thought from my mind that from others
We just accept strong points on every angle of life because those points are having different
Reactions on every concept of life we feel just one thought from inside that those qualities
And those weakness which touch our mind are not that much wonderful for us on any point
I feel one thing from inside that qualities are something which look so good for me on every
Moment and on every point I feel that we never have weakness from inside of our mind we feel
One concept that weakness are something which will act as obstacles in life we want people
To have bright side but we will never accept their weakness on any point I feel just one thing
From every point those weakness which are turning to drawback on every point so then I feel
One thing from inside that qualities seem to matter more and more inside life on every concept
And on every point I feel just one thought from mind that weak points are something which
Will have impact on life when we have weakness from inside we just feel one thing on every
Moment and on every point that weakness will have that power which will take us behind
So when we see weakness I have seen people rejecting person in life some person let this world
See weakness fully on every time but other person seem to show just qualities on every side
Of our future and our life we feel one thought from inside that those concepts which will
Look nice are not just moving ahead on every point we feel one thought from inside that those
Weakness and qualities are standing with each other on every point those two concepts
Which are part of our life are not that much good on any part of life I feel that qualities are
Something which will manage to take us ahead in life while weakness are also something
Which may harm us on many points I will just never understand one thing from my mind
That qualities and weakness are something which are both sides of one coin then why when
Some people show qualities we believe on them in life and when other show weakness we
Just feel that they are so useless in life why world is so single minded on every point and
Why did we feel that we are standing on wrong concept of our life those two sides which
Are so important to our life doesn't look that good on any angle of mind we just feel one
Thought from inside that good and bad concepts both are alive inside life I will never understand
What I feel from my mind but I feel just one thing that how can we just ignore one person's
Weakness can be seen and other person's weakness can be ignored inside life on every day
We just feel that we are forced to watch from one side but still people will say one thing with
Full confidence in life on every moment it feel that those points which will have weakness
That are creating problems in life after all those qualities are having reactions on every point
But we must understand that one person have weakness they can be seen after some time
When we believe that some one have one side then depression will follow us on every point
After all those concepts which will have weakness on every point will look totally wrong on
Every concepts of life but then I feel one thought from my mind those weakness which will
Be seen with qualities are something truth of life I feel one thought from my mind that those
Both concepts are important inside life qualities and weakness which are part of our life will
Never look so good on any point but we need to move ahead with those concepts of our life
Or admiring some one too much will become our weak point which will manage to hurt us in life.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Poem 712. Judging by sight

                                                             Judging by sight
When we see day sometimes we feel that day are something so wonderful on every day
We just feel one thing on every moment I feel one thing that days are something which
Are turning in totally nice way when we see those beautiful days we just feel one thing
From my mind on every second again and again I feel that in days I feel that nice look
Of that day but then on that moment night began to scare us on every moment we just
Have one thought in every moment that when we stay in light we began to feel that in
This darkness which is so wonderful on every moment in that darkness we see beauty
Of that night as well as that day because in night we have just that artificial sort of light
But we feel one thing from our life that we want it perfect but when we get something
We just began to get attach on every moment so then I feel one thing on every point
And on every moment that those things which look so good and perfect doesn't look
That nice on every day I feel one thing in my life on every thought in those thoughts which
Will touch me every time on every way I feel one thing on every side but then I feel
That day of light is not that much nice on every point we just feel one thought from inside
That days have some light and nice they are having brightness in life we feel just one thought
On every point that days and nights are pleasant things of life they never look that good
To any one on any point we feel just one thought from our mind that day are so wonderful
When we move ahead in life we feel just one thought from our mind that day are so nice
But nights are also great on same point those days and nights which are two parts of life
We are watching nights are so wonderful on every point but if we want brightness of daysIn life I feel one thought from my mind those days and those nights will not looking so
Perfect on every point we feel one thing from inside those days and those nights are
Two sides of our life which are so different on every time those days and nights are
Making something which are looking so nice on every point when we are in one situation
We feel so nice on every point we just want to stay in that situation which are so good
For our life those days are something which are nice on every point I feel one thought
From inside that days are something so wonderful when we enjoy them inside our life
We feel just one thought from our mind that days are so wonderful for our eyes when
We adjust one thought we just fall in love with one concept that is liking for day because
It is taking us ahead on every point we just never understand one thing in life that when
We are in one situation it is may be not that much nice but still other situation on every point
I feel one thing from my mind that those two days and nights are wonderful parts of life
But still when we are in day we just feel so scared of night and that part will manage to harm
Our future and our life I feel one thought from inside that we are just involved in one thought
From our mind that those different concepts are not that much nice on every point but they
Will have serious effect on our thoughts and our life we need to understand on every point
That both sides are wonderful for our future and our life but we just like to remain stuck
To some part of life and never like to observe other concepts inside life on every moment
And on every point we feel just one thing from inside that those concepts which are so
Interesting on every point I feel one thing from those concepts are turning on every moment
Inside our life I feel one thing from inside mind I feel one thought on every point I feel one
Thing inside life I have one thinking on every point that those things which are taking us
Ahead on every point I feel one thing from my mind that we must understand those concept
Which are so important inside life I feel one thought from my mind that those different
Sort of concepts inside life I feel one thing from mind that those days and nights which are
Wonderful on every point but when we start on every concept inside our life I feel one
Thing from our mind day will have that light on every point but then I feel one thing from
Our thinking inside life I feel one thing from inside days are something which are really
So wonderful time for our life but nights are also nice so I just feel one thing from inside
That we should never reject concepts in life which will give us life those days and nights
Will remain wonderful on every point because they are remaining same on every point of life
It will be better if we have both in life so we must learn to accept those part on every time
We should stop judging things just by sight darkness is not that bad on any point of life.

Poem 711. To see the life

                                                            To see the life
When you look at your life it is such a fun because there are nice things in life on every
Part for our heart those fun which will look so good for our thoughts and heart I know that
There will be problems on every point on every part I feel just one thought from my heart
That our life will have pleasant things on every part I have one thing on every time that those
Things which are something that are important for heart I feel one thing from my heart that
Life will have so many good things only we can't able to see them in any part inside heart
I just feel one thing on every part of heart that those things which are so beautiful and
Adorable from our heart I feel one thing on every part that those things which are so nice
To us will look so different on every part I feel there are many nice things on every part
I feel one thing from my heart in world there are many funny things if we start to look at
Those things from our thinking and from our heart we feel just one thing that fun is that
Kind of thing which is proper for our heart but when sorrows come suddenly we forget it
From our thoughts and our heart because that fun which we get in life will look so nice on
Every moment and on every time we just feel one thought from our heart there are many
Things which touch our thoughts on every part to our heart I feel one thing from my thinking
And my heart those nice things which use to touch us on every part are part of sorrows
Are something which are creating confusing on every part I feel one thought from my heart
That we can enjoy many things but we can never understand what we really feel from our
Thoughts and our heart I feel just one thing from our heart because those things which
Are so important inside life I feel one thing from funny things which are something so nice
But then fun is that precious gift for our life on every point on every part I feel one thing
From our heart I feel fun which will look so good and so precious inside life I have those
Important on every part I feel fun is not that much nice on every part those funny things
Which are so nice on every part inside life these things which will give fun on every part
But then there are fun which are so good for our heart I feel one thing from my heart but
These fun will be look so nice on every part that fun will look so good on every part from
Our heart I feel one thing from my heart those fun which will touch us on every part so then
I feel one thing from my heart this fun is creating so much important inside my heart but
Then I feel one thing from my heart those fun which will look so good on every part but
Then fun is so cute on every time from our heart fun will vanish on every part I feel one thing
From our heart those fun which will look so nice on every part I feel fun is so nice on every
Moment and on every part that fun which is so cute on every part those fun will look so cute
On every moment and on every part but that fun is not that good when it have to be taken
Out of sorrows which are hidden from heart I feel one thing from my heart that those fun
Which will look so lovely on every part I feel that fun will look so nice on every part but
Then those fun which will look so nice from our heart I feel that fun which is so good for
Our thinking and our heart should be searched in our life by us on many parts those thoughts
Which touch us should come from our heart which tell us that we must look at life with
Nice and positive thought from our heart when I will move ahead I just feel one thing from
My heart that fun is how we take ahead all things and noting else can give fun to our heart
Those thoughts which touch me will look so nice on every part I just feel one thing that I must
Learn to enjoy my life on every part may be life seem so wrong on every part because we will
Never understand on thoughts depend our happiness on every part because on every part in life
We will decide happiness is pleasant sort of thing for our heart we have just one thought on
Every moment and on every part that happiness and fun which we feel from inside is depend
On how we move ahead with our heart when we move ahead we just feel one thought on
Each and every part that if we move ahead then we just feel one thought from our heart that
On every moment and on every point I feel we must understand that it depend on us we can
See life on every part how our life seem will be decided on every part by our those thoughts
Which tell us how did we can see our life and how did we can move with positive sort of heart
If we move positively then easily bigger problem will become so small that it just seem nothing
To our thoughts as well as our heart because it will touch us on that moment on right part
So life is depend on how did we see life on each and every part and how will it effect our heart.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Poem 710. Forced

Whenever I see some color which I just like that color on every moment and on every part
I will one thing from my heart that color which I like is something began to touch my thoughts
And my heart on every moment those colors are something which look so good for our heart
That color which are so nice on every part I have seen many colors which are having totally
Right concept for heart I feel one thing from inside of my heart that right color is that one
Which look so good and perfect for our heart I feel that this color is so fresh and perfect
For my heart I feel that this color was never one which will look good on every moment
From our heart I have just one thought on every part I feel that those color which look so
Good but then I feel that this color will look so good for our thinking and our heart but when
I will move ahead on every part I feel just one thing from my heart that I just like that color
Which is so good on every part I just feel that I don't want to see other things we just want
Those things which are obsession of our thought and heart because when I see those things
I feel just one thought from my heart that I like just that thing which I have thought from
Beginning of our heart I feel one thought from my heart those color which will look so nice
On every part we feel those color which look so nice on every part then I feel one thing from
My heart that those colors which look so beautiful to us seem to help us to forget things that
Touch our thoughts and our heart but there are other colors which are so useful on every
Moment and on every point those colors which are having some thing so unique for our heart
I feel one thing from my mind and my heart then those colors which will look so good on
Every point from heart those colors which will look so beautiful on every part and when
We start to move ahead from one part to another part we just feel one thought from our
Thinking and our heart I just feel those colors which are so nice on every angle of our heart
I just feel one thing on every part that those colors which we can see each color have some
Nice and beautiful as well as pure from my heart I feel that those colors are something
Which will look so nice on every part I feel one thought from my heart that those colors
Which are so important to us will look so wrong on every part those colors which are
Having so different on every part I feel just one thing from our thought and our heart but
Then I feel one thing from my heart that those precious color which are favorite to our heart
I feel one thing from those heart I feel one thing from my heart those colors which will look
So nice for our heart that color which touch me on every part I feel one thing from my
Thoughts and my heart that this color will look so nice on every part I feel one thought from
My thinking and my heart that this color which is good for us on every point and heart
I feel one thing from my heart that this precious color which will look so nice from heart
These colors are something so important inside our heart I feel one thing on every part but
Then those colors which are touching our heart are turning into positive on every moment
And on every part I just feel one thought from my heart that those colors which look so
Good to me will look totally wrong to me on every part because I just remain attach to just
One color on every part but when I will move ahead I feel one thing from my heart that
Those color are just remain inside my heart and I move ahead on every part I feel one
Thought from my heart that moving ahead with hope of just one color never right for our
Thoughts and heart life is full of many colors then we need to understand use each one
On some part just remaining with one color will not help that much to our heart I just feel
One thing on every part that this color which have so good look on every moment to our
Thoughts and heart those color which touch us seem so good on every part I feel one thought
From my heart that this color will look so good to us on every part I feel one thing from my
Thoughts and my heart I feel just one thing on every part that when one color is favorite
We just feel that we don't like to see other color we must force our heart that some times
We have to understand that color which will look so nice for heart but those colors which
Touch my soul will remain with me until I don't see that profit on any part I just feel one thing
From heart sometimes forced things are also right and perfect for our thoughts and our heart
So we must force ourselves on every part to accept each and every color because they are
Good as well as perfect for our thing inside my thoughts as well as our thinking and our heart.

Poem 709. Written words

                                                                  Written words
Can written words tell someone what you want to say can they explain that part of heart
Which we all want to say can you change person's view by writing some thing there or can
You change some one's mind and views on some moment but when you write something
It is just telling what you want to say you can never able to guess that if other person understood
Your feeling and if other person believe you in any way writing is like talking from one side
And expecting other person can understand you on that moment we just can't understand if
That person understood in any way those words which are so touching to our mind in every
Thought and moment I feel just one thing on every day that those words which look to you
So wrong on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that words are just talk from
One side it is never understood what was said by other side but sometimes it's good and on
Some times it is bad for our life because those words which are precious to us but to other
Side it is also good for our life since we just don't understand others face we can keep telling
Our point without stopping by others reaction or face in life sometimes feel it is how truth
Always comes outside some says you can see it in eyes but I just feel that sometimes we are
So scared to tell truth with those eyes because it is cutting our heart from inside and we feel
One thing from our mind that we can't able to tell it but then we can always say it with help
Of writing in life because in that form we can't see other people's eyes which may don't agree
With us for long time but then after some time they will see truth on every point we feel just
One thing from inside that truths are those precious things which are so harmful in life and
On every time I feel one thought from my eyes that we are not moving ahead as per our thoughts
And our mind because written words are those words which are proof of life and still no one
Can stop us from writing by just screaming on us loudly from time to time those written words
Are some thing which touch us on every point I feel write will look so nice when we move ahead
On every point because in that process we can move ahead on every point because words can be
Written on every angle of life we feel one thought from inside that those sentences will have those
Words which are telling all those truths which we are scared to share because we feel other will
Not believe us or we are scared us on every point so then I feel one thought from inside that
Those words are something which are written on every point but then those words which will
Look so good on every point but then those words are something so good inside our life but
Then on every word I feel one thing from my mind that writing have given us full freedom
To just write on every point inside life I feel that thought from inside those words can
Be just written and kept there for long time until those people manage to tell them truth in life
So then I feel one thing from my mind that those words which are written on some point then
I feel one thing from inside that those words are some thing so meaning for our entire life that
We feel we must understand them inside life on proper moment and nice we feel just one thing
From inside because those words are having that power inside look so right sometimes we can
Always want to tell some thing in life so on every moment I feel one thought from my mind
That those things which are turning on every point I feel one thought from my mind that
Those written words are something which are taking us totally wrong on every point because
Those words are creating reactions of those words on every point I feel one thing from my
Thoughts and my mind that those words which are written on that point with just one hope
In our mind we feel just one thing from our mind that those hopes which are so important
Inside life will not have any effect on our mind those things which touch us on every point
Can be written and just kept there so that they can at least be proof for our life so when we
Move ahead on every point that those written things are something which are important in life
Because those words are some thing which are written inside our world on important in life
I feel one thought from inside precious inside life I feel one thing totally so precious in life
I feel those words are written inside life I have seen written words are important inside life
I have just one thought from my mind that written things will help us on every point of life
Those things which will look so truthful seem better to be kept written in life because instead
Of convincing writing is enough inside life then I feel one thought from every point in life.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Poem 708. Digging truth

                                                            Digging truth
I can clearly see the fact as mountain and rocks when it stood before me so clearly then
Why didn't other see same fact I just never understand in life how did things change in just
Few moments with few facts how can people confuse from one point to another point inside
Some concept or some fact when we move ahead I just feel one thought about each fact
That those truths which we have inside are clear as mountain in life can be changed in few
Moments and in just few facts because when I start to explain I feel so sure that I can't tell
Any one that part of this world on every point in life I just feel one thing from inside that those
Truth which are so important to us are precious to our mind those truth which want to explain
To you in life are something so good on every moment and on every point I just never understand
One thought from inside of my mind that if I have found some truths then other people are
Not understanding those truths in life I feel just one thing from my mind that truths are those
Things which are having worst impact on us in life I feel one thought from inside that those
Truths which touch us look so easy to get in life I just feel one thing from mind I feel one
Thought from inside that truth which is so visible in life I feel one thought from inside that
Those truths which we see from inside can't be always seen by others on every point but
Those truth which are having effect inside life are can't be seen clearly by people in life
Those things which look so truthful on every angle of life we just feel one thought from
Every angle and on every point that those truths which touch us in life will look so good to
Our thinking in life I just feel one thought from every angle of life truth which look so good
To our life but when we try to explain it to others to them it seem some insult on every
Moment and on every point when we move ahead in our life we need to understand one thing
On every point those thoughts which are so true for our life are not that much truthful on
Every point I just feel one thing from my mind that some truth are so harsh that we just don't
Want understand them in life when I move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that
Those truth which are clear to me are shocking to other people in their life because they just
Never believe them are any truth in that angle of life it feel as if those truths are not that much
Healthy for mind may be they just wanted to reject them because they are breaking their dreams
Which they have from inside I just feel one thing from inside that those truth which I want
To explain must be understood by those people by their own thinking then only we can and
Able to achieve something in life when we move ahead then we must understand one thought
From our mind that those truths which will touch us are not that much right on any point
Because those truths are telling them one thing that they can't win so easily in life and that is
One fact which is hated by most people inside life when we want to move ahead we just
Want one thing that is to win in life on every moment we just feel one thing from inside that
Those facts which touch us on many points will look so wrong to us on every moment of
Our future and our life when we move ahead I feel one thought from inside that those things
Which touch me will not help me that much in life I have one thinking on every point that
Those dreams which we have in our life are not moving ahead according to our thoughts on
Many moments and on many points but just due to that cause rejecting fact is not that good
For our life because we all know that facts are something which are so important to us on
Every moment of life but we can't force others to accept that fact on any point because those
People are just managing to confuse facts in life I feel just one thought from my mind that
Those facts which are as strong as rock and as solid as mountain are perfect for my life so
On every moment and on every point I feel one thought from my mind those facts which
Look so perfect to us will manage to escape from those people in life because they never
Want to see the truth because it will disturb their plans and life but if you think peacefully
Then you will understand from mind that those things which look so good to us are not
That much good and nice on any point of life because facts which are so important to us
In life are something we made just because we want to remain happy in our life and they
Are not that much truth of our future and our life on any moment or on any point inside life
It is not about digging truth we have never dig it in life it is about watching those mountains
Of truth but we can't do it because it is not what we want inside our future and our life.

Poem 707. Small mistakes

                                                             Small mistakes
Some times we write some thing and it all goes totally wrong on some point it seem that
Things are not that good as we wish from inside we just then have one question from inside
It is just small mistake should we need to change it in life on every moment we feel one thing
On every point I feel one thing from my mind that those small kind of mistake inside life
We feel one thought from my mind those mistake will look nice on every point but then
We have one thinking on every point I feel that those mistakes which are creating in life
Those mistakes which are so important inside life those wrong things that are important in life
I feel one thing from my mind mistake which are written on every point I feel that we need
To do work properly in life I feel one thought from my mind that those written things in life
I feel one thing that when mistake is small it look so good inside life I feel one thing from
Inside of our mind those mistakes which are having reactions on every point inside life but
Then I feel one thought from inside I have done my work on every point those things which
Are so important inside life mistakes which we have done in our work will look so wrong
On every point I feel one thing from my mind those small mistake should not lead to important
Point inside life I feel that those mistakes which are so small will not effect on every time so
Then I feel one thing from my mind that small mistakes could be ignored in life on every point
Those things which are so important in life seem like time and effects we took to do that thing
On that point so sometimes even when we see that we have done some small mistake in life
We feel that we can ignore it in life after all who was going to spend on it so much time
And who is going to let it move ahead in life we feel that small mistake can't turn that much
Big blunder of life one thing from inside I feel one thing from our mind that those things which
Look so hard to understand inside life so then I feel that thought will look so wrong on every
Point inside life I feel mistakes are small things inside life I have just one thought from my
Thinking and my mind so then I feel one thought from my mind that mistakes are something
Which are having effect on our life will look totally wrong on every point inside our life so
I just feel one thing from inside those mistakes which are small become biggest mistake in life
Those small things will become something which we need to move ahead inside life on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thing from my mind those small thing become something
Which are bigger on every point we feel one thing from my mind those small things which
Will look so good and perfect inside life until they are small and limited on every point because
Those things which are so small on every point will look so good only limited for whole life
But that never happen inside our life slowly those things will become bigger inside life I feel
One thought from inside those small things will turn into some bigger on every point I feel
Just one thought from my mind that small things are those things which turn something
Hard to ignore by any one in life small mistakes mostly become bigger after some time so
If you can then change them in life but when you can't change them accept them as part
Of your life but never expect one thing that they will disappear from life what ever be those
Mistakes are part of our future and life I feel even small mistakes are those parts which
Are having big effect in life so if you can change them then don't ignore it on any point then
Just do those changes and don't think about money or time because one day you will be sorry
And have to apologize in worst way for such mistakes in life those things which are happening
On every point will have some different effects on life I feel just one thing from inside that
Those things that are happening in our life will turn into some thing more complicated and
Bigger from time to time because those things are having different reactions in life which
Will tell us not changing is biggest mistake of life because when we think it is hard work
We never able to guess how hard it will be to gain once again that trust in life which was
Lost due to that small mistake which lead us in totally wrong way of life when we move ahead
We just need to understand one thing from mind that those things which help us are not going
Ahead as we thought in life mistake is small but it is not small in other people's eyes and it will
Become big with time so I just feel one thing from inside those mistakes which we make in
Our future and in our life are not moving ahead as per our thoughts and our mind because
Those mistakes are something which have created worst effect on life so we must change them
Even if it take time and if we can't then we must accept it in life that we can't forget them
On any moment or on any point because those mistakes are creating bigger effect on our future
And on our entire life I feel just one thing from my mind that small mistake is that sword
Which cut our heart on every moment and on every point with negative thoughts which enter
About us on every part of our future as well as our life on those part which gives peace of mind.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Poem 706. Changing route

                                                             Changing route
Inside our life we can never guess what is our loss and what is our profit on every point
So when we went ahead without much proper guess inside life so on every moment those
Profit and losses seem good for our life we feel just one thing from our mind that those
Two types of thinking and any one can be good for our life but then why we just began to
Hate other thinking when we should just pursue first thinking and that is enough for our life
When we went ahead I just feel one thing from inside those profits and losses are just two
Sides of our life and we just never know which one is better but with good faith we start
To move ahead on one side of our life on every moment we just feel one thing that is best
For our life those profits which are creating different effects in life will have so different
Thoughts on every point I feel just one thought from inside that when we choose one thought
From our mind we went with that thoughts from miles after miles on every point we just
Feel one thing from our mind that this route is so good on every angle of life when we move
Ahead on every point we think that thought is so right those routes on which we move seem
To move perfectly inside life so we walk on that route for our many days of life while just
Thinking every thing on one point that we are doing best on every point we feel one thought
From inside that we know that this route is for justice for our life we feel that we are moving
Ahead on every point and justice is what we are doing by fighting to those people who did
Those wrong things in life on every moment and on every point we feel one thing that those
People who are standing against are not that much good inside life we feel one thought from
Our heart that those good routes are moving us to really honest and good point on every angle
Of our future and life We just feel one thought from inside our mind that those routes on
Which we walk are not that much good or that much nice on any point because when we
Are in middle of route we find people who are suggesting us that we are right inside life are
Just creating problems for us on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Things which are so important to us in life are dependent on those rules on every point but
When we move ahead rules seem also manage to confused on some point because when
We have just limited knowledge from one side we just never able to guess which side is so
Good on every point of life when we move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind
That those routes which are taking us ahead on every point are something so good but when
We learn to move ahead on every point slowly knowledge will get increased on every point
Of our future and our life when we want to move ahead we just never once thought in life
What will we do if one day we feel that we are standing on wrong side of life what will happen
If we have misunderstood things inside our life because those things which we thought from
Our thoughts and our mind are not moving ahead as per our wishes on every point so when
We began to move ahead inside our life we just feel one thought from inside that those routes
Which have choose sometimes are wrong due to half knowledge of life then we need to change
Our routes on that moment and on that point we just have one thought from inside that those
Things which touch our mind will no longer seem something so nice on any point because
In life on every point we feel one thought from our mind that those things which are touching
Our mind on every point are not that much good then we just change them in life I feel that
Sometimes changing route is right some people may get shocked or disagree with you in life
But if you feel that you are wrong on first point just change your route without thinking for
Second moment or second time because then only you will move ahead in good way inside
Our life on every moment we just have to think one thing from inside that those things which
Touch us on every point will look wrong on many thoughts and on many points but still we
Feel one thing from inside that those things which move ahead are better be good that just
Staying on same wrong point so we just decide to change route and began to scream against
Same person with whom we stood for long time some says it's wrong but I will disagree
From my thoughts and my mind to that concept and that truth of life which will enter in life
Only after some time honesty to just one person doesn't mean dishonesty to god and life so
When you feel some one whom you trusted does something wrong never stop yourself
From changing route or side because life is about moving ahead to correct side on every point.

Poem 705. Hard question

                                                           Hard question
Many times in life answers goes above our head on every point those answers are something
Which are something creating problems inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those
Answers are not something which are moving ahead on every point I feel one thing from inside
I feel one thing from my mind those answers are something which are moving ahead on every
Point but then those answers which went above our head on every point but then I feel one
Thing from inside some times answers are so complicated that they just went above our head
On every time I just feel one thing from inside that we must not ignore those thoughts which
Goes above our head on every point and on every part we just began to feel one thought on
Every moment and on every part we feel that one thing that those question which touch my
Thinking and my heart sometimes have so hard answers on each and every part I just feel one
Thought from my heart that those answers which touch my mind are not that perfect on any
Thoughts and part I just feel one thinking from my heart that those answers which touch me
On many moments will look so good for my heart I feel those answers which will go inside
My brain on some part will look so wrong on every part I feel just one thing that those answers
Are so complicated for my thinking and my heart I feel just one thought from my mind that
Those answers will have some kind of information on every part I feel one thing from my mind
That something are moving above my head on every part I have just one thought from my
Thinking and my heart that those information which suppose to be unknown to us are those
Part which should touch our heart but in life things mostly turn in different part because
Those answers will never enter in our brain because those questions are something which
Touch our brain and our heart that knowledge which we get in every part seem so touching
To our thinking and our heart but when that hard knowledge enters in life we feel one thing
From mind that those information's which we need in life are mostly so hard to understand
On any part of life because they are so difficult to understand because normal information's
Are mostly inside our life because since our childhood we are just learning things on every
Moment and on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those things which are
Teaching us information will easily teach us those information on every point I feel just one
Thing from inside of my mind that those knowledge which is hard to absorb in life will
Vanish on any moment and on any point when things doesn't move as we prefer and like
We just feel one thing from inside that those knowledge which we want from our life then
It will turn into something important on every point but I feel just one thing from inside
That those knowledge which we have in our mind will look so wrong on every moment
And on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that this knowledge which is so
Precious to us on every point will look hard to understand but that doesn't mean we can
Ignore that answer in life because finally that answer is going to take us ahead and that is
Truth of our life when we move ahead on every point I feel just one thought from inside that
Those things which touch us on every moment of life are not that simple but that doesn't
Mean we should hate them inside our life because those things are something so precious in life
I feel one thing from my mind that hard questions are not those question which are hard to
Speak in life but those who have hard answer on every point we have to understand those
Hard question on every point because they are precious and important type of questions
For our future and our life when we ask those questions which are so hard to get answer
In life we know that we need to move ahead on some point but some people just never want
To face those questions at all inside life because those questions are something which are
Helping us on every moment and on every point they are telling us many things inside our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which I do on every point will have
Some different impact on our life but hard questions are those who are taking us ahead in life
We feel just one thing from our mind that some questions are easy but they never help us
That much in life but still people hate that language which they don't understand in life I just
Wish one thing from my heart only if these people learn to understand those important things
From inside of their mind then they will understand one thing hard question is pillar of our life.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Poem 704. Gifts

There was one big tree outside in my garden which is full of fresh fruits on every time
When they are needed inside life I just feel one thing from inside that those fresh fruits
Which use to look so nice and fresh on every point because those fruits are so good on
Every point I feel one thing from my mind that those fruits are not that much good for
Our life I feel one thing from my mind that those fruits are so fresh and nice on every
Moment and point those fruits are looking fresh and having good colors and smell so nice
On every point those trees which are loaded on every fruits which are have plenty on
Every branch which are loaded on every point I feel just one thing from inside that those
Fruits are so wonderful on every point because they are fresh and nice at every look
In life but then I just feel  fruits are needed so tasty on every point I feel one thing from
Inside those fruits which are needed in life those fruits will look so nice and perfect
Which are so tasty that whenever I give them to any one those fruits will give me in return
Happiness from inside because those people will admire inside life I feel just  one
Thing from my mind those fruits which are fresh on every point I feel that those
Fruits are something which look so nice on every moment and on every point inside life
I feel that those fruits are looking so nice on every point I feel that fruits are giving me
Good health on every point I feel one thing from inside that those fruits which are so
Pleasant on every point inside life but those fruits which are so fresh and nice on every
Moment and on every point I just use admire that tree full of fruits on every point and
I use to think those fruits are so precious to health in life those fruits are so perfect to
Our life I feel those trees which are full of fruits are important inside life I feel one thing
From my mind those fruits are tasty and fresh on every point I feel those fruits are so
Nice on every point I feel that those fruits are angle of health on every time I feel just one thing
Inside life I feel just one thing from inside that fruits are taking us ahead on every point
I use to admire those fruits because they are needed inside life I use to feel one thing on
Every moment and on every point that this tree is our best friend on every point after all
Those fruits which are so important to every part of life will look so good when they enter
In our life on every point I feel just one thing from inside that those trees which are full
Of those tasty fruits are nice for our future and our life those fruits which are so important
And I use to water that tree on every time because it use to give me fruits on every point
For our future and our life we just feel one thing from inside that those fruits are something
Which are loved by me and that tree is best friend of my mind because those trees are
Something which are important to me on every time I use to do every thing for it in life
Until one day Christmas came and one day I began to arrange new Christmas tree outside
I arranged it like small kid on every point I have arranged one thing from every point in life
I have arranged gift and decoration inside life so then those Christmas tree look so nice on every
Area on every point I feel one thing that those Christmas tree look totally wrong that those
Arrangements are made according to us on every point but then those trees are arranged
On every way in life in which it will give us pleasure and look so nice on every point so
Then when I look at those tree I feel they are so nice on every point I feel just one thing from
Inside that those gifts which are arranged under those trees will look so nice on every angle
Of our life when we move ahead we just feel so happy while watching that tree whole time
So then I just keep looking at those gifts and forget other concepts inside life so on every
Point inside life I feel one thing from my mind that I was just looking at gifts and forgot
Other concepts while enjoying things in life I feel one thing from inside that those concept
Which are part of our thinking and our mind but then I feel one thing from my mind that
On that day I have even forgot to water that tree on every point because due to those gifts
I forgot that best friend and my favourite tree on that time so sometimes for gifts we just
Forget our best friends inside life we feel that gifts are important and other things no more
Matter that much to us in life because those other things which are so important to us
Seem to lost importance in life I feel one thing from inside that gifts are nice but just never
Forget best friends for them in life and even if that happen always on every time inside life
That is your biggest mistake on every moment and on every point inside life so improve it with time.

Poem 703. Appearance

Beauty is something that please your eyes and stay with you in part of your mind but at same
Time beauty is something which even manage to misguide and appearance of person does it
In best way in life how person sit and stands seems to decide how that person is in life so
How easily appearance began to confuse us in life sometimes we search for truth but mostly
People feel one thing from inside that what they see is truth of life but they never understand
One thought on every point because appearance will look so good on every point I just feel
One thing from inside life that appearance are totally those things which never help us that
Much to judge in life specially when they are created for some time inside life they just confuse
Our thoughts and mind but appearance which will look so nice on some points but then those
Things which will have impact on our life will look so nice on every point because they are
Creating those aspects inside life which are not even existed inside life I feel one thought from
My mind that those appearance which may not have even that beauty from outside
Can manage to rule our life those things which will touch us on every point I feel one thing
From my mind that beauty is something which we have inside but appearance seem to
Manage to convince us that we must consider those things which appear on outside inside life
When we start moving ahead on every point we just look at that appeasrance and give big smile
We never thought once what may be inside on any point because those feelings are something
Which will have effect on our life those thoughts which touch us on every point judged
By those appearance in life so we are confused on every point of life those things which are
Touching us on every point of life will look so wrong on every moment of life those things
Which happen on every day of life will have those things which will appear totally wrong
Because appearance many times tell us one thing inside life and then it vanish like Midas in life
Those things which enter in life look so good on every point because on those roads which
Will have new look in life seem so good to us on every point inside our life but then I feel just
One thing from my heart that those appearance that will look so different on every point
But those appearance can able to confuse us on many points but since they come before us
They seem to rule our life when we see something nice we just ignore good things and then
We just keep watching appearance with full concentrated mind but then I feel one thing from
My mind that appearance are just those signs which can be seen in life on every moment
And on every point I feel that appearance no longer that much nice because it have confused
Me many time I feel I am so lucky that I have become aware on time in life when we feel
One thing from inside that appearance is road map of our life on every point those appearance
Will look so wrong on every point since those appearance which will take on wrong track
Of our future and our life I feel one thing from inside that those things which look from outside
On every point seem to have more concentrated in life I just feel one thought from inside that
Sometimes outside beauty will matter more inside life because they just comes easily before
Our eyes on every time I feel one thing from my mind that appearance which is so important
To us on many points inside life but they can harm us on many points it is not just beauty
Which lead us to confusion in life sometimes dressing can do many harms which we never
Able to guess in life but those harms are something which will able to hurt on many thoughts
And on many points which will manage to harm our life I have just one thought from my
Thinking and from my mind that life is not that simple as we decide because just watching
Make us so sure that it is truth of life that we just never feel ready to hear what others are
Telling us on every point that those appearance are false in life but that is one truth which
We will understand just by experience on every moment and on every point telling that truth
Will not solve problems inside life I feel one thing from my mind that people have to understand
This trap by their brain inside their life because those things which are so precious in life
After all those appearance are deceiving us on every point and we have to know it by our
Own brain inside life so until people don't understand telling is useless in life but one day when
Dawn will come appearance will vanish with night so then they will understand so why should
We do one thing in explaining them spend our time it is better to plan with those who agrees
With us in life that how did we take ahead our life other things will not matter that much on that point.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Poem 702. Walnut's cover

                                                              Walnut's cover
How I wish you stood with me as you stood with me when I was just small child
I feel one thing from my mind that childhood is that time when I get help on every point
I will just have one feeling from inside my mind that those things which we do in our
Childhood will never look proper for our life on every moment and on every time we just
Feel one thought from inside that those childhood dreams which we have from our mind
We can fulfilled when we grow up inside life but then as we start to grow up we feel one
Thing inside life that we should get things same way as we use to get as child when we
Move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind that why should things change in any
Way inside life I feel those thoughts which we have in our mind are not going ahead as per
Our thinking on every point those children which are moving ahead are with help while
Grow up suppose to move ahead with their own brain in life when I will move ahead on
Every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those easy helps which we get in our
Childhood and in that part of our life seem to be going away far from every angle of life
We just feel one thing from our mind that childhood dreams are something which are leading
Us to many problems in our life those dreams which are part of our mind will not look that
Perfect on any part of life I will have one feeling from my mind that grow up will never
Went ahead in life on every point with those help which we get as child we just never
Accept one thing from our mind that those days are over when we get help and those days
Have come when we give help in life we all feel so happy where those days when we use
To get help from our side but I just feel one thing from my mind that those days are not
That much nice on that point because child want to do every thing on own child just hate
To get help from outside because when you ask for it get reduced in life you can't
Move ahead as per your choice those helps which you got as child never seem so good in
Your future and your life I feel one thing that when we need to help us we just can't move
As per our thoughts and as per our choice all those help seem like some thing so useless
In life I feel one thing from my mind that childhood dream was of doing every thing on
Our own and when we grow up we just forgot it's importance in life on every point we just
Began to feel one thing from our mind that those help which we get in childhood are so
Perfect and so nice when those help of childhood become alive it seem once again freedom
Is going away from life so on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that those childhood help which enter in our life ask for our
Freedom as return price on every point when we move ahead we feel just one thing from
Our mind that those things which are good to us are nice for our life because those things
Will tell us that help will be given to us only when that person decide so we just get so
Upset on every point because we can't able to do things as per our liking and dislikes we just
Feel one thing from our mind that we are not free due to that help so we want freedom
From those help as child but when we grow up those burden enter in our life and slowly
Our need of help will get reduced on every point those aspects which help us will take us
Ahead on every point seem to hurt our feeling in life I just feel one thought from my mind
That may be we should understand one thing in life that our hard work is like cover of
Walnut which will have nice taste of freedom inside when we get help from other then
We are never free in life we can move as we wish on every time those helps which we need
Are never taking us ahead on any point those things which we need from our mind are those
Aspect which wake up our nice plan on every point are those hard work which we do in life
We must learn to help others and break that cover of walnut from every angle of life because
If we don't able to do that then we will never able to do that in life those things which enter
In our life are not just help they are also work which we need to do in life so never say we
Need help because help will ask some cost in return inside life and it will just lead to many
Problems and troubles inside life those different works which we do in life will never take us
Ahead on any point of our future and our life because those childhood helps should be limited
To just childhood in life and grow up suppose help other children on that age and on that time
Of their future as well as their grow up life so never ask for that help when that age cross in life.

Poem 701. Stored in heart

                                                          Stored in heart
Sometimes you can see it some times it goes out of our life I feel just one thing from inside
That thing which bring tears on our face at every time we feel just one thing from inside that
Tears which is falling on our face on every point is sorrows but I feel even happiness will
Manage to bring those tears from eyes I just feel one thing from my mind that happiness is
Something so precious to us in life but still I feel we treat it worst that even our sorrows
Inside life I feel one thing from inside that happiness is one treasure which will bring that
Smile but still I feel mostly important inside life I just feel one thing from inside that those
Smile which touch us on face so that smile will look so nice on that face which will bring
Out happiness inside I feel one thing from inside that happiness is something which will
Have reactions on every point those happiness which touch us on every moment in life
Should be stored on every moment inside life I feel one thing from my mind that this treasure
On which are giving happiness to us on every point I feel that those happiness which will
Touch me from inside will look so wrong on every point I feel one thing that those pleasant
Things which are moving ahead in life those facts which are leading to many problems in life
I feel that smile will look so nice on every point those smile which will be good for my mind
Every moment and on every point those smiles which are looking so pure and nice on every
Reaction in life I feel one thing from my mind that smile should treasured in life so then
Inside life I feel one thought from my mind that happiness is something which is give us
Positive thoughts inside I feel just one thing from my mind that happiness which we have
From inside should be stored on every moment inside our life those happiness which are
Touching us are forgotten in just limited time inside life I feel one thought from my mind
That sorrows are something which hurt us on every time but I don't know what we feel
From inside that sorrows are something which will lead to trouble on every time but still
We want to happiness from our mind will remain hidden on every point inside life because
Sorrows are something which will hurt on every point inside life those sadness which will
Manage to touch us on every point inside life I feel just one thought that sorrows will always
Manage to touch our thoughts and our mind I feel that those sorrows which enter in our life
Will slowly began to hurt us on every point those sorrows which I have as part of my mind
Will touch me on some occasions and on some factors in life I feel just one thing from my
Thoughts and my mind that sorrows are that part of life which will stay with us on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thing from inside that happiness will move ahead in life
Those happiness which touch us on every point will look so wrong on every point inside
Our life after all those happiness which touch us on every point will look so nice when we
Have them inside after all those happiness which will take us ahead will look so nice on every
Moment inside life because I just store those sorrows in my mind but those happiness which
Are so precious inside life those sorrows are always kept inside our mind but at same time
We feel one thing from my mind that happiness and sorrows are just two sides of one coin
I just feel one thing from inside that those happiness will be friend of my thinking on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thing from inside that sorrows are part of my mind
That happiness will be part from inside mind that it will hurt us on every moment inside life
I feel that sorrows are something which will hurt me on every point but still I feel that I just
Love to store them inside those sorrows which use to hurt my thoughts and my mind will
Look so pleasant on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that happiness and sorrows
Are managing to harm us on every point because we just prefer to forget happiness are our
Sorrows are managing to stay with us on every point I just need to understand one thought
From inside that happiness and sorrows are just two part which are so prefect for us in life
But then on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that sorrows and happiness
Are target on us like arrows on every time because happiness will give pain of want inside life
And sorrows will give sadness on every point so nothing is bad and nothing is better in life
But worst thing is that we forget it sometimes we just store sorrows inside life same ways
We just remember our enemies are forget our best friends inside our future and inside life.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Poem 700. Proper advice

                                                                Proper advice
How good are our days and how good is our life after all those good things which are so
Important inside life  those good things which are important part of our life is depend on how
We take our life on every moment and on every point I feel just one thing from inside that
Only if we can able to get good and nice advice but our life is so crowded with so many
Views and advice that on every moment we just feel one thing from inside that those things
Which we guess inside life are not helping us that much because we don't have that much
Proper idea from mind those advises which we need on every moment and on every point
Will look so wrong on every thinking of our life those advises which we want inside life
After all those advises which are helping us on every point are needed but we can't just
Able to guess them inside life those advises which are so important on every point will look
So good in life those advises which we need to get proper sort of advises for our life on every
Moment and on every time I just feel one thing from inside of my mind that advises which
Will lead to so many good things in future but only if we can get advice on some time I just
Feel one thing from inside life advises are something which we need on every point but
When they enter mostly they seem like some crowd on every point but then I feel one thing
From my mind that advice which are touching our mind seems so limited on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind that advises which we have inside our life but then I feel
One thought from my mind those advises which are taking us to totally wrong point because
They are creating problems in life after all those facts which are leading to lot of problems
Inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that advises are turning totally wrong inside life
I feel that those advises which are moving ahead on every point I feel one thought from inside
That advises which are leading on totally different on every point inside life I feel that those
Advises which are telling us from one area that we should act us one way in life seem so
Wrong when we hear them inside life I feel one thought from inside that I am moving ahead
On every point but those thoughts which are leading to so many problems inside life because
Those advises are taking us ahead in life are not going ahead as per our thinking inside life
Those advises which are part of our life are not going ahead as we think in life we got so big
Crowd of advises sometimes and sometimes we just don't get any type of advice inside life
In both situation we just feel one thing from inside that we can win in life if we get that truthful
As well as that proper advice but out of those crowd we can't find advice and when we don't
Get single one how can we move ahead in life those advises which we get from our life are
Something which truly help us on some points just getting advises is not enough for life and
When you don't get any advice it will turn in totally frustration in life some people just say in
Anger one thing in life that they don't want in life any type of advice but that is not what they
Truly feel in life they want those advice inside life I feel one thing on every moment in life but
Then those people who need advice in life will look so wrong on every point because when
We give them we just confuse them in life on every moment we just feel we are in biggest
Type of mess on every point those advises which we get in life are something which are so
Important on every point but still when we get them in wrong way they seem so wrong from
Every side so question is that should we give or we should not give advice inside our life
Those advises which are so important to life will look totally wrong on every point of life but
When we move ahead we feel one thing from our mind that advises are something which
Comes in our life whenever they wish from inside we just can't advise about them in life
We just have to handle them as per our thoughts on every point and we just pray to god
To give ourselves advice so on every moment we feel one thing from inside that we need
Advice but proper one in life because those advice will take us ahead on every point and
They suppose to make us powerful in life but that will not happen on every moment of life
Sometimes they confused us so when we get advice which is really proper for our life then
I feel that god has given me most precious type of gift inside our life because getting proper
Advice is totally wrong in life on every moment we just feel that those advises are something
Which can harm us on every day of our future and our life but still we need that proper advice
Which is world's biggest and greatest sort of gift for us by god on each and every point in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...