Friday, October 19, 2012

Poem 489. Luxuries

When I feel I can write that is proper type of life for me as human being because
When I force to do something different it never help much to me I know inside life
Every one have special dreams and success is always need to get those dreams but then
In life on every moment and on every thinking I just never able to change my routes to
Get proper type of thinking I just never imagine those things which look so perfect for
Other people and their thinking each person have own thoughts and own thinking then
Why did inside this world we need to keep in control that type of thinking on every moment
And on every thing I just have one thought and one feeling that those dreams which look so
Nice for human being must not be achieved after sacrificing their own dream I just need
In life to have one understanding that those things which will give me success are not that
Much nice and perfect things in life we need to keep open thinking if we just run after one
Concept that is our success then we just forget enjoying as human being I know we have
Basic need as human being I can understand people just look for success until they get
Those basic things but many times I see that people doesn't stop on that point or on that
Thinking they just keep going ahead and fight for success without thinking what they are
Losing as human being when life went ahead I just have one thinking that those success
Which we need is just limited but we start to run after each and every thing since life never
Let us go ahead on any point as enjoyment of human being we just began to feel that we are
Losing many thoughts while running after success like some greedy human being when
We start our race and when we start running is hardest thing to guess as human being on
Every concept I just feel one thing that those things which I am getting are not that much
Nice for us in life of human being when I feel that those luxuries are making us wrong on
Every point as human being I just never understand what we feel in life as human being
My mind feel just one concept that my thoughts of success are not going to help me as
Human being when I went ahead in life I just keep one thought and one thing that success
Is something so precious to my mind and in need of it I just manage to forget every thing
But inside life I just feel that I need a lot more understanding instead of running after wrong
Concept I need to find right concept which will take me ahead as human being I just never
Understand what we feel inside our life and in our thinking by running after just luxuries in life
I know every one want them I feel same way inside but if you walk with patience slowly
You can also get them on your loved path in life on every moment and on every time I just
Feel one thing leaving behind your favourite route is not nice for life those things which
Happen to us from time to time are something which will manage to hurt inside life but
Then I just have one thought from inside that those feeling which I have are not something
So nice when I do something favourite in life I just never understand those facts in life
But then when life went ahead on every moment and on every time I just have one thought
From inside that those thoughts which are important to me are not some thing so important
To me and future which I keep inside my mind my feelings are something which are so nice
When we get things which are important to us in life I just feel that those feeling which I have
Towards those feelings are something totally wrong inside life I just keep feeling one thought
From inside that those feelings which are important to us where something so wrong for
Our thoughts and our mind I just never accept that my thinking is so wrong on any point
But then when I went ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those feeling which will
Take me ahead are totally wrong in people's eyes they want to see quick success and accept
Same thing from me in life because those things which are so special to me in life are something
So wrong on every point I just never understand what I feel from inside that those thoughts
Which are precious to us where going in wrong way inside our life I just never understand
Why people want that success so much to see even in my life sometimes I feel that want to
See their dreams out of my eyes which they never able to complete in their life on every
Moment they just feel that I am standing on wrong point because they have manage to fulfill
their dreams inside life which will not take me ahead in life because those are not my dreams of life
They want those luxuries while I want to win my dreams more inside my future and my life.

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