Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Poem 473. Friends or foe

                                                          Friends or foe
There are always two sides of each thing each one has good and bad inside but question is
Just that this person will show you which side after all this is confused life and on every point
We see two sides of life I use to think before some person are my real friends and they will
Stood with me because we are all nice and on every point we will care for each other in our
Future and in our life when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from inside that those things
Which I do in life will always get support from them because we are both totally nice in our
Future and in our life when we start moving ahead from point to point we just have one feeling
From inside that those feeling which touch our mind will always look perfect to our future
And our thinking inside life when I went ahead in life I just have one thought from inside
On every moment and on every point we just feel one thing in life that those things which
Happen in our life are totally wrong on every occasion and on every time I just never thought
About my thinking and my mind are totally wrong on every point I just kept thinking on every
Moment of my life that did I like those people who are so wrong when I needed them in life
But I just can't say it in life because they are standing on same place and I have changed my
Life as well as side but some times knowledge tell you many things in life I just keep thinking
One thing inside life those people who are my friends don't suffer the way I have in life so
They just don't understand what is truth of life from every point they just think that I am
Confused because I have changed side so then when I stood on different path of my future
And of my life I just keep feeling one thing on every moment and on every point I feel just
One thought from inside of my mind on every occasion I have just one feeling inside that
Those friend who went ahead inside my life are not acting that way because they don't
Understand what I am telling inside life sometimes our talks comes back to us like echoes
Inside life and people become mountains on each and every time I just have one feeling in
Our thinking and in our mind I feel those thoughts should be believed by me on every time
I just kept telling every one about brightest future and perfect life I just never want to feel
Hurt on any occasion when things turn in wrong inside life I want to give my friend credit
Of understanding me or caring for me inside life I just never understand how every thing
Turn in different way in life so my friends become my enemy and life become worst on
Every point but then suddenly I received best shock of my life because I saw slowly my
Enemy is coming ahead to make friendship with me in my life then I just feel maybe I have
Misunderstood whole concept of life I just always thought that in life there are two types
One is enemy and another is friend of our life I just keep thinking on every point that those
Thoughts which enter inside our life are totally wrong on every moment and on every point
I just keep thinking that some will be against me and some will be with me in life now I feel
That is entirely wrong concept of life no one is against us inside life and we are all just standing
On same side but we just confused ourselves by looking wrong angles of people inside life
When we start looking wrong angle suddenly things become bad inside life I just always have
One thought from inside that those people who want to win are trying to understand in new
Ways of this life just because people misunderstood each other we must not let them become
Enemies of each other inside life we must not get disturbed by their thoughts inside their life
Because they are just confused by some events and by somethings inside life we need to help
Them to open their eyes and if we can't do it then maybe we should give them some time
But just once again changing our friends and enemies never do the trick inside life because
Those people are one of them who cared for us for long time we just need to understand
That time will give them knowledge or we can just hope it will inside our life we just never
Understand those thoughts which touch us on many points because when such things happen
Our anger began to rule our mind but if you think peacefully mind will tell us peace is inside
Opening others eyes and if we can't able to open then we can always go ahead with our own
Style and way of life we just must not start once again our fight just after changing friends
And enemies inside life because once that trick have not worked so it will not work even
On next time so when once you start argument and then when you feel it is wrong inside life
Just stop that argument and start new way of living peaceful nice life with new ambition of
Taking our objectives ahead in life instead of engaging once again with different partners
Same sort of fight because it will not help us since chaos is what happen after fight inside life.

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