Monday, October 8, 2012

Poem 469. Selfish help

                                                             Selfish help
Why people always do something which they really need to do as their work on every day and
Then they claim that they are working for nation and every one in need on every day I just never
Understand when you do your duties why did you need to make so much claim you know from
Your mind that it is your duty to do those things inside life then how can you claim that you
Are big hero because you have done those things in life on every moment and on every point
Which you are supposed to be doing inside life thing is something nice which they have to do
Something inside life because they are on that position it is their duty to help other people in life
But some people seem to think that doing their duty is biggest favor on every one inside life and
They just keep telling others that they are doing it to encourage every one and they are helping
Needy inside life so when you do your duty you are doing right but those who show their duty
As their favor I just don't understand them in life because that does make sense when you do
Your work you can ask appreciation on some times but you are not doing something so great
That for it you can ask other to bow before you and force them to do that inside life but sadly
In this life on every time every one seem to think that helping people is favor for us in our life
We just have one thought from inside of our mind that those people do help us can also turn
In wrong way inside life when they feel that they are doing favor on us by helping us in life
When we go ahead we want nice things in life but we never want those person who tell us
That they have done their duty so it is favor on us inside our life when we move ahead then
We must understand in life that those people who do their work are nice but that doesn't make
Them so great that they will be on top ladder and they will decide what is wrong and what is
Right inside this lie on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing from inside
That those things which we have done are totally wrong in life because when we get things
From such a person we always feel that we are standing on wrong front of life because in this
Life we all suppose to help each other on days as well as nights but when some goes out of their
Ways and turn back to help us we feel that person is doing some thing to get things inside life
I just never understand what is I feel inside my mind I just have one thought inside my mind
That those things which are done for us by going out of our way look so perfect for our eyes
I just never feel when some one does their duty they are doing favor at any point is not my
Thinking and thought I feel one thing from heart that on every moment and on every part
I just think one thing from my thoughts and my heart that those who do their duty are nice
From heart but if they boost about it then it will be nice inside our life and from our heart
Because on every moment and on every part I just feel one thing from heart since on every
Moment we have same thought I just keep thinking on every moment and on every part
That those things which happen as per duty are nice but how can we call nice those people
Who just keep saying they are so great because they did their duty properly on every part
I just have one thought from inside my mind and my heart that when we do some duty
We need to understand that getting return for it so we are not doing favor to any one on
Any part because when life went ahead and I need to think from heart I feel if people keep
Doing it one day every one will began to just say that they are doing their duties so they
Are nothing small than god on every moment I feel those thoughts are totally wrong on every
Moment and from heart because on every moment I went ahead I just can't expect that
Every one should be treat like god if they do it every one then it is perfect for our heart but
When they do it for limited people I just feel that it is not fair to my thinking or towards
My heart because when things goes ahead like this I just feel my duties are so important
To my heart but still I just never feel that they will make me great god how can we say
Such thing inside life when we all know that those are just lies we never went ahead with
Them in life's every part we just feel one thing from our heart because when I went ahead
In my life with every part I just feel one thing that those thoughts which I keep are perfect
For my heart because I will not accept those person as so great who just do their duties
And think they are out of this world and something great for every one's heart because on
Every moment and on every part we just feel one thing that we need to find someone who
Is so great when our life goes ahead on each and every part I just kept thinking on every
Moment from my heart that how can someone cheat us like this and take payment for those
Duties from us and then say those are favor which they are doing for us inside our world
And we must salute them from heart but when I think about such a people I just feel that
It is their art because on every moment we just feel that we need to find some one who
Needed to know duty is important for us but that person shows us that it is favor that one
Did on us just because that one is great in  convincing art and it always hurt my thinking and art
Because for just one work they want two type of payments one money and other place in heart. 

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