Monday, October 8, 2012

Poem 470. Sad and sorrowful books

                                                   Sad and sorrowful books
When ever I see a story I always want a twist and on every turn I nod happily because on
Each twist I see nice things for my heart I just enjoy those twist and turns I just want to
Keep reading them because they just keep me alive on every thoughts and on every part and
They just seem so nice when I read them from heart I just want them to have more and
More twist I want them in best way from every angle without any miss I just feel one thing
From my mind and on every moment I feel one thing inside my world that I want them
To have twist and turn but in end I just want happiness to come I know there are many
Books in life which look so pleasant that on every moment we just feel that we don't need
Them inside our future and inside our world so on every moment I feel just one thought
With each turn that those books which I read should be happy at end but still I know in mind
There are many pleasant books inside our world which have sorrows in end of books but
Somewhere in my heart I want to run away from such a books on every moment we need
To do things inside our world I just know that even sad ends are perfect for books and
I have heard it from many intelligent people inside our world but still when I see with sad
End some book suddenly it seem so wrong for our thoughts of our world I just can't understand
That book inside my world because it's end hurt me so much that I want to stay away from
That book in my world when sad end arise in end of some book I just feel one thing inside life
On every moment of this world I just keep feeling that I don't want to see sad end inside life
So I just feel that I prefer to keep them away from books every time I just hate tragedy but
I always like horror stories in life and in their end if something goes wrong inside life but
Then in that book I see many wrong things on many times I just feel one thought from inside
That those books have tragedy or sadness they just don't hurt me that much inside life but
Then I just feel one thing from our life so then I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Thing don't hurt me on any point because they look so nice inside our life after all those
Things are full of horrors from time to time I just have one thought from inside of mind
That on every moment I feel that this horror was not possible inside life but then I just feel
One thing inside life I feel that those horror never happen inside life I feel that those horror
Inside life but then on many books are something which perfect inside life but then those
Horror will effect our thoughts and our mind I just feel one thing from my mind those horror
Which never happen inside life I feel that those horror never happen to us in life so then on
Those moment and times I just feel one thing from my mind that those horror which never
Existed inside life so those side effects manage to hurt from time to time I feel that those
Horror are something which may harm us inside life because those horror have bad effects
In life because those sad things which are something hard for life but then I feel just one
Thing from my mind because sad thing happen inside our real life are true but when they
Happen on horror side of life I just feel one thing from my mind I have some thought in life
But then I think that those horror are not going to help inside life but then I feel just one
Thing inside life I feel that those real things are something totally wrong inside life but then
I just feel one thing from my mind those horror are something which gave one effect to
Our thoughts and nice inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which
I have inside my life those horror are something important inside life but then I just feel
One thing that those horror are not real for life because when those horror began to effect
My thoughts and my mind I feel just one thing that horror is one thing inside life but then
Real things become so real for my mind that I feel those sorrows are real inside life so
Then I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which happen in horror are nice
Inside life but then I feel that sad ending of those real stories are not that truth for our life
If we stop one thing from my mind to think that any thing bad will happen inside life but
Then I just feel one thing from our mind that those things are not real for our future and
For our life because they are just written in book not real one in life I just have one thought
From inside of our mind on every moment and on every point inside our life that those
Thoughts are something which are not part of life they are just part of real life I feel just
One thing from inside life because those things are so wrong inside life I just have one
Thought from my mind those books which are so nice inside life because they are just
For reading inside life after all those things are something important  inside life but
Then I just feel one thing from my mind that those things all bad thing will not happen
In my world because god is not that bad in our life somethings god will give and somethings
God will not give in life but there will be always ratio in all things of our future and life.

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