Monday, October 22, 2012

Poem 494. Feelings

I wish to see behind each every face which will take so long inside our world after all those
Faces which are important inside our world I just feel one thing from our world but then
I feel that this face will look so wrong inside world after all those faces are something so
Nice inside our world that I just never understand one thing from my world that when
I watch them inside life because after some times inside world I just have one thing in our
Future and our life that is face which are precious to our world so when life went ahead
I just feel one thing inside our world I feel that those feelings will manage to touch our mind
As well as our world after all those feeling which are lovely in world because those faces
Which are precious inside world but then I just  feel so important inside world after all
Those faces are something not important in world I have one thought in world on every
Moment I just never see any face in world because behind those faces which are so nice
That sometimes we feel that those faces look totally wrong inside world but then I feel
That those face are something which are precious to our thinking and our world because
It will effect our thinking and our world I just have one thing from my heart and my thought
Inside world on every moment I just feel that those faces are nice inside world I feel that
Those faces are something that look will confuse in world after all those things are some
Thing inside world but then those faces which will look so shocking inside world after all
Those thoughts and faces are something which are perfect for world because when I went
Ahead inside our world I just have one thing hidden inside our mind and on every point
In world I just feel one thing in my world that when I look at those faces I start to judge
I try to talk to them and try to convince them for hours but then slowly I feel just one
Thing inside our world that on every moment I need to go ahead in my world because
On every moment I feel that those faces which are important inside our world then why
Inside world I just feel those faces which tell us many things which are important inside
Life so then on every moment inside our world so then I feel one thing inside our world
But then I just feel one thing from inside our mind are important inside world I feel just
That those faces will manage to harm inside world but then I feel one thing in world but
Then I feel that my mind don't understand those faces inside my world they have some
Thought always hidden some faces never give them away inside our world on every point
And on every moment inside our world I just feel that those faces are not something so
Perfect and nice for world when we went ahead on every moment of world I just feel
One thing that those faces which are precious will not tell anything in our world on every
Point and on every moment in our world we just feel one thing that our life is stuck on
Totally wrong concept of our world those thoughts will always manage to hurt our
Feelings as well as our heart when on every moment we went ahead in world we just
Feel one thing that things are not perfect for our world because face never have any
Type of hidden truth in life on every moment and on every point I just feel that those
Faces which look perfect to us are not that much nice in real life sometimes those faces
Don't show us any truth of life and sometimes they just show us every thing on each
And every point I just feel one thing inside life that those faces are not telling me if they
Are really convince or they are not in life they just keep confusing me from time to time
Because those faces are something which are hidden on every point of life I just never
Understand what is so perfect in life was not ever confuse by my words in life since
That face look convince I feel that it is convinced in life and I went ahead with just
One hope that it will help us on sometime inside life when things turn in totally different
Way in our future and our life just in few moments that face shows it's true colour
In life and then I will just understand that this face was never convinced in life so
When it comes to understanding face I feel confuse from my mind on every moment
I want that face inside my life I just keep thinking one thing from inside that those
Faces doesn't tell any thing we just guess them from our mind because we want fact
To look that way and slowly fact will really look that way in life on every moment I just
Feel that we must understand one thing in life that face can always confuse us so when
We do something we just do it on base of our thinking inside our future and our life.

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