Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Poem 485. Trust

One question always rises in life for you as well as for me that one favourite question is that
Did I trust the right thing? after all in this life we always have life is full of so many choices
And many things but problem with life is just one thinking that when we should trust something
Because when we went ahead in life we have rumors regarding every thing some seems so
Perfect to world and some seem so wrong to our thinking but in life we just never able to
Guess we should trust which type of thinking because in our life on every thing we need to
Keep one sort of thinking when we start to move ahead with our thinking we just need to
Decide about thinking after all we just can't go ahead and accept every thing because each
Thinking will have problem inside life for human being after all when we began to trust some
Thought or some thing we just feel one thing that it should be such way that it must be
Worthy of trust but life is never that kind of simple thing in which we can easily trust
Something mostly things goes against in our life about many thoughts and our guessing
In life I just feel one thing that trust is one precious thing if I trust someone wrong then it will
Be most worst thing but mostly in life I found myself trusting many human being because
Without trust we just can't go ahead in life we need to trust as human being we just never let
Our mind get stuck in wrong concept as human being because this trust is for us a wonderful
Gift and wonderful thing so on every moment we need to start trusting just by going in some
Way of life we just can't ever win in our life as human being trust is one type of golden chain
Which is nice and lovely for human being but if you put it in wrong way then it cut your throat
Without thinking so when we go ahead with our mind we just need to think twice before
Trusting some human being after all those every human being will manage to go ahead step by
Step with their thinking in life on every thing we need to trust as basic thing even in case of
Simple friendship trust is most precious thing but when we move ahead as human being then
We just feel one thing that many stupid moves which we take as human being never look so
Perfect to any human being I just feel that trust is most precious thing which will take me
Ahead on every inning but if I turn in wrong way then standing again will be hardest thing
So inside our life when I went ahead with trusting I just feel another thing that life never
Take me ahead as human being until I get all those things which are important to me as person
As a human being in life we must learn trusting but then when life went ahead I just feel
One concept as human being that trusting someone is dangerous thing but same time not
Trusting is stupid thing so on both ways we have suffering so in my mind I always feel one
Thought or one thinking that when should I trust some human being because that one is most
Hardest type of thing when some people told you something suddenly you feel that it is truth
And logical thing but then truth will not help you much as human being because you can
Never able to guess how truthful is that human being after all it is so easy to claim that
We must start trusting but when question comes of trusting I just feel that it is hardest
Thing because life always have many concept of one thing some say one thing as per
Their thinking other says totally different thing so then we just began to confuse while
Trusting so then we feel that if we took one side then those people will remain with us
In that thinking but then as life went ahead then happens most worst thing people began to
Change their views as well as their thinking so then we began to develop one thinking which
Will be nice for us in every way of thinking we just don't depend on any one much and
Sometimes stops trusting that what worst happen to human being that we just feel scared
So in this world that we just never dare to trust any person but how wrong is that concept
Of our world when good person treat in same ways like bad person so I just feel one thing
From my mind and my world that I must need to understand that it is important to trust
Some trust may look good and some may look bad inside this world but still we need to
Find some way to get that trust inside our world which will help us on every moment of
Our future and our world and if things doesn't go as per our wishes then we can always
Find some way to go ahead inside our future and our world because sometimes our future
Is depend on just one concept that is trust of god inside our future as well as inside world.

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