Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Poem 510. Daughter of sunshine

                                                      Daughter of sunshine
One day I went on mountain full of cold and ice it has a blue colour that look nice for my
Mind and just loved it winds and their sound which cheer up my heart and eyes and then
I just start to dance in them with my mind and those sounds on every moment I just feel
One thing that as child I am not that perfect on any weather and that sound I just feel that
I can any thing because I so healthy in my life and those every moment look so perfect to
My future and I just want to happily bounce on every moment I just feel one thing that those
Thoughts and those sounds which touch me on every moment don't look that bad touch
And it's beauty seem so perfect on every view and then as we start moving ahead I just
Feel one thing that I love touch of those things and I just like their look from every angle
And so I just run out of my car to touch for first time that ice which look so perfect and
Show real meaning of cool on it's every angle and sound I just never understand how can
Those icy touch will help me when I see that ice which look so perfect on every point and
Every sound I just keep thinking on every moment that those things which look so perfect
Don't have in life that type touch of coolness which I have on that moment just manage to
Found so I just wanted to touch that ice so I ran out that car and touch it and pick it up
To get it's touch and then what is I have found is just those pains and numbness that I just
Don't want to touch ever again that ice which will touch me not as lovingly when I try to
Touch it I have found I just don't want to have to touch that ice so horrible it feel when
My dream manage to crash before me and before my eyes then I just hope one thing that
May be I can walk inside that ice may be after some time I will adjust and may be I just
Need walk on that ice but when I start walking on it I just feel that my legs are so numb
That I feel as if I have marbles inside I will never able to walk on it in life I feel that I can't
Move those legs and it will manage to hurt me inside life I know one thing for sure that
I can't able to walk on that ice I feel as if I have lost every thing just but that moment
When I saw I just can't play inside that ice when I will move ahead I just feel one thing
From inside that snow is not my playmate because I can't just touch that ice then I just
Feel maybe others will have same case inside their life after all they are like me and just
Like me maybe they can't hold that ice but when I move ahead I just found one thing
In life others are enjoying it and they are playing inside ice I just know that my whole trip
Is wasted and every thing is spoiled because when ever all plays with ice I just want to
Keep as much as possible away from that ice in life I just never understand that what's
Wrong with me that I can't  able to hold ice and how can I be so weak that ice can bring
That pain and fire to me instead of bringing relief in my life I just never understand that
How those lovely mountains became enemies of my life I am that one who use to love
Nature suddenly began to stay away from that nature due to fear of snow bite it is not
Even that cold in that season or in that time every one told me one thing that I must try
And then I will slowly adjust with that ice so I just spend days after days in hope that
One day I will adjust in ice and then I just feel one thing from my thought that I will not
Win on any moment and on any point of life I just feel that people are doing it so right
Inside their life and I am so wrong on every point because I have not just able to touch
That wonderful ice I just feel one thing from inside those ice which will so good to me
Don't have that perfect touch for my hands in life when I will go ahead I just feel one thought
From inside that this ice is not that good for my life I feel that I am totally wrong in some way
Since other can play with ice and so slowly I started crying in one corner one day in life
After all as days went ahead I just feel one thing from my mind I have to move ahead on
Every moment and on every time this cool touch which we will face will not that perfect
For my life but then I will move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those things
Which look so perfect to other wrong things for me in life but then when I went ahead I just feel
One thought from inside that I have failed in life but when I told it to some one that person
Began to smile that person ask me can I able to hold sun rays in hands I just nodded quietly
And look at that one with full of tears eyes then that person told me that I have to understand
One thing inside life that nothing is wrong inside me I am just born in land of sun and I am
Daughter of sunshine whom snow will never like so snow will be never be friend of mine
How simple is that answer and just like it we must understand smile is our future and life.

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