Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Poem 459. Path

When you take a path then life just went ahead because those paths are so nice as well as so
Perfect because on every moment inside life when we find some path we always feel so sure
About them inside our life because those paths have those things which will look perfect and
Great inside life because they will take us ahead on every point if we don't feel that they are
So perfect then why should we follow them inside life but when we go ahead we just feel
From our heart it will not be that hard work for our life we can easily get those things by that
Path inside life I just keep thinking on every moment and on every time that when I got that
Path I will feel that happiness from inside when our life find that path we must understand
That our rest is stopped on that moment and on that point we have to keep understanding
That we have to work hard and we need to find new ways inside our life on every moment
And on every time I just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts which I keep inside
My mind are not that perfect and nice for my life because when I went ahead on every thought
And every point I just have one feeling from inside that those path may not lead to me that
Destination other path will lead me easily in life but that is not truth and that is not right since
No path is so easy so never try to change that path in life always run fast and work hard
When you want something in life and I just feel that just destination will be that dream which
Should keep your awake inside nights I just feel when I think this way how easily I began
To go ahead in life no more I look back and see my failures because my success began to
Capture my thoughts and my mind every day when I went ahead I just feel one thing from
Inside that those paths which are so unique will look perfect inside life I just never understand
Troubles of those paths which are ahead me when I think positively inside life I just never feel
That I will lose because beauty of those paths captured my mind I feel that if I choose my path
Properly then maybe my path will have that power inside which will help me on every moment
And on every part of life I know that we all want green paths but then after some times I just
Feel that now a days highways become best ways of life so once when we all use to run
After greenery now avoid it in life after all who want to come from forest to office inside life
We all want easy ways when we get them in life but before getting them we have to understand
Many concepts of life and what way we think as best on one moment will not be perfect on
Next moment or on next point because on every area of life we feel that happiness is hidden
Inside our thoughts and mind I just wish one thing from my heart that those paths are not
Changing so quickly from point to point I just feel one thing from inside of my mind that those
Paths which I have chosen are not maybe that famous on that moment or that time but after
Some time they will look so great inside my life I just never understand those things inside life
Because when change will come it will be so sudden that I will see it inside our future and
Inside our life when we began to move ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that those
Paths which goes ahead are totally wrong inside life I just never understand those paths which
Are so perfect are not helping us inside life because sometimes we need different path so I feel
We just have to take it and move ahead in life but then when we take that path I will rest to
Stop on that moment in life we just have to move ahead and never think of one word rest
Inside our life I just never understand importance of rest until it take away from my life but
When we choose our path we can hardly forget it inside life as we move ahead on every part
We feel those paths are so important inside life after all those paths are something which are
Important in life and when we see that path we feel just one thing that those path means hard
Work in life but when we choose it with heart I feel complaint should not come in life after
All when you choose with heart then your heart beats must match with your work in life
You should not complaint for those hard things which enter in your life because then your
Destiny will be just same as you wished on every point never ever complaint when you get
Path of your choice because that path may or may not give you glory but that will give you
At least satisfaction of mind I just feel one thing that we can't be sure that other path will
Help us in life so just choose that path which you want and then while walking never complaint
About those stones in life that will be a pleasant as well as perfect time of way inside my life.

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