Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Poem 462. Bat or mouse

                                                          Bat or mouse
When I look at star I wish from our heart and from inside our thoughts I just feel one
Thing from our heart inside life but then I just feel one thing from our heart but then just
Feel one thing from inside our life I just feel one thing from our thinking inside life I just
Have one thought from my heart that those thoughts which are important inside life but
Then one day I just feel one thing from our heart I just feel one thing from our heart that
I have just one thought from heart that I always wish something beautiful inside our heart
I feel those beautiful thoughts are important for heart we never think one thing from heart
We have something important inside our heart but then I just feel one thing from my thoughts
From my thinking and my heart because when life went ahead from thinking and heart
Then I just feel one thought from heart that all those positive dreams are making of my
Thoughts and my heart when we went ahead on every part I just feel one thing from inside
Of my thoughts and my heart I just feel that I want my dream to become true for my
Feelings as well as for my heart because on every moment and on every part I just feel
One thought from my heart I just have one thing from our heart but then I just have one
Feeling from my heart that only if my dream become truth for my heart because those
Truths which are important for heart looked so wrong from every angle and from every
Thought and every part then when I went ahead I just feel one thing from heart but then
I just have one feeling from my heart because when those things are so perfect and important
For my mind as well as for my heart I just have feeling from my heart that those things
Which look so perfect from heart but then something totally wrong inside our heart because
When we just feel one thing from our heart then I just feel one thing from my heart that
As if I wish to go to some hotel and I went to that hotel which is so prefect for my thoughts
As well as for my heart but then suddenly I feel one thing from my heart that those things
Which look so perfect and nice are happening with me inside life's each and every part and
Then suddenly that dream began to turn into truth and that was perfect inside heart but
Then I just feel one thing from my heart that those hotels are something which are perfect
For my thinking and my heart because whenever I went ahead on life's every part I just
Have one feeling from my thoughts that suddenly every thing looks so perfect for my
Thinking as well as for my heart because on every moment and on every part I just have
One thinking from heart that those things which are precious are important for heart but
When I went ahead on life's every part I just feel one thing that suddenly at that same
Moment I feel even an ugly mouse inside that room of hotel which was so perfect for
Our thinking and our heart but then I feel just one thing on every part that those things
Which seem like dream turn into totally wrong part but then suddenly I feel one thing
From my thinking and my heart I just feel one every moment and from every part that
Even sometimes my best dream turns into some wrong for my thoughts as well as for
My heart even my all best dreams turn totally wrong for my thoughts and my heart
Because those ugly things enter inside my life and on it's each and every part from heart
That is our life and on every moment of life I just feel one thought from our mind that
Those good things are totally wrong inside life when wrong thing enter in them on each
And every point inside our life I just keep thinking one thing on every point that those
Good things many times turn in wrong way inside life when I went ahead inside my life
I just feel one thing on every point that those things are totally right but still wrong things
Enter inside life so when we look out of window to see view inside life we just see some
Bat which is totally wrong inside life I feel that bat are totally wrong on every angle of
Our future and our life I feel that those window are start looking totally wrong inside life
I just feel one thing from my mind that on every moment and on every time I just feel
One thing from my mind that those thoughts which are so confusing inside life because
When those things are turning in wrong way inside life I just have accept them on every
Moment and on every point I just feel that since I can't change my luck maybe I should
Remain ready to do hard work inside life so even if my dream becomes true I will be ready
On every point and I will not get so shocked when in my beautiful dream those mouse
Or bat enter on any time so inside my life I need to understand on every point that even
If I win in life still I need to be prepared for every problem in life because on any moment
May any problem will enter inside my life if I keep working hard then I will at least not
Scream so loudly when those bad luck enter in my life like I see something so horrible in life.

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