Thursday, October 18, 2012

Poem 488. New friends

                                                               New friends
When I first wrote my song I just feel one thing on every day I have just one thought
Inside life on every day and I wrote it just one song to tell you what I wanted so strange
Is our life that you never understood my thoughts in any way because you have your own
Thinking and your own mind set when someone have one thought which is stuck inside
Their mind and their brain other thoughts seem to them totally wrong in every way inside
Life on every moment I think just one thought on every way that those things which I said
Inside that poem seems so wrong on every day when poem began to make song on every
Way they just feel that we need to have one thing on every day these things which are so
Precious on every way are explained inside poems and with my pleasant mind in my mind
But then I just feel one thing that those poems will explain things to you in life but still on
Every moment I just have one thought that those poems are not explaining you anything
On any point because you just keep ignoring them since you don't want to accept them as
Truth in your life you just never read them in that way as I wish from mind when I wrote
Them I hoped that it will show you light but instead of showing it to you those poem just
Remain on one spot in which you never went and stood to look in your life but that doesn't
Make them useless for our life because even if you don't need still other people read it after
Watching them in life so I was explaining it to one person and it was understood by other
Person and I feel that is truth of life our life never goes as we wish it always manage to
Confuse us from time to time our life never take us ahead as we feel one thing from inside
That those things which are important to us in life are created by poems on point to point
When I hoped that my friends will read them sometimes they just ignore them in life but
Some unknown people read them and understand those thoughts inside life I just feel one
Thought then from my mind what is really friend is it someone with whom we went to films
And with whom we share jokes and pretend before them that we are completely okay in life
Or those people who read us and understand our thoughts in life my mind told me that
My friend should be those people who really care for my thoughts and understand my mind
Not those who just pretend that they understood some part of my life when I went ahead
Then I just feel one thing from inside that those things which are happening to you are not
Something unique to any human being it happen to all that sometimes we feel just one thing
Because those things which are precious to human being I just never understand how can
We find something important to human being but then I just feel one thing that on one day
I just have one thing that those poems which are so nice for human being I just have one
Thought inside our human being I feel those poem are some thing totally wrong for human
Being after all those thoughts are important not to my friend who just entered in life because
It is happen we enter in same classroom set by human being or we share some relationship
Which is given to us by birth without much thinking those people never care about what
We feel and what we think they just keep us alive on every moment as human being but
That aliveness is one thing which is not so important to us as human being I just have one
Sort of thinking those poems are totally wrong them because they never understood in life
Because those thoughts are something so important for human being I just have one thought
Which look totally to me I just keep thinking on every moment and on every thinking but
Then I just felt one thing that those poems are not understood by those people who are
Important to us are not understanding any thing those people just keep ignoring our thinking
So those things never touch their soul or heart because they are already touched by some
Other kind of thought which touch our heart in wrong way and in wrong thinking because
On every moment we just feel same thing that those poem are not worthy of attention until
Finally we find who share same thoughts and thinking so for explaining one person I start
All those things but finally I land by telling totally different people because those people are
So wrong for my world and for my future on every moment I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my world I need to explain it to totally different sort of people but then
I feel just one thing from my heart that those poems are so important to me to explain
My friends about it in their world but sadly things doesn't work that way in world so I need
To find new friends to explain those poem to them inside my world and their thinking of world.

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