Friday, September 28, 2012

Poem 454. Work

In life you must chose your work and with your brain you decide your work but mostly
Heart was forgotten inside this world we just forget one thing that for life on most of times
But then suddenly I just feel one thing inside life that those work are something important
On every point so on every moment I just feel one thing from inside our life because then
I just feel one thing inside life I feel one thing from mind that those works are something
Which are very important inside life because when I went ahead in our life I just feel one
Thing on every point those work are something which are precious in the life I feel that
Those work are something important inside life because those work are something which
Should be chosen inside life after all those thoughts are so important in the life because
When I have one thing inside my mind that when we chose our work with brain then we
Went ahead inside our life after all those thoughts are something important inside our life
I feel that those work are something precious inside life but then I suddenly  feel one thing
From inside that when we chose our work we just feel one thing from inside that on
Every moment when we select work we just chose one thing mostly in life that is how
Much it help to our bank balance in life because our life is not that easy is always our claim
Of our life we just keep increasing our need and demanding more things inside our future
And inside life I just feel one thing from every point I just feel my work inside our life
After all those works are so important inside life I just feel that these work is important
In life I feel that those work I chose with our life because those work are some thing so
Perfect inside life because when we decide them with money it seem all so nice we feel
That with that money we can enjoy our world inside life because on every moment in life
We feel that money will solve our every problem and give us happiness in life and then
We can enjoy every part of our life I just feel that those thoughts which have entered in life
Look so perfect on every time inside life I just thought on every moment inside our life
Because those work which do look totally wrong inside life after all those thoughts are
Perfectly wrong inside life on every moment I just have one thinking on every point that
Money is more important on every point I just have one thing inside life I have one
Feeling that inside our life we search for happiness are we feel that money will give it to
Us on every occasion and on every point we just feel one thing in the  life that those
Thoughts which we keep in our life are totally wrong on each and every point I feel just
One thing on every moment of life that many people just think of money when they decide to work
In life I know that work is something important for our life and we need to think of money
Inside our life but sometimes when those people start complaining that they don't have time
And they just say they can't able to enjoy life suddenly every thing looks so confuse in life
If we run after some money we just don't get time and if we don't run then we just don't
Have any resource to enjoy so inside our life we just keep balancing on every time because
Some have money and some have time to enjoy in life but lucky one are those who can
Find some work which they enjoy and they even manage to settle with it in their life I know
It will be hard but I just feel that it is worth trying because on that work we spend our
Most of days and nights I know many times people will tell you that your work should be
Such that will give you money in life but some times even those work they suggest hardly
Give you anything important in your life when I went ahead on every moment and on every
Time I just have one feeling that I can't win inside life on any point because as I went ahead
I feel one thing that even if we do that mentioned work sometimes money is less in life
And then we just remain stuck to wrong things inside life so when you lose something just
Never go ahead with others advice sometimes just search for those things which are needed
Inside our life when I went ahead on every moment of our life I just feel one thought from
Inside of my mind I feel that my success is not depend on my field it is depend on how
I went ahead inside my life on every moment I just feel one thing in the life that on point
I just never win inside my life until my destiny decide that I must win inside my life so if
That is truth then why should I tell heart not to take that work which my heart will prefer
As well as like because finally destiny will decide what will happen to me on each and every point.

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