Monday, September 3, 2012

Poem 410. Closed eyes

                                                       Closed eyes
Many times I close my eyes in hope that all problems vanish without any thing and just then
After some time I just feel one thing that even with those closed eyes I will feel just one thing
From my mind that on every point I don't need to do anything but just try in my life because
On every moment and on every time I need to understand those thoughts which tell us those
Thoughts which will manage to confuse my mind on every occasion I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and from my mind that when we close our eyes we just feel one thing that we
Don't do things which will be normal on sometimes I just feel one thing from my mind that
Those thoughts which enter inside my life will not look so perfect inside my mind then
I just feel that those problem will vanish from every point since those problems will vanish
I just have one thought from my mind that when things turn in wrong way I will feel that
When I close my eyes things use to change and become perfect when I was small child
Anywhere I sleep I use to wake up in my bed with peace and quiet so sometimes I feel
That same thought will enter inside my mind I began to think that life is not that easy on
Any point I feel that things will turn wrong way on sometimes in life but when I close
My eyes I feel that maybe once more I am in safe place as I use to as child I hope that
All my problems become nightmares of my life every time I have some problem I just
Don't want to fight because fighting is something destroying peace of my mind but then
Sometime I just feel that those thoughts are so right inside my life when that I close
My eyes sometimes those enemies of that moment just vanish sometimes because they
Are not my real enemies they are just some people who are against me on that impulse
So they just ignore me and when ahead in their life they just moved ahead of me and that
Chapter will close for me inside my life I just feel one thing that this trick of closing eyes
Seem to work perfectly with them because fighting seem to attract more their attention
On every moment and on every spot I just feel one thing from my thinking and from
My heart because on every moment I use to think that those closed eyes will help me
On many part because when at first I use to fight those people use to attract more to me
And my life's part so I just began to think that ignoring things will be life's perfect and
Nice sort of part after all those thoughts are something which help me on every moment
And every heart I use to think that I can win on many points inside my heart if I just
Learn to ignore those fights which are started by our heart I just feel one thing from
My thinking and from my heart that on every moment I need to just ignore and close
My eyes and heart but then one day slowly my real enemy will enter inside my heart
And then I just began to feel that I need to find someone who have really have nice
Thoughts and nice heart but then I just feel that I don't need to help maybe I should just
For sometimes I can close my eyes and it will help me because my enemy will vanish
Without playing much important sort of part but that will not happen with my real enemy
Because those person will not just vanish from my thoughts and my heart I just feel
One thing from my thoughts and my heart that those enemies are not going away from
My life because when I just keep ignoring they just increase their strength on every side
And on every part I just feel one thought from my heart that on every thinking and on
Every part I just feel that I must learn to fight to that person because that person is not
Going to vanish from my life without any problem in my heart on every moment I just
Feel one thing from my thinking and my heart I just feel one thought from my heart
That if I just keep trying to ignore my eyes on every part then I will just feel one thing
From my thought and heart because on every thought I just feel one thing from my
Mind that I just can't sometimes  feel those fights inside my thinking and from my heart
Because I need to fight with that enemy from my thinking and from my heart I just
Feel that those fights are needed on every part because my enemy is not vanishing
On that spot and on that part I just feel that closing eyes will not do the trick on every
Thought and on every part I just feel that sometimes I need to fight from my heart.

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