Saturday, September 8, 2012

Poem 419. Respect

Just before two minutes I have respect for someone in my life I just feel that person is
So perfect and nice inside life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and from my mind
That respect seem like some major treasure which I have given someone from mind because
That person will feel that respect inside life I just have one feeling from my thinking and
From my mind that those respect which I feel for those person are given only when that
Person deserve them in life when I think of respect I just think about that person who
Have created good things in our life I have some respect on every thought and on every
Thought of my mind when someone talks in great way and show me that they will help
I just feel they are so nice all logic of mind just left behind I just never give it second thought
To one thinking that did this person will really help in life I just feel one thing from thought
And from mind because on every moment we just feel that our thinking is having respect
On every part of mind I just keep thinking one thing that my respect is something so perfect
And right for our thinking and for our mind when I just see those words of respect in my
Life I just have one thinking from my mind that when I start to give respect it should be
Give to those people who are so important part of life I just want to tell you one thing in
My future and in my life that every moment when I feel that I want respect I feel it will be
A important part of my future and my life I just think I have went in wrong way inside
My future and my life I just feel that respect is something I should have given after some
Thoughts and thinking in life but I don't act that when because sweet talking just impress
My mind and so for few days I give that respect but when truth come before me suddenly
I feel that my life is going to get hurt on every point because I have respected wrong person
In half of my life so for some days I feel hurt and sorrows touch my heart and I feel so
Destroyed in mind it feel as if respect was just balloon of air just after some point it will
Burst with pin inside life I just feeling one thing inside my mind that on every point things
Goes in wrong way inside life I just never understand when my respect turn on wrong
Direction of mind I will just feel one thought from my thinking and from my mind that
When on every moment I just went ahead in life I have just one thought that I have respected
Wrong thing so my respect become useless in life why did we just respect someone so
Easily and then so easily destroy it after all respect is something big not just some toy
With which I like playing inside life because respect is something so precious and nice
I just got one feeling that respect is not something important in life I have just one feeling
From my thinking and from my mind that respects are those important feeling which
Are important in life when I heard those words of respect on every thought and on every
Thinking and point I just feel one thing that we are going ahead on right track of life when
I went ahead on each and every point until I don't get carried away by one word respect
In life I feel that we should talk to people with respect and we should treat people with respect
But never respect someone so much that this people become god of our life because it will
Manage to hurt us on each and every point I just feel we can do many things inside our life
But never worship human with one word called respect inside life just always say nice and
Don't insult everyone inside life there should one limit of each thing in life I just have one
Thought from each and every point that when I went to worship someone I want that
Person to be something great but people are good no one is so great inside life I just have
One thought from my thinking and from my mind that on every occasion I just feel that
I am stuck inside those thoughts of my life why did respect can't be nice and friendly inside
Our life like we respect our some friend and their thinking on every point I just have one
Thinking and one thought from my mind that those people who are good in life sometimes
Given so much respect that things turn in wrong way inside life I just feel that we should
Respect others mean that we should not insult them in wrong way because that mean
This person will also return your insult in life because we are not god so we can't be so
Perfect in life that we can ignore this insult so when we worship one person suddenly
War of insults began and start on every point of life because insults are never forgotten
So if we want happiness then we should give too much respect to just one person in life
Respect should be kept for everyone in one limit never cross it until it become disrespect in life.

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