Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Poem 448. Sad news

                                                        Sad news
People always claim that they hate the sad news all types of sad news on every moment and
On each and every view I just feel one thing from every thought and every thinking inside life
I never like sad news neither our nor any other person's  life because on every moment those sad
News manage to hurt us on some point and we want to stay away from those sad news on
Each and every point we just claim one thing on every point because on every things inside
Life I just feel that I don't like sad news inside life because those news upset me from my
Thoughts and from my mind but still I just never understand why did inside my life I just keep
Discussing those sad news from time to time when those sad news will enter inside my life
I just have one feeling that no one want them in life and every person agrees to that before me
On each and every time I just feel one thing that I will not win on any point inside my life
In keeping that thing away from me on any time because I found myself discussing it for
Hour after hour inside life I just feel that sad news will get repeated on many occasions
And they will not help us at all inside life when we discuss them for hours we just feel that
Our anger or frustration increase on many point but there is also one truth that we discuss
Them with others for hours inside life we just never want it inside our life then I just don't
Understand why we don't ignore it in life for many hours we just keep claiming that we don't
Want to hear it at first but then we just keep talking about it full time it is not just about limited
People it is about every one in life when some thing sad happens we just run to share it in life
We just hope that it will reduce our sorrows but mostly it will not work that way in life because
Like us other person is also sensitive and that person increase our sorrows by adding their own
Sorrows inside our life when our life goes ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that
When we move step by step one day we will win inside our life but if we want to win then
We must learn to control sorrows of our life we should not let them capture our thoughts and
We should not also let them to enter inside other people's life when we talked about them then
We feel that our sadness has increase on every point we just keep feeling one thing that one day
We will have success in our life when we move ahead we just feel that gossiping is not that
Easy in life when we move ahead on each day we just feel one thing from our thoughts and
From our mind our life never let us lose on any moment and on any point our life just want us
To move ahead but still sometimes we just keep turning back by surrendering to wrong thoughts
In our future and inside our life when we just feel one thing on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing that sad news are those news which should be thrown out of our future
As well as our life but when we keep chatting about them how can we say we just don't like
Them inside our life even when some one dies we just keep asking questions sometimes just
Because curious but sometimes just because we want to show that we care in life I just feel
That forcing someone inside problem with us is never good and wise we should not do such
A thing on any point inside our life when we went ahead on every moment we just feel one
Thought from inside that we want to make things interesting on many points inside life so
When I just went ahead in life I feel one thing inside our life because on every moment I just
Feel one thing from every point inside our life I feel that those thoughts are something
Which are important inside our life because on each and every moment I feel those thinking
Inside life because those things which are precious inside life that we should discuss those
Precious positive things but sad news are unnecessarily hurting inside life because on every
Moment I just feel one thing inside life on every thought and on every moment inside life
Because when we decide to go ahead in life on every part inside our life because on every
Moment I feel sad news inside life when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing inside life
That I should not discuss things which are unimportant inside life I just have one feeling from
Inside of my mind when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and
One thing from my mind that on each and every moment I have just one feeling from inside
I have never want sad news because that sad news sadly never left my mind it just keep
Coming on each and every way and manage to hurt me inside my life but when things goes
Ahead I just feel one thing from inside that those things which happen to us are sad but
They just remain stuck to our mind even when we forget favourite things we just remember
Them from time to time and on every moment I just feel one thing from my thoughts inside
My mind that those things are hurting me and I just never able to let them out of my mind
Maybe that is what cause of this thing that I hate sad news inside life because sharing never
Help it much mostly it just spread sorrows every where in life we need to find inside us our
Peace of mind which will truly help us on each and every of our future for our peace of mind.

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