Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Poem 415. Mystery

Sometimes when you see something in your life and then you just keep thinking about it
Again and again but you just can't get it's meaning on each and every way I just feel one thing
On each and every moment that inside our world on every way I just feel one thing that
I just have one thought from our mind on each and every day I just have to solve that mystery
Inside our life on any way I just have one thought from my mind on every way I just feel
That those mystery are something so important on every way but then I just feel one thing
That those thoughts are something which are part of that life will able to solve mystery
In each and every way I just feel one thought from my mind that on every way I feel that
My thinking is so confuse by some mystery that I want to solve it again and again I just
Feel those thoughts are something important on each and every way I have just feeling on
Each and every moment that those thoughts which are mystery keep coming in mind again
And again but sometimes I can shut them but still mystery seem to come in my life on each
And every day I just got one thought from my mind on every way I feel that those mysteries
Which look so nice and seems so perfect and sometimes we want inside our life on each
And every day when I start looking at those times when mystery enter in life on every way
I just feel that this mystery is so pleasant on each day I just keep one feeling from my heart
And from my mind again and again that those mysteries which enter inside our life are not
Just thing which happen to effect us on many moment I just feel one thing on every way
That when I went ahead in my life I just want to solve those mysteries on each and every
Thought and way I just have one feeling inside my mind on every day that those things
Which are part of my life should be mystery any way so I start to solve that mystery by
Using each and every way because inside my life on every day I just feel one thought that
In my life can we really able to solve that mystery in every way I just feel one thing that
This mystery is so deep in every way I feel that depth of that mystery seem to have on
Every one strong effect I just feel one thought from my mind on every day that these
Thinking and these mysteries look so nice and perfect on every moment I just feel one
Thing from my mind on every way that in my life I see those mysteries as part of life
On every day I just feel one thing on every thought and on every way I just feel those
Mysteries are important inside life but then suddenly I just feel one thing from my mind
I feel that those mysteries of life are not that perfect inside life I feel that those mysteries
Are going to destroy my pleasure inside life I just feel one thought from my thinking and
My mind on every moment I just feel that mysteries are something so wrong inside
Every thought and part of life I just feel one thing that those mysteries must be solved
Since they are important inside life I just feel one thing on every point because I feel
That those mysteries are precious to every direction of life I just feel that one thing
In life I feel one thought from my thought and my mind I have one thought from mind
I just feel that those mysteries are important in life I just feel one ambition in life
I have just one thing inside our life I have those mysteries inside our life I just feel that
One thing inside life those mysteries are something so important inside life but then
I just feel that those thoughts are important for our thinking and our life I just have
One thought inside mind those mysteries are so precious inside life I have those thing
Inside life I just have those mysteries inside life those mysteries are something so
Important inside life I just feel that those mysteries are something so wrong in my life
I want to solve those mysteries but some people just suggest one thing inside life
Because on every moment inside life I feel that those thoughts are something so mysterious
On every point I just feel one thought from my mind I feel that those mysteries are
Something wrong inside life because they just keep me busy on many times in life
I just feel that those thoughts are some important in life but people say that if I ignore them
You try in every way to find life I just feel that those thoughts are something so
Important in life I just feel that one thing from my mind those people are not understanding
Things in life I just feel one thought from my mind that when I have one feeling from
My thinking and from my mind I feel that mystery is something strange and it never
Get solved inside life I just feel one thing inside life but then life just went ahead on
Every point I just feel that I need to understand those mysteries in life before I am
Force to go ahead in life I feel that those mysteries will visit me again in life so then
I feel that I am standing inside life I just feel one thing that I have solve it once in my life
Because I don't want it to visit me again and again then irritate me inside our life.

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