Thursday, September 20, 2012

Poem 440. Other's business

                                                      Others business
When ever I say something in some one elses problem I just prefer to mind my business
I just feel that I should never talk to someone else because in this world on every moment
I found one thing that when I talk with other person in their personal business because then
When things turn in wrong way I just feel one thing on every moment that in this world
We all need to start some sort of business this world is something so important in every
Thought and every sense but then I just feel one thought inside my mind and in my sense
I feel one thing on every sense I like to mind my business but sometimes some people
Just manage to damage too much inside our world that I just can't ignore it in any way
Because on every thought and on every part I just have one thing that we can't go ahead
Inside our life when I start feeling that I am reminding business inside life I just feel that
Those business which is so important inside life but when they are something wrong
Inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which will happen inside
Our future and our life are those business which happen on every time I just have one
Feeling from mind that those things which are precious to us should not be involved
Inside life when our business turn in wrong way inside life I just feel one thing from our
Thoughts and our mind I just feel one thing when it is that person's personal business
And I just keep out of it on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that on every
Thought and moment I just have one feeling from inside those thoughts which are important
Is to develop skill of ignoring that person when that one did wrong with the life but hardest
Task is that one which seem doing wrong we need to ignore that person inside our life
Because when I went ahead I feel so much temptation to tell that person that this is some thing
Wrong inside life I just have one thought from my mind that on every moment we just feel
One thing from our mind that those business will look so perfect inside life on each step
I just feel one thing from my mind on every moment I just feel one thing from my life
I have to make my thinking to ignore that person's personal decision in life because when
I went ahead I feel so confuse in life I feel as if all things in this world look perfect in life
I just feel that I have to mind my business so sometimes I even force myself to ignore
Even when person is doing wrong inside life but I just have one question from my thoughts
Are from my mind that how can I ignore that person inside my life when that decision
Began to involved me on some part of life it feel as if that person will scream but I can't
Understand every thing in life I just feel one thing that those things are something so
Important and precious in life when I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thing
That these people are telling me that they will not quit screaming I have to use earphones
To stop them in life every thought and every moment inside life look so confused that
I feel how can I act ahead in life when I want to tell them that their personal business
Are hurting me inside my life only if they understand it inside life because those thoughts
Are thinking of my life seem to create many effect on me on many points I just keep
One thing inside my mind that on every moment life seem to be going in wrong way
On each and every time we all just tried one thing inside our life and our mind that when
I feel that I should not mind in personal business I feel that it is wrong thing inside life
When that business start to hurting me how can I keep quiet when someone start to
Hurting me I just feel that it starts hurting me from time to time but there is one truth
Inside my life that when I start searching around I feel that life is not something which
Can help me on every point but I can't ignore others business in life because when not just my
Name but some one mentions my gender or may some one mention my nation I suddenly
Feel I can't ignore that part but now a days I feel maybe I need to learn even ignore
Those parts because some people just use it for their attention and for gain of their heart
On every moment they just feel that one thought from heart that on every moment and
On every part I just need to learn to pay attention to my work on my part and I will
Suggest same to every one because these people will go away and we will manage to
Hurt our feeling which will lead us to serious sickness not just hurt in our mind and heart.

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