Monday, September 17, 2012

Poem 435. Advice

When I solve one problem and in some time next one arise so I always find one or another
Problem around me in life I just use to think why did so difficult way they have set life
When we start from area and goes to another area of life we just feel one thing that our life
Is not going so easily from point to point I just feel that when I solve one problem then another
Problem will not come so easily in life I feel that I can win slowly in every part of life but
When I start moving happily I noticed that another problem have arrived and just in few moment
That problem manage to change our life I just have one feeling on every thought and on every
Moment and time that my problems will keep coming and going one after another inside life
I just feel that my problems are some thing which never stops in life they just keep coming
From one area to another area of life I just have one feeling from my mind that problems
Have become breath of our life when problems enter in some part of life I just feel one thing
That my problems are crossing every area of life first problem arrive on one part and then
Another arrive on different part of life I just keep thinking that I need those problems to
Become perfect part of life I want those problems to go away from life but then some times
I feel that our life is roller coaster ride which just start from one area and then take new
Curve on each and every point I feel that those rides are something which goes up and down
From time to time I feel that when my ride goes up and down I feel that strange movement
Of rides because those rides are made in such a way that I need to set them carefully in life
When I notice those rides in strange way I enjoy them as few moments ride but when it
Become life then it become permanent type of ride I feel that pleasure and downs from time
To time on every moment I just feel that my life is so difficult in it I need many sort of tries
And I don't want it to turn into some roller coaster sort of ride I want it to turn normal on
Each and every time I feel that those rides are creating problems on every moment for our life
I just have one feeling that those rides which take me up and down are not that perfect when
It happen inside my life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and from my mind that on
Every moment I just need to understand that I need to use those ride from time to time inside
Our future and inside our life I just feel one  thing that we can move up and down inside life
Because every moment we just want simple life when things turn in wrong way inside
Our future and our life I just want my life to turn in best way from time to time I feel that
I just need it to be simple and without trouble of any kind I just have one feeling from inside
Of my thoughts and my mind that I want simple and perfect nice type of life I just keep
Wishing for it but god never seem to understand it in life but then finally I thought that may be
I need to have that life which god have decide because god never ask me for any advice
And it seems as if god is not willing to give any sort of advice inside life when my life start
To move ahead on each and every point I just feel one thing that life is not going ahead as
I wish from time to time I just feel that those rides which I love to ride are perfect for carnival
But still god have set it in life maybe god feel just one thing that we need to enjoy our each
And every ride we need to understand that we are moving around from time to time inside life
I just feel one thing that inside our life I have those rides because god feel that every point
We need them in life because if we don't suffer with them then maybe we will never understand
Importance of our simple life when we went ahead on every moment of our life then we just
Need to go ahead on each and every point I feel that those roller coasters are to encourage
Us to love our life I just feel that simple life is precious but we understand only when I just
Feel that simple type of life I just have one thinking when we suffer that roller coaster in life
Then only we feel to understand importance of simple life I just feel that this life is something
So important to get things simple and perfect inside life on every moment I just feel that
Things are simple when we don't see those roller coaster inside life so I just feel that god
Never asked and never feel that god need our advice so in every part I feel one thing that
We are not enough wise to give god advise but it is human nature and we love to give advice
So to god I will give just one advice that god should do just as god wish on each and every point.

1 comment:

Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...