Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poem 450. Careful

I was walking so carefully in my life just because I don't want to hurt my leg but still that
Stone hurt me and bring tears to my eyes and manage to hurt my heart how much you may
Try to walk carefully inside your life on every part still I just feel one thing from my heart
That we will not win inside our life's any part I just feel those pains when stones cut me
Inside my life and my legs got hurt on every part because when I went ahead inside my heart
I just feel those pains because I just can't find that way which will not manage to hurt me on
Any thought and on any part because even when I am moving slowly inside my life still on
One or two points I just feel one thing from inside my thoughts and my life on every moment
And on every point those rocks which are spread on roads of life look totally wrong for us
To walk on each and every time I just feel that those rocks are those problems inside life
Which always keep coming inside our life because those rocks have that sharpness which will
Manage to cut me from point to point because when I start going ahead on every point I just
Never understand those thoughts which told me from point to point inside my life that those
Roads are something so perfect on life's every part inside life on each thought I feel just
One thing from every point that those rock can't be avoided in life because our destiny is
Made in such way from time to time that I just feel one thing on every thought and every point
Because when I went ahead inside life I feel one thing from each and every point in my life
That destiny which always have two sides inside life because on one side on that point and
That same destiny have rewards on other side because those rewards are also come only
On those times in life when we suffer those rocks in our life after all problems are also maker
Of those rewards inside our life when we hurt ourselves then only we can get rewards inside
Our future and our life on every moment and on every point I just can't walk on those roads
Which are so perfect in life this life is so interesting from every point I just feel one thing from
Inside that those thoughts which are precious for our mind will not take us ahead inside our life
When we start moving ahead on every point I just have one thought from inside which will take
Slowly take me ahead on many points but somewhere inside I know that I just can't avoid those
Rocks because they even enter in those safest streets after some time when my life went ahead
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind that every day some problem enter inside
Life but while avoiding those problems I just manage to hurt my life on each and every point
By avoiding many aspects inside my life I just put more problems inside my life on each and
Every point inside our life when I just want to ahead inside my life how can I avoid those
Rocks on every time because those roads only give me flowers of rewards in end and happiness
Inside our life but then when I see those roads which began to hurt me on many times I just
Feel one thing from many thoughts and points I just feel that those roads are hurting me from
Time to time inside my life on every moment I just feel those pains of rocks inside life and
When those problems become something which I have hated in life suddenly I just turn from
Those roads in life and just kept running from one road to another with hope that I get perfect
Road in life and I even started searching for guidelines and even I find them after some time
They were safe and perfect on many moments of my life until I will get them in my life I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts are not as safe and as perfect inside life
Because inside my life on every point I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind
So on every spot inside life when I went ahead those rocks hurt me on roads of life but even
When I took safe road those problems are part of my life so maybe I should take just care
In some limit inside my life because when I walk ahead inside my life those roads which
I avoided seem like useless things to do in life when rocks hurt on safest road of life and
Then just one question inside my life I feel just one thing from mind that why did I avoided
 That road which I wanted to try so much in life if finally I am going to have those problems
Inside my future and my life on many points then why should I not try that road which
 I liked inside my life I felt that thought in my life and then feel sadness over my
Stupidity inside my life because on every moment and on every time I just feel one relief
Inside my life that I am walking on safest road of life when problems hit me on many sides
So I just feel that too much careful is also wrong never cross limits but you can try all
Those roads which look so nice and perfect for our future as well as for our life's every part.

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