Friday, September 7, 2012

Poem 418. Motives

Each person mean something different in mind each person have some thought which will open
Some unique side inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that each person will keep
Thinking in different way inside life I just keep thinking on every point that I will understand
What other people feel about life but other people have different knowledge from every side
And other people feel that they are standing on wrong side on every moment I just have one
Thought from my mind that on every moment I need people to understand what is in their
Thinking and what is in their mind but my knowledge is so limited in my life and world is
So vast on every point that I don't understand those knowledge which will wake us up from
Our thinking and from our mind I feel that I can't just get that knowledge so easily in life
I can't just go ahead on every point I just have one thinking inside my life that when my
Knowledge will increase I feel happiness inside my mind because then I will understand
Those people and their motives inside life I just feel that I am standing on one road  which
Will take us ahead on every point I just keep thinking that my motives are never so perfect
And right inside my life but then I feel maybe I am also confuse about my motives from
Time to time I just keep thinking that I want my motives to be perfect and right but then
Just after some time I feel that my motives can be changed when things change inside life
I just keep thinking one thought from my mind that my motives will help me more in my
Future and in my life I just keep thinking about those motives which I keep inside life and
On every motive I just feel that I don't think too much about what other thought in life
But then slowly problems enter when another person enter inside life and then that person
Start every thing with different meaning and we get it all wrong in life until we see that
Truth we will never understand whole truths of life I just feel one thing that their motive
Also began to stuck inside our life because when we go ahead we will always manage
To confuse ourselves and our minds when we start thinking that our motives will win
Inside our life because when someone stood with us they are with us but just once and
With some thoughts and some points they don't understand truths of our life but they
Are with us on some points but that don't make them supports of our future and our life
I feel that in life we can't accept people to support our each and every thought which
Will come inside mind I have just one thinking on every point that those people who are
With us are not just going to follow us on every point because we have some good suggestion
But that don't make us god in our life so sometimes we need to understand that people
Will not agree with us on every point they have their own thought and thinking inside life
I just feel that sometimes they wish that we should understand their thinking on every
Moment and on every point I have just one thinking inside life I have just one thing in life
That will seem them perfect that don't look nice inside life I just feel that some of my
Questions inside life I feel that I get confuse by their some support inside life I just began
To think that they are going to be supporter on every point we have understand one thing
In life each person live in different way inside life I just feel that those motives which
Are in our life will look so wrong in my life because they are crossing each other on each
And every time I just feel that in my life I need to understand those motives are wrong
On each and every point I feel one thought from my mind that when life went ahead on
Every point those motives are something which are important in life because they have
Created different thoughts in my mind when that person have different thought according to
Their upbringing in life I just feel one thing that they should not adopt my motives just
Because they agree with me on some points when life went ahead they will always make
Different choice which will tell I should like to walk on one motive and one side inside life
But then if they have different motives then why should I expect them to change them
In life on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that
When I went ahead on every day of my life I need to some motives which are important
For my mind when I want to go ahead on every day people will have different motives
And that is truth of life I just feel one thing from my mind that when I have some motives
I must learn to win them on my own and I should expect others to stand by my side
Because in our life on those occasions we feel that we need to understand what we feel
Is totally wrong in life our motives are just for us or for some people who think like us
They are not for each and every person inside life because on every moment they will not
Think like us they are just agreeing with us on two or three points they are not talking
About more than that inside their future as well as inside our life so never expect them to
Help you when you start struggling with important motive in life until you know that
They are doing same thing and thinking just like you on that view or that point because
Then only they will think like us and we can have same kind of motives inside our life.

1 comment:

Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...