Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Poem 438. Help

When I went ahead I thought I need help from some one to solve my problems I felt that
In this world I have biggest problem I feel that in this world I will find a person who will
Come ahead and help that person will help me on each and every moment inside this world
Again and again I just feel one thing that my thoughts are hurting me in each and every way
I feel that when I will found some person who is ready to give us some help we just feel
That in this world what we most need is help on each and every moment we thought again
And again that in this world we all want some sort of help to go ahead when life will manage
To take us ahead we all just feel one thing that when we demand for help and then we start
In this world search for help I did the same thing when I start moving ahead I have first
Thought that I need guardian angel who will come and help that on every moment this
Angel become my life's biggest and highest help when inside life I went ahead I just feel
One thing I am stuck in my thoughts of asking for help I just went ahead on every point
Again and again I just want to go ahead and get some sort of help when this help will manage
To hurt us on some point when I move around the world on every point I just feel one thing
From my mind that when I went ahead inside life I just feel that this world is not something
Which will help me on every point this world will ask other people to go ahead in life but
When I was about to ask for help this world began to come to me for help in big line because
Every one have their problem and some are really bigger than mine so when they ask for help
It will not be crime I just feel one thing in life that on few moment I feel that I need to help
Those people inside life when these people ask for help on every point I just feel one thing
That these people are those who don't look that good inside life because when they ask for
Help on every point I just feel that my giving help to others is something totally wrong for
My thoughts and my mind on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing that
Asking for help is so easy but giving it is hardest task of life but we never understand it
Until we began to help others in life and once we began to do that we will not blame others
Who don't show readiness to help inside life I feel that help which we get inside life is
Something which happen not on every point because when we decide to help then we need
To use many resources inside life and if you feel some people just don't have enough resources
They have them all inside life when we went ahead on some points we just feel one thing
That all those resources which are precious to us are something totally in life when I tried
To win on some points I just feel one thing that my life is stuck in wrong way on every
Thought and on every point I just need to understand those thoughts of my mind which tell
Us that on every moment inside our life that other people can help on every point we need
To understand that we can't help on every moment of life because help is some precious
Type of jewel which manage to make us rich and other person poor at same time inside life
We just never know how much that other person have inside life may be that person don't
Have enough things to please our mind on every moment we just feel that we are standing
On wrong ground of our life we feel that we are working in wrong way towards our life
We need to understand that helping other is hardest task of life so when someone ask for help
I feel confuse on every point because I just never understand why did that person want help
From me who needed help inside life how did that person demand help from me who have
Never resources for helping that person inside life because those resources are something
So important inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that we can't win if resources are
So limited in life and when I am asking for help it made clear to me that my sources are so
Limited inside life when I went ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that why resources
Are so fixed to just some person inside life I feel that those resources which I kept inside life
Are wanted by that person but  resources from outside that one wanted just my words of
Support inside life because that person knows very well that my resources are so limited in life
I can't just move ahead inside life because those resources which are important to me are
Something totally lack in life that person also knows that my sources are lacked from time to time
So I start  thinking inside life which tell I must control my thoughts and my mind that
I just help that person not with resources but with my just one resources that is my precious mind.

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