Monday, September 3, 2012

Poem 411. My fears

                                                          My fears
Everyday I decide that today I will conquer my fears and went ahead with life without any
Sort of fear on every point I just feel that those fears are something nice and perfect inside
Our future and life I just keep those fears inside life and they are hurting me so I have decided
One day to take them from heart so I start making efforts to get those fears out to my thought
And out of my heart because on every moment inside this world I just feel that I hate those
Thoughts and I hate those fears so I have took decision to walk against them and try to vanish
Those fears again and again because on every point and on every moment I just feel one thing
Again and again that those fears are something which will come inside our life in some ways
And other way they manage to come inside then how sad I will feel from time to time because
On every second I feel that I am right inside life when those fears which surround us from
Time to time I just feel one thing only if I can keep those fears away from my life on every
Moment when they enter inside life I just want to close my door on them on every point because
When I went ahead on every moment in my life I feel that those fears are those parts which
Will stay with me on every moment of life I did fight with them for just some time but then
Suddenly I feel that those fears are too much for me inside my life I just have one feeling
From every thought and from every point that I need to forget those fears inside my life
I just have one thought from my mind that those fears which are capturing my mind are never
Perfect and are never nice in life when I walk ahead on each and every point I just feel one
Thing inside my life that those fear which are so perfect on every point are something so
Nice in our life I just feel one thing from my mind that on every moment I will have thought
That those fears are something not perfect inside life I just have one thinking about those
Fears in life I have just one thought from my mind that fears which I  have inside my
Thoughts and my mind on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Fears seem to gather from each and every side in life I just have one feeling from my life
Those fear will not go away how much may I try in life because on every moment I just
Feel those fears are something wrong in life after all those fights are something important
In life I just feel one thing from my mind those fear which are entered in life are something
So wrong on every point I just feel one thing that those fears are something which should
Be destroyed on every point I just feel one thought inside of my mind because on
Every moment I just feel one fear from my mind that on every moment I will win inside
My life I just feel one thing from my thinking and from my mind that on every moment
I want life to go ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that I can't able
To do it so I just began to change my thinking and I began to ask for help from every side
I just never feel that I can win inside my life I just feel one thought from my thinking and
From my mind every time when I went ahead I just feel that those thoughts are just like
My thinking on every point I feel that those thoughts of fear should be stopped but no one
Seem capable to handle them in life so then I just turn to god and ask him to take away
My fear without much try but it always seem that god don't do it because god must be
Too busy in real work than just solving my imaginary problems which I have developed
With my own thinking inside my mind how can I just can't control my mind I just
Always ask that question to my mind on my every try but I just never try to do it hard
Enough to make my fear go away from time to time I just feel one thing from every
Thought inside our life I just feel that on every thought inside our life because on
Every thought in my life but then I just feel those fears are something not nice in life
I just feel that god have power but I have to handle them from time to time inside life
I just feel one thing inside life I just feel those things are important in life I feel that
But then I suddenly feel that I can't able to control fears on every time because then
On every moment those fears are something which are wrong inside life I have just
One thought from my mind that those fear are something which are coming from
Every side inside life I feel that those fears are just harming on each and every point
Inside life I just feel one thing those fears are something so strange inside life  and
On every point I have some fears which are precious in my mind I feel that I have
Some control inside life I feel that those fears are something which should control by mind.

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