Monday, September 24, 2012

Poem 446. Country

After every storm there is always a clear beautiful day it is rule of life that one day you will
Going to see that clear day but when your sky is clouded and when storm is there people are
All watching you from every where they are seeing you and how will you act on that day
Because when sky is clear every one can act nice and perfect but when things turns in worst
And you are in problem then only in this world we can understand what you felt because on
That moment you will do what you are told to do from inside and on that moment people will
See your character on every point when you act on that day and on that moment they will
Understand how should you suppose to go ahead on each and every point and on every moment
You can understand in life what is your nature inside you on every day when I want to go ahead
On that day I just feel we must control our feet before they took wrong way because any one
Can do that in storm or crisis we need to do something special life on every moment I just feel
One thought from my mind when we are in storm every one can see those things inside life
On every moment and on every point storm manage to destroy many things in life but our
Character is something which will act as our guide which will take us ahead on each and
Every thought and on each and every point I just never understand those things in my life
Because on every moment I feel same thing from inside that those things which we do on
Our tough time because those people who are watching us in life never watch us on our
Normal as well as peaceful life after all when we are happy on every point inside life what
We look is not interesting for others in life because happiness is something people like in
Their life but they just don't want to see other enjoying because it is so normal and it don't
Look inside our life but then I just feel one thing from my mind we don't envy others happiness
But we don't even just keep seeing it all time because we hate but we look at those sorrows
Not because we like but because we want to be careful in life and somewhere in mind when
We saw others pain we feel that we are in better position or at least others also have sorrows
Just like inside but most important thing in life that we want to be careful inside life after all
On those points I feel one thing inside life that we watch every thing because we want to find
Every mistake by them in life and with that important motive we watch each and every
Moment on each and every time I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that
On every moment when we goes ahead in life I feel that those people which will hurt on
Many point will never feel that those things which I said are wrong inside my life because
On our difficult time we are most watched by every side and those are moments which
Will decide on which side we will stand and we will win from which side in life but when
Thing turn in other way and they start to come ahead from one side to another side I just
Feel one thing from my mind that my success is depend how hard we control our emotion
Inside life I just feel those emotions are important on every point and if we love our future
And if we want peace of our mind I just feel one thing on every point we need to control
Our emotion and mostly our anger on many points when I went ahead on each and every
Thought and on each and every point I just feel one thought out of my mind that how can
I understand those people inside life who are watching me hour after hours inside life but
When sometimes my emotions took hold of my mind I feel that those moments are some
Thing which will show every one truth of our life and it's not just about us because how
We will act in crisis will finally show what is our country to people in the world wild we are
Never alone every one is watching us on every moment by standing on our sides and just
Because they are not saying something doesn't mean their silence will remain intact for
Entire life one day they will name us as something nice or bad inside life just always
Remember if you love yourself then just remember one thing in life bad name for your
Country will be bad name for you in your entire life when something wrong happens
Try to keep high morals in life I know some people will not do it but even if some do
Then people will also remember them in history and they will say this country have
Good as well as bad sides we all know what we are doing from our mind and inside
But we need to remain awake what others are seeing from our side because some times
When you are just our house we say just few angle of that house and don't notice other sides
But outsider who come visit us can see each and every sort of bad side when we walk on every
Moment and thought we are doing right we need to check our morals which tell us many
Time otherwise sometimes if we act with little patience many things can be solved in life
And sometimes we need to stand for fight but one thing is so sure that never let your
Soul and morals to sleep inside life just always keep them alive on each and every point
Because just hating enemy will not prove love towards your country we need to understand
That we have to develop ourselves and learn to fight with dignity and respect in life.

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