Sunday, September 30, 2012

Poem 456. Waiting

Until now I never saw any task so hard as task of waiting because on every moment I just
Have one thought and one feeling that inside this life I just learn many tasks which are called
So I can also learn this task of waiting but just on one moment I know it is not easy task
Because one day I order a food and just stood waiting I just feel that I can wait for some time
Since I am not that much hungry so I can always tolerate so we all just keep chatting with
Just one hope as human being that our time will pass on every moment and on every sort
Of thinking inside our life as human being after all those are something so important in life
Which will help human being when I just kept sitting on that table every thing was fine until
I see that food stood there on plate for me and I ran to take that food but then I saw some
One who was behind me is going to get that food because that person was before me in line
Of waiting inside our life on every moment of thinking we just feel one thought inside our
Life as human being that those lines of waiting are so upsetting when we just feel that we
Got that thing and then we are told that this thing is not for us but some other person who
Stand before us and wait I know you feel anger same way I feel inside me but I just feel
On that moment I will understand how much I deserve anything because when we don't
Deserve that thing because we are standing on back of that line every time we just feel
That pain inside life a human being but then when we console our self inside life and tell
Ourselves that it is true thinking I just feel one thought from inside my mind I just have
To get that thing but life sometimes goes in wrong way and then we can't able to get that
Thing because on every moment with my thinking I have accept truth as human being
I have to tell myself just one thing that I must not run ahead in my life without proper
Thoughts and thinking when someone else deserve before me that thing if I gave it to that
Person will respect them only I am doing a proper thing on every moment and on every
Point of thinking I just have one feeling that those thoughts are nice and perfect to us as human
Because then I just keep one thing in life on every thinking that I want to be fair to each
And every human being after all in my life I just feel one thing that when I start going
Ahead on every point as human being I need to understand that waiting is also important
For justice because when we wait we have true weakness inside us as human being on
Every moment I just feel one thought from inside me with my pleasant type of thinking
Because when we go ahead in life as human being I just feel one thought inside mind
That waiting is something so hard but still some thing we must do as human being because
Those who just hurry up in things without waiting many times manage to get in problems
Due to their hurry as human being when my life went ahead on every moment as we
Thought about that life on every moment and on every thinking I just feel one thought
Inside my mind from my thinking that on every moment I just need to understand
What is needed in mind of human being because those people who goes ahead in life
Never understand that thinking which tell us that we must understand importance
Of our waiting on every moment and on every point when we start to have our thinking
We just feel one thought on every point with just one hope to win inside life as human being
We need to understand waiting is something so nice when it will not for so long time for
A human being but mostly waiting will not be for short time to any human being because
When life went ahead I just feel that we need to understand our thoughts about hopes
Of getting things but when waiting began then it will takes hours before we manage
In our life get that thing on every moment and on every thought of thinking I just feel
Positive thought inside mind for winning many sort of things because when we went
Ahead in life like a human being but then I just feel one thought from my mind about
Each and every thing I have just one sort of thinking inside life as human being which tell
Our mind that on every moment if I need to have that thing then maybe I can value it
More because of waiting but I agreed on every moment inside life but waiting is always
Important inside life after all things are totally wrong inside life since that waiting will
Take so much time because waiting is something so important on every point I just feel
One thing important in life but then I just feel that waiting are not important inside life
Those waiting are totally wrong inside life but then I just feel one thing from every mind
That waiting us something so precious and important inside life but when it began then
I feel that those moment of waiting are enemies of mind from time to time I just feel
One thing that waiting is always important on every angle inside life but waiting is totally wrong
When it enters inside my life because I don't want that thing just like medicines on sickness in life.

Poem 455. Those eyes

                                                        Those eyes
Some times when ever you work you just feel two eyes watching you on each and every
Moment and each and every point just with one want that they want to insult you and they
Want to criticize you in life your work get disturbed by their feeling in life because on every
Thought and on every moment you just feel one thing that our thoughts are making us alive
Because those eyes are following us on every moment and on every time I just feel one
Thing inside life that those eyes are following from point to point on every moment in our
Future and in our life when things went ahead on every point I just feel one thing inside life
That those eyes are not following me for good but they are following me for bad things
In life and on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that those eyes are something
Just following me on time to time on every moment I feel those eyes when those eyes are
Looking at me on every point suddenly my work began to confuse me on every moment
And on every time I just feel that existence of those eyes which are following me on every
Day of life I just have one thought from inside my work don't look as perfect as we thought
Inside life when eyes are observing us from every point I just feel one thing from inside
That those eyes are observing me on each moment in life and that feeling upset me so much
That I feel my works are not going as properly as I wish inside life I just kept one thought
Inside that those eyes have some feeling which are saying I will act in wrong way in life
I just never understand importance of those eyes because that feeling which kept alive on
Moment and point inside life because on every moment I just feel that they are set to keep
Things in wrong way inside life but then I just feel I will just hurt myself inside life by just
Thinking in wrong way inside life on every point I feel one thing in life that those thoughts
Which enter to our life are those things which manage to come to me on every point and
Then my best work turn into something totally wrong inside life I just never forget those
Things which are happening in my life because those things are important to me and their
Destruction is important to that person inside life because those eyes have just one motive
That is to disturb us on every time I know from my heart I hate those eyes but now a days
I feel that I just have to learn to ignore those eyes because those eyes are not that strong
They are weak person's eyes because if you are strong enough then why did you waste
So much time in just criticizing inside life and those eyes never stop me from searching
Those happiness which I get in work then I can always win inside life if I let my feeling
On every point because when I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thought from
Inside of my life that my work must be done even when those people are managing to
Give trouble to me in life because those troubles are something which always enter in
My future and in my life since on every moment I just kept hoping that I am doing it
In right way inside life after all when we go ahead on every point we just feel one thing
From inside of our mind that every day as we went to do our work we must expect
That sort of eyes because weak people always try to confuse us by these ways in life
When we are so strong and capable to go ahead on then they will stop it in life or maybe
They still kept doing but we all learn to ignore it inside life because if we don't manage it
Then one day we will feel that we can't survive inside life when life goes ahead on each
And every point I just feel one thing from my mind that my work have some power
To please me on every point so I need to concentrate on that in life those eyes have just
That much power which I give them in life and when I understood it from them slowly
Those eyes lost that power which they have inside I feel that we all have to learn to do
One thing that is to dare to those people who just do one job that is to criticize and we
Must understand one thing that we should never let our feelings to go ahead in life because
On every time and on every moment inside life I just keep one thought alive that when
I start moving ahead in life on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those
Thoughts which I keep so alive in life will look so perfect on every moment of our life
When we went ahead in our life I just never understand those thinking which will manage
To hurt me from time to time because those eyes are teasing me because I have given to
Them that right inside life and on every moment I just have to handle them with proper
Thoughts and thinking inside life I just have one feeling that my mind have power to win
Over those eyes if I learn to understand that how weak and helpless are those person who
Criticize me in life because they never have power to win over me on any point of life.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Adventure story 52. Wheelchair

It was Rita's favourite path since that accident.She could no longer stand on her legs so all other ways of going outside were just useless for her.She had to stay inside her flat for whole day which was so frustrating that some times she wished that she was died instead of like this.But then she began to feel shameful when she looked at her mother's loving eyes.Her father's caring attitude told her that she was needed.Even her tiresome sister Tina had suddenly became more responsible.Now a days she helped Mom in many things.Today when Rita expressed desire to sit in society garden.Tina came forward willingly to help.Tina took her to lift and helped in every way.When they reached in garden.Rita told her to go and sit on a seat.She could move her wheel chair.Tina nodded.Now Tina was sitting in corner and doing her homework and Rita was wondering in garden.It was so lovely each flower had it's fragrance.Rita loved go near the nature.She always used to love camping in nature.But after that accident she was just stuck in that flat.Rita was getting irritated too much now a days.Yesterday when Mom gave her food,she forgot to close the door.Rita could have done it by herself because she was in wheelchair and plate was on table.But she screamed on Mom.Rita could feel that she was becoming burden on her parents.But she didn't have any choice.She started looking at rose when she suddenly noticed her school friends who was happily gossiping with other friend.It looked so natural.She just wished that she could act like that.She was about to go there.When she noticed that her friend had stopped talking.They must had heard noise of her wheel chair.Suddenly all happiness went away from their faces.Their faces turned in a sorrowful picture and Rita could see pity in them.She just wanted to be normal.But her chances of leading normal life had left away on that day of accident.
          Mom was getting dinner ready for every one.She was just thinking what would be best way to make dinner as fast as possible.Now a days her all time was wasted on Rita.Suddenly when she mentioned Rita in her mind,she began to cry.Mom was so depressed due to that incidence that Rita was her major problem and concern.Rita's attitude was not at all helping the situation.Mom noticed that many times Rita looked at sharp things or harmful medicines bottles with wrong intentions.It was not good sign.Mom just didn't know what did she suppose to do so she just removed all those harmful things.She thought that out sight means out  of mind was the best way.After all she didn't know any other way.Mom was tense about Rita.She just couldn't sleep at night.Mom always hoped that one day Rita would be Tennis player.All school had big hopes on her.Mom looked at the line of trophies in cupboard.It was really big.Then after that there was line of Rita's certificates in school debate competition.There were lot of prizes and certificates.Rita was a bright student.But after that accident all hopes were gone.Now Nita was their only daughter who had any future so Mom decided to concentrate on her.Mom made all dishes Nita loved.Mom knew that Rita had understanding and she would not mind.Rita always loved Nita and now Nita had to study.While Rita was forced to take drop for one year.Next year they would take admission for distance education.Rita could never able to attend school now.Once again Mom felt that as if she began to cry.She had to be strong for her daughter but tears just entered in her eyes.
           Nita never felt that how much she loved her elder sister until that accident.Now she wanted to help Rita in every way so she started coming near her as soon as her chair got stuck in some stone.But Rita looked at her with anger.Rita"Now stop treating me like baby.I will manage."Rita didn't want any help.It was really strange until now Rita always wanted help.But when she had accident,she began to think that she no longer need any one's help.In fact now Rita really needed help.But Nita couldn't help her.She just had to keep watching until Rita personally asked for help.Rita ordered her that way.Nita had to stand and watch while she suffered.In her heart Nita just hated it.Every one supported Rita's attitude so Nita had to obey those orders.Finally when Rita was fully convinced that she could not move it.She called Nita who took her back in their home.Mom was waiting there.Their dinner table was set.Nita was expected one of Rita's favourite dish.Mom normally just cooked for Rita.She never considered other family members choices.Rita was her favourite daughter.Even their father didn't want to change that in fact he also adjust with it.Even when he hated spinach ,he began to eat it.But Nita always hated that idea so today when she saw table was set.She was expecting Rita's favourite dinner.But it turned out that Mom cooked every thing Nita loved it.Nita was shocked.She looked at Rita.She thought that she would be hurt.But Rita seemed quite happy about it.Rita already started setting her plate and began to eat her dinner and Mom began to serve.Then Mom looked at Nita.Mom"Why are you not eating your dinner?It is all your favourite."Rita also turned and looked at her and gave her a sweet smile.Nita"Mom you made all my favourite!"Rita"Of course from today you have to began your study so Mom is trying to make your mood.Don't you Mom?"Mom happily smiled at Rita.Rita was understanding and Mom was greatful to her for that understanding.But Nita was shocked.Rita"Come on now you have to be the best.Right Mom.Since I can't do such good all hopes are on you.Right Mom?"Mom nodded.There was tears in Rita's eyes.But still she smiled.Nita just didn't like this idea.But she had to keep quiet.
          After that Nita noticed that she had become centre of attraction for her mother.At night she was given milk loaded with dry fruits.She just hated it.Nita"Mom I just can't drink it.You know very well.I hate milk and now you are giving me one full of dry fruits.Mom I just can't drink it.I will vomit.""Now don't act like that Rita never liked it still she always drank it with out complaint.It will make you healthy and strong."Nita suddenly turned towards Rita who was hiding her face behind some book.When she heard Mom's sentence that milk was for Nita.She removed the book from face and smiled in relief.Nita was shocked so Rita hated milk so much still she drank it until now.Then she noticed another glass.It was milk but just with some tasty powder.Mom gave that to Rita.Rita happily drank it and Nita forced to drink that milk.Then when they slept,Nita could feel that Rita was laughing.Nita"What happened?""I never thought that I will have benefit of this disaster.But now I began to think everything has a good side.""Why good side?"Nita couldn't imagine any good side of never able to walking.Rita"Mom is no longer running after me with every thing.""Ya.Because she is busy in running after me."Then they both started laughing together.It was first time since childhood that they laughed together.They always lead their separate way.Rita the genius and Nita the stupid.They just couldn't do any thing together.It was an unwritten rule and they always followed it.First time they were breaking it and enjoying each other's company like sister.
          Next day once again it started Nita was so happy at first when Mom got everything ready for her.She arranged her uniform and brought her backpack.Then she gave Nita her favourite breakfast.Nita was so happy to enjoy these concessions.But then suddenly Mom brought one pamphlet of class for drawing.Nita"Mom what is this?""I saw you love drawing pictures so I thought may be you shall join the class.""No Mom.It's my hobby.""Then this?It is for football I saw you love to play that.""But Mom you always said that football is a worst thing for girls.""It was my old fashioned thinking.Now I have changed it.I think football is best.You can be famous in it and also have money.""Mom I want them as a hobbies.I don't want it to be career.""Then what is your dream career?""Nothing.I want a normal life.""Stop this nonsense.You have to join it.""But why?""Since Rita can't do it,it is your duty to do it."After saying this sentence Mom was shocked,she never meant to hurt Rita but she had done it.Rita already started crying.But Nita was not in mood to console so she screamed on Mom"I am not her replacement.Search for some one else."And she went away after banging door.Rita looked at her Mom with sorrow.Mom came near Rita.Mom"I am sorry sweetheart.I don't mean to hurt you.I hope you understand."Mom tried to hold Rita's face in her hand.But Rita turned her face away and she went away by moving her wheelchair.Mom started crying now.In one day she hurt her both daughter.But then she wiped her tears.Mom had to do it.It was a duty in her eyes to teach her daughter to stand before the world in competition.She was going to do it.Nita had to take Rita's place.What Nita wanted was no longer matter,she had to do what her Mom want.Then Mom once again began to look at material.Then she suddenly thought that Rita might be interested in drawing after all handicap person could be a famous person.Mom was so happy that she finally found a way to make Rita confident and independent.
           Rita always wanted to paint.But until now Mom always wanted her to play tennis.But since tennis was out of picture now and Nita was not interested in that class.Mom started to convince Rita to join it.It was dream coming true for Rita.As beginning she pretended to be angry because she wanted to teach Mom a lesson because she first suggested that to Nita and forgot her.But after some time she agreed quite willingly and Mom happily went away to call that tutor at home.Rita was so happy to have what she wanted.Then after three or four days that teacher started coming at home.Rita even started studying.She was going to start her education just after one year break so it was needed to keep in touch.Nita was doing all her studies and Mom was behind her on each and every occasion.Nita was so irritated by her Mom's behaviour that she just wanted to keep her away.Nita even started to stay in library to avoid her Mom.But when ever she entered in home,Mom started irritating her with non stop advices.Nita just couldn't take it.But one day she began to discuss it with Rita.Rita looked so sad.Rita"I wish Mom don't act like that but she was always pushy like that."Nita"She is such a impossible.""I know.She never ever let me play anything else.Except tennis because she wanted me to be a tennis champion.""What? This is too much.Do you think that she will act with me same way?"Rita just nodded.Nita knew that her bad days were beginning.
           After some days Nita and Mom's arguments became every day occasion.Rita tried to convince Mom but it proved useless.Nita never gave up and surrendered before Mom.Rita was happy to see her attitude.But one day they took Rita to doctor.Rita was not interested in going with just Mom and Papa.She wanted moral support so she decided to take Nita with her.Then they did all checking.Finally Doctor came to them.He hit on Rita's leg and she screamed in pain.Doctor"Look at this.She is just fine.Still she can't walk.I just don't understand."Rita"Doctor I am telling the truth.I can't walk.""That is impossible.Your legs are just fine.You can walk.""No.I can't."They both started auguring with each other.Nita was watching all this.Then Mom suddenly screamed on Doctor"Why do you think my daughter will lie?"Then Nita spoke without thinking.That sentence just went out of her mouth because Mom had irritated her in few days that she herself sometimes thought that she might like to be handicapped like Rita."May be she want to stay away from your pressure?"When Nita spoke this everyone started to look at her.Then they all noticed Rita was crying.Doctor wrote a number of psychiatrist.Doctor"She need psychiatrist."Mom wanted to talk about it.But Doctor insisted that she should like Rita alone.When they all went to psychiatrist,she talked with every one one after another.Finally she called them together.Psychiatrist"Rita is suffering from Factitious Disorder.It happened due to too much pressure.At first Rita really couldn't walk then slowly she began to love her life without pressure so she began to pretend it.This is psychological.Not her fault.Now let Rita talked to your Mom.In fact both of you listen to your Mom."Mom"Since childhood I wanted to make career.But your grandfather never supported it.When I met your father,I found him every supportive.Then I got two daughter.I thought that now my dreams come true by you.I am sorry.Now I will never pressure you."Mom's promise was enough for them.From that day Mom tried to control her feeling.Even many times Papa stopped her.Slowly Rita began to stand on her legs.But now she didn't have to play just tennis.She could do as she wished and she was doing best in many areas.Nita was never best.But now even Nita was getting better.Mom was not happy with these changes.But she had to accept them.
                                                                     The End

Friday, September 28, 2012

Poem 454. Work

In life you must chose your work and with your brain you decide your work but mostly
Heart was forgotten inside this world we just forget one thing that for life on most of times
But then suddenly I just feel one thing inside life that those work are something important
On every point so on every moment I just feel one thing from inside our life because then
I just feel one thing inside life I feel one thing from mind that those works are something
Which are very important inside life because when I went ahead in our life I just feel one
Thing on every point those work are something which are precious in the life I feel that
Those work are something important inside life because those work are something which
Should be chosen inside life after all those thoughts are so important in the life because
When I have one thing inside my mind that when we chose our work with brain then we
Went ahead inside our life after all those thoughts are something important inside our life
I feel that those work are something precious inside life but then I suddenly  feel one thing
From inside that when we chose our work we just feel one thing from inside that on
Every moment when we select work we just chose one thing mostly in life that is how
Much it help to our bank balance in life because our life is not that easy is always our claim
Of our life we just keep increasing our need and demanding more things inside our future
And inside life I just feel one thing from every point I just feel my work inside our life
After all those works are so important inside life I just feel that these work is important
In life I feel that those work I chose with our life because those work are some thing so
Perfect inside life because when we decide them with money it seem all so nice we feel
That with that money we can enjoy our world inside life because on every moment in life
We feel that money will solve our every problem and give us happiness in life and then
We can enjoy every part of our life I just feel that those thoughts which have entered in life
Look so perfect on every time inside life I just thought on every moment inside our life
Because those work which do look totally wrong inside life after all those thoughts are
Perfectly wrong inside life on every moment I just have one thinking on every point that
Money is more important on every point I just have one thing inside life I have one
Feeling that inside our life we search for happiness are we feel that money will give it to
Us on every occasion and on every point we just feel one thing in the  life that those
Thoughts which we keep in our life are totally wrong on each and every point I feel just
One thing on every moment of life that many people just think of money when they decide to work
In life I know that work is something important for our life and we need to think of money
Inside our life but sometimes when those people start complaining that they don't have time
And they just say they can't able to enjoy life suddenly every thing looks so confuse in life
If we run after some money we just don't get time and if we don't run then we just don't
Have any resource to enjoy so inside our life we just keep balancing on every time because
Some have money and some have time to enjoy in life but lucky one are those who can
Find some work which they enjoy and they even manage to settle with it in their life I know
It will be hard but I just feel that it is worth trying because on that work we spend our
Most of days and nights I know many times people will tell you that your work should be
Such that will give you money in life but some times even those work they suggest hardly
Give you anything important in your life when I went ahead on every moment and on every
Time I just have one feeling that I can't win inside life on any point because as I went ahead
I feel one thing that even if we do that mentioned work sometimes money is less in life
And then we just remain stuck to wrong things inside life so when you lose something just
Never go ahead with others advice sometimes just search for those things which are needed
Inside our life when I went ahead on every moment of our life I just feel one thought from
Inside of my mind I feel that my success is not depend on my field it is depend on how
I went ahead inside my life on every moment I just feel one thing in the life that on point
I just never win inside my life until my destiny decide that I must win inside my life so if
That is truth then why should I tell heart not to take that work which my heart will prefer
As well as like because finally destiny will decide what will happen to me on each and every point.

Poem 453. Glass of expectation

                                                         Glass of expectation
In glass I want to see that part which is full and any way I don't want to waste my type for
Thinking if my glass is half or full but sometimes in life from my heart I just feel one thing that
Things are not turning in right way on any part I just keep thinking in this life one thing that
I just must not care what happen inside life I should count my success or my failures so that
That question of glass never arise in I just feel one thing we should go ahead in life and winning
Should not be matter that much inside life on every moment and on every time I just feel one
Thought from inside that maybe I just don't wish to look at my success and my failures in life
On every moment I just force to look so perfect on every point sometimes we wish to win
In our life sometimes we feel that those feeling of success are not something so wrong in life
After all every one want success in life but some times those feelings just manage to capture
Our thoughts and mind after that our success and failures began to matter more inside life
And we just keep looking at that glass in life I just tried many times with one hope in life
That I will able to ignore those wrong feelings inside life but that doesn't happen on any moment
Or any point I just feel that even if I have decided to not let those thoughts effect my life
Because inside my life on every moment I just feel one thing inside my life that those thoughts
Which are so precious inside life doesn't seem so nice inside our life but still some people just
Force to look that way inside life our positive thoughts are just snatched away from us on
Those moment by those people inside life they just tell one thing on every point that we are
Not useful in life because we have never able to move ahead as per expectation which are
Set by world and sometimes we just feel that we must fulfill all world's each and every sort
Of expectations in world so when we went ahead in life we just feel one thing inside this
Thoughts and world that those thoughts which are so precious for our future and our life
Because when I went ahead on every moment of life I just feel one thing from my mind that
Sometimes I just began to live someone else's life inside my life from time to time inside life
Because when I went ahead inside my life I just feel one thing inside my thinking and my life
And those glass of expectations are always emptied from time to time and with just view of
Life that is to fulfill expectations of people inside our future and inside our life I just feel
One feeling from inside our mind that in our life we need to go ahead just as we wish from
Every moment inside life because those glasses are full of expectations on each and every
Moment or time since on every moment when we went ahead inside our life I just have one
Feeling from my mind that those thoughts which I keep inside something important in life
Because those glass are negative thoughts which will manage to hurt us from time to time
And that glass is something which began our problems on every moment and on every point
Because when in our life on each and every point we just feel one thing from our mind that
Those glasses of expectations are something so totally wrong inside our life because those
Expectations are killing me on each and every point inside my life those expectations are
Something so precious inside our life I just keep feeling that those things are totally wrong
Inside our life but still people just set expectation before us time to time sometimes I can
Control thoughts as well as my mind because I just feel one thing from inside of my mind
When those glass are filled we just feel that one day they will get empty one day inside life
After all those glass are important inside our future and our life then we just feel one thing
That if they are filled then they will give positive feeling to our thoughts inside our life and
On every moment we just feel one thing on every point that those glasses are creating many
Sort of problems inside life because on every moment inside our life I just feel that those glass
Is not something so perfect on every point and on every source because when life went
Ahead we just feel one thing from inside on every thing on our every thought and every
Sources are totally wrongly used on every point inside our life after all those sources are
Something which just manage to hurt us every time when we fail to fulfill expectations
And when we don't able to fulfill then we just have one wrong feeling inside our thoughts
And inside our world because those expectations are never going to let us be happy in
Our world so we must learn to do one thing that was to forget keeping that glass of expectation
With us in our world because it will never help us at all inside our future or inside our world.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Poem 452. Crime

All my dreams are shattered by some lines and sentence that is just use to be my words
When someone use to tell truth which is hard way of going ahead on every moment and
On every word of world I just never understand those things are something important
What do I say about you now inside life that on every moment and on every point are
Thinking something so totally wrong inside life I just want something so nice in life that
On every moment I just feel one thing from my mind those sentences are truth but they
Are not said in nice way inside life so then on every moment I just feel one thing from
Everything inside life so then I just feel those truth are so important inside life which
Are told to us from time to time but still when they are said in harsh words they don't
Seem so nice I just feel from heart that sometimes people should say them in nice word
Inside life because as I went ahead on every point I just feel one thing that life is not
Something so perfect and nice when I went ahead step but step in life I just keep feeling
Happy from inside of my mind I just never understand those truths of my life which
Tell me that I need to go ahead on each and every point and I can improve those truths
Slowly from my mind I can always take those truth which are precious to us as a gesture
Of our defeat inside life when truth is told like arrow it just manage to hurt on many parts
Of our future and our life I just feel those pains which are inserted by people inside life
Are totally wrong inside our life because when I went ahead inside life I just never feel
That my mistake is shown to improve me in life I just feel that it is told to insult me and
Hurt me inside life then slowly as I went ahead inside my life on each and every point
Then I just feel one thing from thinking about life that when I heard that truth of life
I just don't feel it is about winning or losing inside life on that spot inside life I just feel
One thought from my mind that instead of helping me truth said in wrong way manage
To hurt us on every moment inside our life I just feel one thing from inside that after
This type of hurt I just even is not ready to go ahead inside my life about each and every
Thing on every point I feel that those things are something so special inside life because
Those truths are something totally wrong inside our future and our life since they are
Not helping us on every point inside my life I just feel one thing from inside that those
Thoughts are something which take me in wrong direction of life I just never understand
What I feel inside my life those truth which I have told are not something so perfect and
Nice inside our life on every moment we just feel that truth inside life because on every
Moment and on every point I feel truths are something which are not right for our future
And our life when I went ahead inside my life I even start to ignore those person who
Says that things are not that perfect inside life I just have one thinking from my mind
That every thing is wrong inside my life because I want to go ahead on every point but
Still after hearing those truth like arrows suddenly those wounds become something so
Horrible inside life I just feel on each day and on each time that I can't understand people
Who are positive when I heard negative inside life because those negative thoughts slowly
Become that part of truth and then I just began to hide from our heart what we feel inside
Our thoughts and our world on every point that those truth are no more truthful feeling
Of my thinking and my life because when I went ahead inside my life I just have one
Thought from every point that truth is something not at all important in my life because
When other start suggesting many kind of things but many times those suggestions
Are about cure not about harming us inside our life but still when I heard every thing
In negative way inside our life I just feel one thing on each and every point inside life
I keep feeling one thing inside my future and my life that I can't be cured on any point
Or any thought of my life because those thoughts are something which are important
Inside life because on every moment inside life I just feel one thought from inside of mind
That when truth is said in wrong way it looked like crime because it seem no longer nice
As well as pleasant for my mind it seem just totally wrong inside every thought of life
Because they just destroy peace of our mind and they began to hurt on each and every
View point of life since those points looked totally on each and every side of our future
As well as in parts of life because those truth are not said in right way they don't bring light in life.

Poem 451. Way of fight

                                                            Way of fight
When you start a fight that is worst moment always of your life because fights always manage
To hurt your one side or another side because when you decide to fight you have to choose
The way in life and that is hardest task of our life is to go ahead and began fight in life when
We went ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that on every moment inside our life
We just feel one thing from our mind that on every moment we want to win in life but then
I just feel one question from inside of my mind that on every day how shall I began to safest
Way of fight then I just began to ask for help in our life on every moment I just search for
Advice which will be proper inside life those advice which I got from my friends on every
Point I just feel they are perfect for my life when I start walking ahead on every point I just
Feel that no way look that perfect as I thought inside life each way seem to confuse me on
Every way of life and each area seem to hurt our feeling from each and every point I just feel
One thing from every area of my life that I want some thing which are unique for our future
And for our mind when I went ahead on every point I just feel my ways of war are totally
Wrong inside life when I start moving ahead on every point I just feel one thing that what
People will feel about those concepts of life when I start moving ahead inside our life I feel
Those things which are so perfect where not that bad on any spot and on any point I just
Wish one thing from my mind that those feeling which help us are not mostly used in our fight
Because when in life we fight we just feel one thing from our mind that those fights are some
Sort of things which are not that much nice I feel when I start to fight things mostly turn
In totally wrong way inside our life I just have one thinking on every point I have just one
Thought from inside which tell me on every moment that I need to fight inside my future
And inside my life but in proper way that will take me ahead on every point I just never
Understand when I turn fight inside life on every moment and on every point I just feel
One thing from inside that those fights which I have to do inside my life keep disturbing me
On every point I just feel one thing from inside that those fights are something which always
Manage to destroy peace of my mind but then just in few moment I just heard on thing
About each fight that fight should be something tit for tat inside life but I just feel that
If we start to fight in this way inside life how can we go ahead on every point because
On each point when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from inside my mind that
When some one is totally wrong then we start fight but if that person is wrong then how
Can we act in such a way that will match with that person inside life on every moment
We just feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts of tit for tat are not that perfect
In our life because when those thoughts develop we will feel just one thing from mind
That we have to fight and force other person to lose and it doesn't matter if those things
Are turned in wrong way inside life on every thinking and on every point I just feel one
Hope inside my mind that when I start to go ahead on occasion of our life I feel those
Fight which are set against each other are going to harm us on many points of our life
Because then we began to act just like those persons on every moment of life and slowly
We forget our right ways and just remember their wrong ways inside their life we all
Want just one thing on every point that our failure is dependent on every moment of life
Because when we win inside that fight we slowly began to go lower inside our life so
Fights are something so risky in life our logic just vanish in them and what remained is
Just our cold anger towards other person in life we start to search for each and every
Source with which we can defeat that person in life instead of our right ways and justice
Suddenly defeating other party becomes needed thing inside our life on every moment
And on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that when we win in our life then
We will feel that is success of our life but that is not right inside life we have to fight
In right way inside life even if people will say that we can't win if we use those ways
To fight still we have to begin our fight on every angle and on every sight I just feel
One thing from my mind that we are standing on wrong point of our life so on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from inside that in life things will change
From time to time but just never try to win on every point because being right is more
Important than our fights because fight is for right thing and right thing are not for fight
I mean to say that we can fight for justice in life but fighter of justice are not suppose
To get engaged inside any sort of wrong kind fight because then injustice arise in life.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poem 450. Careful

I was walking so carefully in my life just because I don't want to hurt my leg but still that
Stone hurt me and bring tears to my eyes and manage to hurt my heart how much you may
Try to walk carefully inside your life on every part still I just feel one thing from my heart
That we will not win inside our life's any part I just feel those pains when stones cut me
Inside my life and my legs got hurt on every part because when I went ahead inside my heart
I just feel those pains because I just can't find that way which will not manage to hurt me on
Any thought and on any part because even when I am moving slowly inside my life still on
One or two points I just feel one thing from inside my thoughts and my life on every moment
And on every point those rocks which are spread on roads of life look totally wrong for us
To walk on each and every time I just feel that those rocks are those problems inside life
Which always keep coming inside our life because those rocks have that sharpness which will
Manage to cut me from point to point because when I start going ahead on every point I just
Never understand those thoughts which told me from point to point inside my life that those
Roads are something so perfect on life's every part inside life on each thought I feel just
One thing from every point that those rock can't be avoided in life because our destiny is
Made in such way from time to time that I just feel one thing on every thought and every point
Because when I went ahead inside life I feel one thing from each and every point in my life
That destiny which always have two sides inside life because on one side on that point and
That same destiny have rewards on other side because those rewards are also come only
On those times in life when we suffer those rocks in our life after all problems are also maker
Of those rewards inside our life when we hurt ourselves then only we can get rewards inside
Our future and our life on every moment and on every point I just can't walk on those roads
Which are so perfect in life this life is so interesting from every point I just feel one thing from
Inside that those thoughts which are precious for our mind will not take us ahead inside our life
When we start moving ahead on every point I just have one thought from inside which will take
Slowly take me ahead on many points but somewhere inside I know that I just can't avoid those
Rocks because they even enter in those safest streets after some time when my life went ahead
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind that every day some problem enter inside
Life but while avoiding those problems I just manage to hurt my life on each and every point
By avoiding many aspects inside my life I just put more problems inside my life on each and
Every point inside our life when I just want to ahead inside my life how can I avoid those
Rocks on every time because those roads only give me flowers of rewards in end and happiness
Inside our life but then when I see those roads which began to hurt me on many times I just
Feel one thing from many thoughts and points I just feel that those roads are hurting me from
Time to time inside my life on every moment I just feel those pains of rocks inside life and
When those problems become something which I have hated in life suddenly I just turn from
Those roads in life and just kept running from one road to another with hope that I get perfect
Road in life and I even started searching for guidelines and even I find them after some time
They were safe and perfect on many moments of my life until I will get them in my life I just
Feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts are not as safe and as perfect inside life
Because inside my life on every point I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind
So on every spot inside life when I went ahead those rocks hurt me on roads of life but even
When I took safe road those problems are part of my life so maybe I should take just care
In some limit inside my life because when I walk ahead inside my life those roads which
I avoided seem like useless things to do in life when rocks hurt on safest road of life and
Then just one question inside my life I feel just one thing from mind that why did I avoided
 That road which I wanted to try so much in life if finally I am going to have those problems
Inside my future and my life on many points then why should I not try that road which
 I liked inside my life I felt that thought in my life and then feel sadness over my
Stupidity inside my life because on every moment and on every time I just feel one relief
Inside my life that I am walking on safest road of life when problems hit me on many sides
So I just feel that too much careful is also wrong never cross limits but you can try all
Those roads which look so nice and perfect for our future as well as for our life's every part.

Poem 449. Spoiled child

                                                       Spoiled child
When we do bow before the god why do we have to make wish why did you want to go ahead
With each thought and thinking on every point in life and on every thinking we all feel just one
Thought that we need some sort of perfect thing on every time in life on every moment and
On every thinking we just feel one concept that we all want many things so unknowingly in life
And some times with knowingly as human being we all start to think one after something since
Inside our life on every thing we just have one wish list which will help us on every moment
Inside life because on every moment in our life I just have one big list of wishes from inside
Of our mind I just kept thinking on every point that I need to fulfill my wishes with my hard
Work but then I just don't know why did in my life I feel one thing from my mind that on every
Moment I have to work hard to get things in life but I just don't know why did that thing happen
In my life that on every concept I just confuse my thoughts and my mind I just keep thinking
That I will win on every point when I will get sunshine from my god and inside my life so on
Every moment and on every time I just keep feeling one thing from my mind that those demands
Which I keep from god on every point I have just one feeling that those demands can be wrong
On every concept of our life when I start moving ahead on every point I feel that those things
Are something which are important on every part of life but then my teacher told me that asking
Thing is always wrong inside life on every moment we need to get things as perfect and nice
When things turn in good way I just feel one thing from my mind that asking for those things
Is totally wrong in life but when thing turn in bad way I just feel one thing from my mind that
God is not any way going to fulfill my wish so why should I ask for it inside life because as
Days went ahead from point to point I just feel one thing that asking for things is not helping
Me at all inside my life when things goes in wrong way I just found every thing in wrong way
Inside our life because on every moment in my life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and
My mind that on each and every point I feel that maybe I am not going to get things in life but
Then on many thoughts and inside my mind on every point I just feel one thing from my mind
When those thoughts are just due to those circumstances inside life but still then I just feel
One thing inside my life because on every point I just feel one thing from my mind because
Those thoughts are something which are important to depend on my situation inside life but
Then after some time I feel just one thing from my thoughts and my mind that on each and
Every point in life I feel one thing from inside of our mind that when I bow before god my
Thoughts depend on situation on each and every thoughts and part because when I went to
Bow before god I just feel one thing from my mind on every point from my heart that
Those thoughts on which may depend on my thoughts but then I just have one feeling from
Inside of my heart that when I went ahead on each and every part I may wish any thing
But do I have to tell it to god because god know it from all sides of my thinking and my heart
That I have need inside my life so why did I need to tell it inside my life because on every
Moment and on every time I feel that those needs are known to god from each and every side
So they will not effect me on each and every side after all god knows every thing from each
And every point and we bow before god just because he knows every thing of world on
Each and every part then why did we need to convince our heart that we don't need to tell
Wishes from our heart because when I went ahead inside my life on every part I just have
One thing from my heart that on every moment and on every part I need to understand
That if things are known to god then asking for them again seem like something totally
Wrong I know in time of crisis we may want to force from heart but I just feel that we should
Not do it at least on other points like with daily prayer from our heart because it is so wrong
To force for each and every simple thing from our heart because when our days went ahead
We just feel one thing from our thoughts inside our life's each and every part that we want
Those all things from heart but still on sometimes we have to think clearly about our wants
Which are important inside our life but then as days went ahead inside my thoughts and in
My heart that those things which are totally wrong from our thinking and our heart because
As days went ahead I just feel one thing from heart that those things are not as important
For our thoughts and our heart but then I have one thought from my heart that maybe I
Shall not ask to god because if god knows that why should I insult my heart so even in end
I feel that my bowing is act just of my ego not which take me on knee by respect from heart
So may be I need to bow more before god to understand that who is bigger me or my god
Because I have same spoiled child inside my mind which use to fight for each chocolate from shop.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Poem 448. Sad news

                                                        Sad news
People always claim that they hate the sad news all types of sad news on every moment and
On each and every view I just feel one thing from every thought and every thinking inside life
I never like sad news neither our nor any other person's  life because on every moment those sad
News manage to hurt us on some point and we want to stay away from those sad news on
Each and every point we just claim one thing on every point because on every things inside
Life I just feel that I don't like sad news inside life because those news upset me from my
Thoughts and from my mind but still I just never understand why did inside my life I just keep
Discussing those sad news from time to time when those sad news will enter inside my life
I just have one feeling that no one want them in life and every person agrees to that before me
On each and every time I just feel one thing that I will not win on any point inside my life
In keeping that thing away from me on any time because I found myself discussing it for
Hour after hour inside life I just feel that sad news will get repeated on many occasions
And they will not help us at all inside life when we discuss them for hours we just feel that
Our anger or frustration increase on many point but there is also one truth that we discuss
Them with others for hours inside life we just never want it inside our life then I just don't
Understand why we don't ignore it in life for many hours we just keep claiming that we don't
Want to hear it at first but then we just keep talking about it full time it is not just about limited
People it is about every one in life when some thing sad happens we just run to share it in life
We just hope that it will reduce our sorrows but mostly it will not work that way in life because
Like us other person is also sensitive and that person increase our sorrows by adding their own
Sorrows inside our life when our life goes ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that
When we move step by step one day we will win inside our life but if we want to win then
We must learn to control sorrows of our life we should not let them capture our thoughts and
We should not also let them to enter inside other people's life when we talked about them then
We feel that our sadness has increase on every point we just keep feeling one thing that one day
We will have success in our life when we move ahead we just feel that gossiping is not that
Easy in life when we move ahead on each day we just feel one thing from our thoughts and
From our mind our life never let us lose on any moment and on any point our life just want us
To move ahead but still sometimes we just keep turning back by surrendering to wrong thoughts
In our future and inside our life when we just feel one thing on every moment and on every point
I just feel one thing that sad news are those news which should be thrown out of our future
As well as our life but when we keep chatting about them how can we say we just don't like
Them inside our life even when some one dies we just keep asking questions sometimes just
Because curious but sometimes just because we want to show that we care in life I just feel
That forcing someone inside problem with us is never good and wise we should not do such
A thing on any point inside our life when we went ahead on every moment we just feel one
Thought from inside that we want to make things interesting on many points inside life so
When I just went ahead in life I feel one thing inside our life because on every moment I just
Feel one thing from every point inside our life I feel that those thoughts are something
Which are important inside our life because on each and every moment I feel those thinking
Inside life because those things which are precious inside life that we should discuss those
Precious positive things but sad news are unnecessarily hurting inside life because on every
Moment I just feel one thing inside life on every thought and on every moment inside life
Because when we decide to go ahead in life on every part inside our life because on every
Moment I feel sad news inside life when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing inside life
That I should not discuss things which are unimportant inside life I just have one feeling from
Inside of my mind when I went ahead in life I just feel one thing from my thoughts and
One thing from my mind that on each and every moment I have just one feeling from inside
I have never want sad news because that sad news sadly never left my mind it just keep
Coming on each and every way and manage to hurt me inside my life but when things goes
Ahead I just feel one thing from inside that those things which happen to us are sad but
They just remain stuck to our mind even when we forget favourite things we just remember
Them from time to time and on every moment I just feel one thing from my thoughts inside
My mind that those things are hurting me and I just never able to let them out of my mind
Maybe that is what cause of this thing that I hate sad news inside life because sharing never
Help it much mostly it just spread sorrows every where in life we need to find inside us our
Peace of mind which will truly help us on each and every of our future for our peace of mind.

Poem 447. Faith

May fox show it's cunning less or may snake's poison arise just always remember one thing
From my thoughts and from our mind that if you always keep your mind happy as well as fresh
On each and every time you will see one day that one thing you will live in just your thoughts
And your mind on every day play game with you it's not about your enemy or not about luck
To win inside our life but when you will about winning you will just win from your thoughts
And your mind on each and every day  inside your life those thoughts are totally nice
When you decide that you will move ahead in life your mind have power to create one faith
Inside your future and your mind just by our thoughts inside life because when I went ahead
On every point I just feel one thing from our life after all those faiths are so important inside
Our future and our life those emotions are something so which should be inside my mind and
On each and every point I just feel one thing from inside winning is something so important
In our future and our emotions are something totally wrong on many points and many sides
I just feel one thing on every point because I just feel one thing in life because those thoughts
Which are important inside life because on every moment and on every point I just feel one
Thing inside life I should trust my emotions and my mind which will take me ahead on every
Thought and every point because when I have positive thoughts are something so perfect in
My thoughts and life I just have one feeling from inside may wrong things start from many
Thoughts and points still I just feel one thing inside mind which will not get effected those
With those things inside life because when those thoughts which are so positive I just feel
That this type of thinking is important inside life after all those wrong emotions are necessary
Inside our life I feel those evil things which are around us inside life but when I start it then
I just feel one thing from my mind because those emotions which I keep inside are totally
Right those things which surround me will not have that much impact of my mind those
Things which happen inside my mind are mostly those which happen on outside in life then
I just feel one thing inside our life because when I went ahead inside life I just feel that those
Things are so important inside life those thoughts are something which are important in life
After all those wrong things which happen inside our life are something so important in life
I just have evil thoughts from inside of my mind on every moment we just must not let that
Evil capture our mind if we keep believing on our brain slowly inside my life I just feel one
Thing from inside of our mind I feel every moment inside our life those wrong thoughts
Are so worst inside our life because when that evil began to stand outside we need to
Understand that still we can be happy in life we need to understand that life is always full
Of twists and turns on every points we need to understand these are challenge inside life
After all those thoughts are going to take us ahead on each and every part when we went
Ahead on every part we just think one thing from our thoughts and our heart because
When we went ahead in our life we can always control our thoughts and our mind and
When those things inside life can change many things on many points I just feel one thing
From my mind that I am standing on wrong point inside my life because when I let my
Mind get convince those thoughts inside life but then  suddenly I feel one thing from my
Thoughts and mind on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that when things
Happen in wrong way inside life I just have one feeling from my mind that when my mind
Turns in wrong way inside life I have one thought from my mind those evil things began
To capture in wrong way inside life after all those wrong things are something so horrible
Inside life I just feel one thing from my mind I feel that when evil surround us in life
We just feel that it is evil that it will destroy things inside life because when on some moments
Inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that those thoughts of success are something
Which are disturbing me from time to time are fully responsible for all those mistakes in life
But those thoughts are not true they are just problem inside life after all those evils are not
Really evil inside our life because on every moment inside life I just feel one thing from
My thought inside my mind that this evil is not that risky as I thought from my mind but
It is just small problem and my heart have made it bigger and horrible on each and
Every time and on every moment I just feel that it will harm me in life because on
Every moment I just feel one thought from my mind I feel just one thing from thinking
That evil things are actually happening in life but they are just mostly part of our mind.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Poem 446. Country

After every storm there is always a clear beautiful day it is rule of life that one day you will
Going to see that clear day but when your sky is clouded and when storm is there people are
All watching you from every where they are seeing you and how will you act on that day
Because when sky is clear every one can act nice and perfect but when things turns in worst
And you are in problem then only in this world we can understand what you felt because on
That moment you will do what you are told to do from inside and on that moment people will
See your character on every point when you act on that day and on that moment they will
Understand how should you suppose to go ahead on each and every point and on every moment
You can understand in life what is your nature inside you on every day when I want to go ahead
On that day I just feel we must control our feet before they took wrong way because any one
Can do that in storm or crisis we need to do something special life on every moment I just feel
One thought from my mind when we are in storm every one can see those things inside life
On every moment and on every point storm manage to destroy many things in life but our
Character is something which will act as our guide which will take us ahead on each and
Every thought and on each and every point I just never understand those things in my life
Because on every moment I feel same thing from inside that those things which we do on
Our tough time because those people who are watching us in life never watch us on our
Normal as well as peaceful life after all when we are happy on every point inside life what
We look is not interesting for others in life because happiness is something people like in
Their life but they just don't want to see other enjoying because it is so normal and it don't
Look inside our life but then I just feel one thing from my mind we don't envy others happiness
But we don't even just keep seeing it all time because we hate but we look at those sorrows
Not because we like but because we want to be careful in life and somewhere in mind when
We saw others pain we feel that we are in better position or at least others also have sorrows
Just like inside but most important thing in life that we want to be careful inside life after all
On those points I feel one thing inside life that we watch every thing because we want to find
Every mistake by them in life and with that important motive we watch each and every
Moment on each and every time I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that
On every moment when we goes ahead in life I feel that those people which will hurt on
Many point will never feel that those things which I said are wrong inside my life because
On our difficult time we are most watched by every side and those are moments which
Will decide on which side we will stand and we will win from which side in life but when
Thing turn in other way and they start to come ahead from one side to another side I just
Feel one thing from my mind that my success is depend how hard we control our emotion
Inside life I just feel those emotions are important on every point and if we love our future
And if we want peace of our mind I just feel one thing on every point we need to control
Our emotion and mostly our anger on many points when I went ahead on each and every
Thought and on each and every point I just feel one thought out of my mind that how can
I understand those people inside life who are watching me hour after hours inside life but
When sometimes my emotions took hold of my mind I feel that those moments are some
Thing which will show every one truth of our life and it's not just about us because how
We will act in crisis will finally show what is our country to people in the world wild we are
Never alone every one is watching us on every moment by standing on our sides and just
Because they are not saying something doesn't mean their silence will remain intact for
Entire life one day they will name us as something nice or bad inside life just always
Remember if you love yourself then just remember one thing in life bad name for your
Country will be bad name for you in your entire life when something wrong happens
Try to keep high morals in life I know some people will not do it but even if some do
Then people will also remember them in history and they will say this country have
Good as well as bad sides we all know what we are doing from our mind and inside
But we need to remain awake what others are seeing from our side because some times
When you are just our house we say just few angle of that house and don't notice other sides
But outsider who come visit us can see each and every sort of bad side when we walk on every
Moment and thought we are doing right we need to check our morals which tell us many
Time otherwise sometimes if we act with little patience many things can be solved in life
And sometimes we need to stand for fight but one thing is so sure that never let your
Soul and morals to sleep inside life just always keep them alive on each and every point
Because just hating enemy will not prove love towards your country we need to understand
That we have to develop ourselves and learn to fight with dignity and respect in life.

Poem 445. Counting faults

                                                       Counting faults
Once we are so sure that it was a wrong thing but just wait for few days then you will see
Yourself doing same thing on each and every point of your thinking you will just feel that
You are repeating that wrong thing but just go ahead and ask your heart that are you doing
Right thing then your heart will answer you that it is right thing your heart will tell you that
Freedom is important thing to every one and unknowingly you are taking away someone's
Happiness and freedom because inside your life you just need to understand each and every
Thinking that in your life when you said someone is doing something wrong mostly it is
Restricting crimes are different and they are totally different thing we can always say they
Are wrong thing but even when those thing are happen we need to explain every one that
Victim is innocent on every point but then only it all look wrong inside life and in every
Thought and every thinking we just feel one thing that we are standing with wrong thought
And every moment we will just feel one thing that those things are right on every moment
And on every thinking but when on every moment and on each thinking I just feel one thought
And one thinking those faults are something which are important on every thing so in life
For my thinking I just have one feeling that those things which enter in my life on each
And every thing are something perfect for me as human being but when I start going ahead
In life regarding every thing I just have one thought inside my heart as human being that
Why did I set my rules for every human being when I am not sure about them inside my
Thoughts and my thinking after all many times my thoughts prove wrong inside my life
And inside my thinking because every day when I went ahead as human being I just feel
One thought that I want to live as per my wish then why should we have to stop other
Human being when that don't harm us but that just harm our imagined world and it's thinking
On every moment inside life and on every wishful thinking I just have one feeling as human
That we should keep our rules just to ourselves because we don't know much about our
Thoughts and our thinking when our life goes ahead as human being those things which
We don't do at first we force to do after some days as human being in this world we need
To understand our thinking which tell us on every point we need to keep proper peace
In our mind but we should not create it by restricting other human being as life goes ahead
On every point as human being I just feel one thought which tell me in life I should not
Stop other people or other human being I just have one thought that those rules which
We have made are not so perfect after some time so if we don't stop others from doing
As they wish we can always join that stream as we wish like a human being so on every
Thought and on every point we just think one thing that in this life we need to go ahead
As a human being when life takes us ahead as we think if we have stopped other then
We will feel guilty for restricting their thinking but when we went ahead inside life as
A human being slowly our future will change on every point as human being our life is
Just something which could join those development which are rejected by us on first
Thought and moment as risky thing because inside this life we can't move ahead on any
Thought or thinking we just need to understand those thoughts which are perfect for us
When we want to live safely as a human being but after sometimes success become required
And necessary thing on every moment and on every thinking we just began to feel one thing
That success is important if we want to live our life as human being after all when days
Went ahead we just feel one thought and one thinking that sometimes risks are worthy
Of each and every thing inside this life as a human being we just feel one thought from
Every angle and from every thinking that when we go ahead we need to move in life as
A human being I just have one thought inside my life as per wish of human being that
I can't just sit on one point because I am too scared to go ahead like some human being
So then I just began to move and act same way like other human being because inside
My life just like human being I feel that I will see sunshine but I just don't want to blame
Others and count their fault before I took same way in life as a human being so it's better
That never point out at other human being as wrong type of thinker or wrong thinking.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Adventure story 51. Blame

Rishi came out running when he heard that scream.Neelam was running along with him.Their daughter Isha was screaming loudly and their younger son Om had also started crying.When they went in the room.Om literally jumped in her mother's arm.Om was in fifth standard so he considered himself a big boy.He never cried like that but this time he was really scared.His elder sister Isha was screaming in dream.Isha was quite elder than him.Isha was in senior college and Om was just in fifth standard so when Isha screamed Om thought that some thing was totally wrong.He began screaming and crying without even thinking.But when he went in Neelam's arms,he just felt peaceful.Rishi slowly tapped on Isha's shoulder and she woke up.Rishi"What is wrong?Why are you screaming?""Papa I have killed that man."After hearing this Rishi received shock of the life.He turned towards Neelam in hope that she must had known something.But Neelam looked as shocked as Rishi.Rishi"What is she talking about?"Before Neelam could answer him,little Om spoke"Didi had murdered some one."Rishi was shocked to hear this in Om's little innocent voice.It looked worst in that voice.Rishi screamed on Neelam"For god's sake take him out of room."Neelam"Why are you screaming on me as if I made some mistake?""Now it is not time to argue.Just take Om and go out of this room.""I don't agree with you.I think she will be more comfortable with me.Let me talk to you.""And what about Om?Do you think that it is okay if he hear every thing?""Then you can take him out."Neelam started pushing Om to Rishi.Om began to scream"I want to stay."Rishi was frustrated by this.Rishi"I have to hear what is she saying.It can be legal problem.She may be go in jail.Why don't you see it clearly?""I can see it clearly and that is the reason because of which I want to stay in this room."They both started angrily looking at each other.
          When Isha woke up,she was already sweating and very upset due to that dream or truth.She literally screamed her dilemma.But instead of helping her,her parents were busy in screaming with each other.Isha just didn't understand that what did she do when Om got out of Neelam's hand and sat on Isha's laps.He hugged her.His affection was told by his touch.She hugged him back and started crying.Her parents always fought but never when situation was terrible.In such case they stood together.But this time their fight was clearly showing that they were scared.Isha really didn't like this situation.She wanted help from her parents.She didn't need their scared screaming.She needed support from them.Finally after some time they came to their senses.But by then Isha was already lost all hopes.Then Neelam started patting on her head.Neelam"What happened sweet heart just tell us?""Mom do you remember my trip with Rajan Uncle in Matheran?"Rishi"Of course we remember that idiot Rajan dropped you home on 1'o clock.What a timing?He promised you will reach hear by 5o'clock."Neelam"And when we ask for reason he said that you and your friend had fall asleep after visiting some zoo.Sending you on that trip was a biggest mistake."Rishi"I was against it from beginning but noone listen to me."Rishi was looking at Neelam in a way which could clearly tell that he was blaming her.Isha angrily"Papa it was not Mom's fault.I forced her to agree.""So your Mom is obeying you now.""Rishi will you stop this blaming game and help us.""May be I shall have to go away from here?But don't ask for my help about it when you fall in mess.""Okay go away."Finally Rishi left that room.Neelam"Now tell me in details"As soon as Isha opened her mouth,Rishi entered in the room again and Isha began to tell her story to her parents.
        "When we sat in car with Rajan Uncle,it was absolutely on time.But when we all were enjoying the journey,I remember suddenly our tyres got punctured and we had to wait in garage.We all were waiting.Then I suddenly felt sleepy so I slept.After that I woke up when it was already night.I looked around every one was stressed.I just didn't remember anything of that time.When I asked Rajan Uncle why was he so stressed.He just said because we were late.But now I remembered the true reason.I remember it all at that moment.I just don't seem to remember it.But now it all came back in my mind in sort of dream."Now Rishi and Neelam both were listening to her with full attention."I saw that Rajan Uncle was very tired so he started feeling sleepy.I thought that I could relive him for some time and I decided to drive that car."Rishi"And Rajan let you.""Stop blaming him.I forced him to listen to me.Then I was on steering wheel."Neelam"That Rajan is stupid fellow.Some people just don't have their head."Om"Mom and Papa will you keep quiet?I want to listen to Didi.Didi you may continue."Then Isha started telling once again"When I was driving everything was perfect,but then suddenly all weather changed in to rainy.I was not expecting this.I was scared when I observed that all surrounding was dark due to rain.Then rain began to fall heavily on car.I began to use vipers.But I wanted to wake up Rajan Uncle.But he was in such deep sleep that I just couldn't able to wake him up so I continued driving.Then suddenly I saw that man was before my car I wanted to avoid him.But I hit him.Mom..Papa I killed him.I still see it before my eyes."Then Isha started crying.Neelam and Rishi were so shocked that they just didn't able to say anything for sometime.
          After some time finally Rishi spoke"This is too much Rajan didn't even told us anything.He should have told us about it."Neelam"He didn't dare after what he did.He just didn't have guts to tell it.""But now what do we suppose to do?"Neelam"I just don't know calling police.Don't seem to be wise decision.""No Mom I don't want to go in jail.Please Mom..."Then Isha started crying loudly.Rishi angrily now"No one is going to police and stop crying such loudly.You will attract all neighbour's attention.When they come to our door,we don't have any answer for them,Just keep quiet and try to forget it.Okay."After that Neelam patted on Isha's head and helped her to go to sleep.But Neelam could clearly see that forgetting is not going to be easy.Next day Isha got ready for college guilt was clearly written on her face.Rishi just didn't like it.Rishi"Isha if you act like that every one will suspect some thing is wrong.We don't want any one to suspect.""Papa I am trying but that face just don't leave my mind."Now Rishi and Neelam could see that hiding this fact would be major problem for their daughter.Isha was looking so upset that any person who see her ask why did she look upset.Neelam"What about your other friends did they look same way?""Mom why do you have to compare me with others?They all look fine.Even one of them is celebrating her birthday today and invited me to party."Rishi"That is strange."After hearing this Isha angrily hit her feet on door and went out.Rishi"I just don't understand Rajan looked normal to me when I saw him yesterday.In fact he spoke quite friendly."Neelam"I just don't believe it.May be we shall have to ask Rajan?""No.That will be risky.Let's give her few days.May be she forget after some time?""I hope so."Om was listening to all this.He just wanted to help his Didi who was not just his elder sister but greatest pillar in his eyes.But he just didn't understand.Then he just got an idea.
           Om went to phone slowly and dialed number of Rajan Uncle and spoke"Uncle Didi was upset about some thing will you please come home?""But what happen she had a bad dream about an accident on trip?"Om wanted to hear a guilt from his Uncle's voice.But instead of that Rajan looked surprised.Rajan"What accident?"Now Om got confused so he just banged the phone.Om was very scared now.He just ran inside his room.Neelam saw him running in a strange way.Then she heard ring of telephone.Rishi was just about to leave for office when he heard that ring and picked up a telephone.Rajan"Hallo Om.""Actually it's Rishi.""Ohh..sorry I got so confused.Just a few moment ago Om phoned me regarding some accident.I just don't understand meaning..."Rishi was now literally shacking with anger.First Isha's problem now disobedience of Om.This was too much for him.But now Rajan was talking about it straight a way.He decided to make it clear.Rishi"That accident which happened while Isha was driving car in your trip to Matheran.It was raining at still you let her drive.Are you out of your mind?""What are you talking about?Who had poisoned your ears?I never let any girl touch car.""Isha told me."Now Rajan was stopped talking for some moments.Rishi was expecting a confession.But Rajan said"Why did she lying like that?""You are calling my daughter lair.""Come on.Don't you see it clearly if there was an accident how did I could hide it from you?Police can surely report it on every check spot and there was no rain yesterday."Rishi was shocked.But he suddenly remembered that Rajan was telling truth.There was not rain that day.Rajan"I will come and talk to Isha in evening.""Okay.I want it all to be clear.Bye.""Rishi trust me.I never let her drive."Rishi was so confused.He went inside and told every thing to Neelam.Neelam"He is lying to hide his skin."Suddenly Rishi got more convinced by Neelam's statement so when he left for office.He was quite convinced that his daughter was telling the truth.
            But when at evening he returned from office,he found Rajan was there waiting for him.Rajan"What is this nonsense?Nothing like that happened.Some one is just doing this to scare Isha.You have to stop it.Rishi."Neelam was also standing there looking convinced with Rajan so Rishi was confused again.Rajan seemed to be genuine as Isha.But which one was telling the truth was biggest question before Rishi.At that moment Isha entered inside and started crying.Isha"Police are following me everywhere."Rajan"This is nonsense.Why did they do that?Isha why are you lying?""I am lying.No..I know you are plotting against me.You wanted me to be jail so that your daughter will be more successful so you are plotting this against me.""This is too much Rishi put some sense in your daughter."Rishi and Neelam no longer believed this nonsense of Isha.They could clearly saw that she was lying.But she was convinced with her lie that she saw screaming on every one.All building was gathered there.Finally Rajan left their home.But he was very hurt and insulted.Rishi was sure that he would tell every one about it.From that day Isha started claiming strange things like Rajan was keeping spy on her.Police wanted to talk to her.But they were scared of Rajan.Finally one day they received call from college telling them.Isha slapped Rajan's daughter.Rishi went to college with Neelam.Both the girls were sitting.Rajan's daughter was sitting quietly and holding her cheek.But Isha was screaming many nonsense things.Finally Rishi had it enough.He about to slap her when Neelam stopped him.Neelam"Not before teacher."Principal"I think your daughter need a psychiatrist.Please take her as soon as possible.Any way she is suspended from college."Rishi and Neelam tried to convinced her.But everything turned out to be useless.After that they took her to Psychiatrist who told them that she was suffering from Delusional Disorder.He told them that it was persecutory type in which people believe that they were being harassed or oppressed.He gave her medicines to reduce it.But by his way of talking they felt that their daughter was not going to cured.That medicines only reduced her trauma for some time.It was worst news for them.When they went home,they were depressed but Isha was still busy in blaming every thing on Rajan and his daughter.
                                                                        The End


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Poem 444. Fear and beauty

                                                   Fear and beauty
Each thing has another side and that is sad thing as well as best thing of you life because
One part you just love and you hate other side of life which shows you many ugly things
Which are hidden inside nice things in life but at same point nice things are also hidden in
Each ugly things in life we just never able to guess when you meet which side of life
Because one side of life just scare me on every point and other is so pleasant and so nice
On every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that when I went
Ahead inside my life I just feel one thing on every point that each things have one beautiful
And one scary side one will help us on will take us ahead in our life when I went ahead
I feel I like to keep just one side before my eyes I have so scary effects of that other side
But sadly it is not possible inside our life to keep just side of that thing inside our future
And our life we just feel one thing from our heart that one thing become something so
Important for our future and our heart while other things manage to harm us on every
Point inside life but then I just feel one thing from my life that things are not that perfect
Inside life I feel that even that things are so risky inside life but then when I just found
One thing on every point that campfire is perfect and nice so when we want to enjoy some
Part of our life I just feel that we have to understand we need to handle even bad side
Which will be risk in our life but after some points it will look perfect on each and every
Thought and point I feel just one thought from my mind that when I was enjoying campfire
I will see fire inside when I keep looking at it on every point I see that pleasant heat and
Beauty of it I may love to look at it with my eyes and I could like to listen those stories
With my friends and family inside life but when I look at that fire sometimes I even feel
That scare inside because this fire is under my control but what will happen if it went out
Of my control on any point I feel that it could burn anything which it prefer and like so
On every moment and on every point I feel that this fire could burn many things in life
I just feel that burning of trees and burning of jungle is possible for that fire so then what
Will be my level before it in life so fire can have power inside life I just feel one thing
From every point that fire have that power to destroy every thing in life but still it stood
Before me and making me enjoy inside life suddenly I feel why this happen inside life
Maybe it's our brain or maybe it's just want of nature to help us to survive in life and nature
Never want to harm us in life but sometimes we do things too much in life when our
Want and ambition cross limits of life destruction will follow every time but then I just
Feel but sometimes there are fire in forest created by nature inside life because that fire
Which created by nature is never look so perfect inside life those fire which are important
In our life after all fire is one thing which can happen without mistakes inside life so
Maybe sometimes we do wrong thing and sometimes we do right thing by heart but
When nature decides something we just can't object that part but problem is that with
Our heart that sometimes we just run to become part of that nonsense which will hurt
Our feeling and our heart when we feel that we don't do wrong still wrong things enter
Inside our world and inside our part we just feel one thing from my heart that on every
Moment and on every part we are forced to live as we like from our heart so when we
Went ahead with happiness of our heart I just feel one thing on every part that this fire
Which will destroy us on every part is something not so nice for our future and our heart
But still when we look at it we feel one attachment towards it from heart because it is
Also giving us heat and keeping us alive on some part  life never goes as we wish from
Our thoughts and from our heart I feel fire will keep us alive on every thought and on
Every part but maybe that fire is not that bad on some parts because it will also burns
Our parts which are not wanted from our heart so on every moment and on every
Thoughts and every part we just feel one thing from our heart that fire is something
So important inside heart but then I just feel one thing from my heart that fire is just
Something which have two part we have to accept two part which are perfect from heart
Now I have understood one thing from my heart but then sometimes fear and beauty are
One and same part because they are perfect for our future as well as for our heart in every part.

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...