Sunday, November 24, 2013

Poem 1260. Imagining my life

                                                    Imagining my life
Sometimes I feel life is just about me and sometimes I feel that life is about just imagining
Things which may happen to me many times in life nothing wrong happen with me but still
On every point I just manage to scream about those things which I imagine because life is
About getting each and every thing it is about that thought which tell you that you can go
In worst problem on each and every day in your thinking so I just feel one thing that I don't
Want to take any risk but still my mind can't stop imagine worst scenario on days as nights
On each and every thinking as I imagine things I just feel one thought as human being that
Inside our life on every evening we just feel one thought that our imagination is part of life
Of every human being on every day of our life as human being we just have one thing that we are
Imagining all those things which are going to happen only inside some film sometime they are
With happy ending sometimes they are causes for destroying peace and thinking because
Some scenes are about tragedies in life of human being and some scenes are about those
Thoughts which enter inside life as human being inside our life as a human being it will be
So nice for us to have things inside my life I feel about imaging things that as human being
We always imagine strange sort of things as human being I feel inside my life on every moment
As human being I just imagine wrong sort of things and then get scared for every small and
Big thing as human being but when days went ahead in life as human being we feel just one
Thought and one thinking that those screams which we heard are something so perfect
For human being and they warn us about everything but now a days I just smile on that
Thinking because my thinking never warn me on proper timing it just tell me bad things
After I am in problem and scare me more than anything it just irritate me on every point
As a human being we never go ahead in life as we thought while thinking we just feel one thing
That we must understand our thoughts and thinking as days went ahead in life on every time
And on every thinking we just feel one thought in life that we are imagining wrong thing
Because when bad thing happen we just don't need that type of thinking we need to go
On positive side so that we can imagine nice sort of thinking as days went ahead in life on
Each day and every source of thinking we just feel one thing from mind that we are losing
Our peace of mind just on those imagined things as days went ahead in life we just feel
That sometimes even our positive thinking manage to harm us if our imagination goes in
Wrong way while thinking as human being as days went ahead in life and we go ahead
With our thinking we just feel one thought from mind that how can we imagine those thoughts
Which help us as a human being people feel inside our life when we think as human being
Sometimes we imagine so great future for us that even those thoughts manage to hurt
Our thinking and our feeling we can go ahead in life without that thinking which ask us
Every time are we living truly our life or we are just imagining those different sort of things
As I feel inside my life on half time I just feel one thought from my thinking that I feel
Inside my life on every moment I need to understand my thoughts and my thinking about
As days went ahead in life I just have one thought inside my mind as human being we just
Feel one thing in life what is wrong in imaging positive things but question is that do you
Really know from heart that you are imagining things or somewhere inside your heart
You began to think that you can truly have that things so if you dream something totally wrong
And impossible as human being you will just feel that you are totally wrong as imagining
Because sometimes those dreams took hold of reality and you began to weigh those things
When you get something in reality you feel that is not perfect thing as days went ahead
You began to feel that you could have got your dream and then you just can't appreciate
What you got as human being so inside our life on each and every day I feel just one thing
May I truly living my life or maybe I am spending half of it while imagining good and bad things
Imagination is so good if you keep it for perfect thing it is nice when used properly but otherwise
It manage to damage many things so inside our life I just imagine in wrong way many things
Because as days went ahead in life I feel that I am not living my life I am just imagining things.

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