Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Poem 1187. Wrong or right guess

                                           Wrong or right guess
From every point inside life I just think how perfect my guesses are sometimes but
Believe me my friend when I use my full brain and try to guess properly in life then
My guess don't seem accurate on those time maybe I use some extra brain which
Manage to confuse me and my mind inside my world I just feel one thing about life
When I think too much my thoughts will change from time to time when I feel around
Those thoughts which are part of my life and then I just don't feel sure which guess
Will be perfect for entire life I just think sometimes I need to find shortcuts while
Guessing inside our life from time to time inside our life I just feel one thing that my guess
Are something that are so important for our future and for our life but still too much
Thinking manage to destroy my guessing inside life after all in all those points I just
Feel one thing from my mind that is when I guess I just wish may be I just don't think
Too much about those things in life because when I think too much then I began to
Add more and more options inside life sometimes they help but mostly they just
Manage to hurt me on every point in life they just create troubles for me on each
And every time in my life but when I say this then I began to think about some of
Those times on which we just find happiness inside those thoughts which will give
Life many problems and manage to upset my thoughts inside life how sure I feel but
Still sometimes from time to time I just think one thing that I need to think inside life
About other factors before deciding things inside life but sometimes my first guess
Is my best guess inside my life and sometimes my first guess is my worst guess for
My future and life but still from time to time inside my life I just feel one thing that
Guess is not that easy thing for life so I just decide to spend my some hours in guessing
Sometimes and hope that it is wasted inside life like sometimes I walk in shop to
Buy some gift and I just locate one thing on first sight it looks nice to me and then
It look perfect in price so I decide to buy it and hope to give it to that person whom
I decided to give it in life but then when I look at that thing again I feel that it is not
Right for that person and then I began to search for some thing perfect and on it
I spend my entire time maybe it is not hours but those confused minutes seem equal
To another lifetime so inside our life we always thought every time that thing are not
Same in our future and in our life so from point to point inside our life we just thinking
About things which are part of our life from each and every point in our life we think
Every time that guess is something so perfect for our world and our life then once again
We began to feel something is wrong in that thing in many ways so I began to think
Again about those thing which we choose is not that perfect so after some time I just
Feel one way I just buy some thing I thought as best but inside our life on every day
I just feel one thing in my brain that I need to understand what I really feel about
Those things again and again so inside our life on every moment we just do one thing
In every way that instead of just choosing first thing we began to think again and again
But sometimes our second guess will prove the best but sometimes I feel first one
Are better in each and every way because inside our life on every day we need to
Make guess on every moment but many times I saw many people just gifting money
On each and every event they all claim that it is best because if we give wrong gift then
Money will be waste I don't know what is right but I just wish to give gifts to people as
Things not as money every day maybe some people need money in life on each and
Every day and every way but still in life on many points I just think in one way that
Maybe we can stop gifting people with things to avoid the guess but can we always
Manage to avoid each and every moment to doing some guess because inside this
World on every moment I just feel that I don't know what is best but I feel one thing
From my heart that even if inside my life I just feel one thing that is not best we feel
That since we don't know properly other's feeling so we can avoid those guess which
Will harm us from each and every point inside our world and which will never let us
Win in race but we can't do it on every day of life at least on some times we need to
Make guess which will help us inside our life and which will tell us that we need best.

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