Friday, November 8, 2013

Poem 1154. Scare

How strange was that when some people think that they can scare us in life just by
Saying some minor type of point I just feel one thing inside my mind that I feel they
Don't know me properly inside my mind I know they can claim anything as they like
But my thoughts just told me I will not have fear of losing until I don't do that wrong
Compromise which manage to hurt me in every way and on each moment in our life
We just feel one thing that we don't want to feel scare for our life then one thing is
Just true that don't do unnecessary compromise after all inside our life we must learn
To live as we prefer and like but wrong thing is that we can't understand those feeling
From our thinking and from our mind because inside my mind I just feel one thing on
Each and every point they can't scare you until you force your self to adjust inside life
Some people have true problems so they are force to adjust inside their future and
Inside their life but do you think really these people will adjust with some one on those
Grounds which tell them that they can win and show others how great they are inside life
So from some sort of point we feel inside life that we need some minor things which
Will bring lot of success inside our future and our life so from that thought I began to have
Some fight inside our life because we feel that we are stuck in strange form inside our life
Because when we do things just to show other our success inside our life but then on
Some moment I feel we can happily spend all our future and all our life just as we like
On every day I feel scared from time to time inside our life every day we feel that we
Are scared on every thought which able to touch our mind how interesting is that question
Which rises inside our mind how can that person assumed that every one is that needy
Inside their life because some really need and some really want to show off so they do
That sort of compromise but some are also of that sort who like to fly as high as possible
Inside their life and they love their freedom that any thing in their life they need to have
Enough money just to live daily life and sometimes even if they afford some luxuries
Then it will be enough for them inside their life because from time to time in this life
We just feel that something like that enough for our life and even sometimes god help us
To live happily in life but then on those occasions we can clearly see those things inside
Life that we can live easily without that compromise but some people just seem to think
Everyone is so needy and wrong inside life and that person always feel that there is need
Inside our life because they feel that no one can live with morals inside life I just don't
Agree with this thought inside my life if you have enough things and you learn to spend
With care then you can easily live happily inside our future and our life because our life
Will teach us many things on many times and important one is that we must understand
Those thoughts are something so interesting for our mind how can someone think that
They have enough money to inside our life when we think about them from time to time
I just feel one thing inside our life that I need to find someone who really feel that we need
Some person to tell them that money can't rule each side of world because some people
Are not that needy in world they can adjust what ever they got inside their world but
Some people of this world don't seem to understand those things because inside their life
They just did one thing that they feel that every one need to do each and every thing
So inside my life and in each and every thing I just feel one thing that I need to understand
All things inside our world and every part of our thinking because inside our life we just
Feel one thing that important part is that we have our thinking while these people seem to
Think important part is that they can able to win but sometimes in world win doesn't seem
That important for our thoughts and our thinking because then inside my world I just keep
One thought in our thinking that we must understand what are our rules as human being
Because inside our life on every thinking we just feel one thing is so important that
We must understand those thoughts which are part of our thinking and not adjust them
Just because we need money as human being so inside our life as human being we feel
That we need something special and we can always manage to rule in each and every thing
Only if person act with little honesty so we will be on side of honesty not side of some human being.

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