Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Poem 1150. Sentences

Sometimes I feel saying something wrong will hurt you so much that maybe you should
Keep quiet but sometimes I feel that saying nothing harm people more inside their life
Because sometimes we feel that inside our life those lines which are spoken are nothing
But just lines which manage us to misguide from time to time inside our life because
Those lines are something so strong to stop some crime but we are so scared to say them
That we don't say it on time but sometimes I feel that saying them late is better than saying
Them never inside your life because some people may think what is use of that truth but
Inside my heart I feel that truth is so much better for time to time inside our life because
That truth is something so perfect for our future and our life because I feel one thing that
Those lines manage to bring out truth so we should not have brought in light so those
Lines are something which may bring out truth and everything inside our heart so from
Each and every part I just think one thing that we can see rise of power and fall of power
Just because of those lines which touch our heart and our thoughts on each and every part
So on that spot I thought lines are so important for my future and for my heart but
As days when ahead we just feel one thing inside our heart that we must understand
That those lines are something so pleasant for our heart because those lines are something
Which repeat every sentence and each part of our heart which keep telling us that we can't
Hide those truths which always touch our heart and we can't always win in our life
Every part because inside our heart on every part we just thought that we need to understand
Those thoughts which come from sentences or lines which are spoken by our heart so
From each point inside our life we just feel one thing inside our heart we feel that we must
Understand that sometimes some sentence manage to destroy our peace by no saying them
By our thoughts and our heart so when those lines come out they will not just touch us
But they will touch each and every heart and they will not just tell your feeling but they will
Tell feelings of every heart and it's every part so from time to time inside our heart we just
Feel one thing that truth will something seems to ears so perfect and nice but then there
Are sometimes when people just speak truth and don't act as they say inside life so then
Truth becomes burden on each and every point because on those points in our life I just
Feel one thing that I need truth to come out but not just in talks but actually in life so from
Point to point inside our life I just feel one thing that only if that person act as I thought
Inside our life from time to time I feel then I can began to value more to those sentence
Which I hear in my daily life because when I heard something inside my future and from
My points I just feel one thing in my life that I can't value that sentence much many times
Because many times people just say things but don't act according to it inside their life
After all our thoughts are something not so interesting for our life because when those days
Went ahead from point to point we just feel one thing inside our life that those lines are
Something so precious at sometimes but when that person goes against them I feel that
I will one day see those sentence will help me inside my life because they will just cause
Us from every point many troubles in life after all those troubles are something which can't
Be ignore when we hoped that this person will do it and act as this person said inside life
And we feel from time to time this trouble will help us on each and every point in life
On that moment I feel if that person don't have said that sentence inside life because
On base of that sentence I acted many times our wishes will shattered when some one act
Like that inside life maybe some people can find some causes but some people just
Don't understand those thoughts inside our future and our life because from those lines
I just feel one thing inside our life that those sentences are something just part of our future
From time to time because we feel that we must try not to believe every one due to
Those sentences inside our life so our faith will be shattered in just few moments inside
Our future and our life because these sentences are something so perfect for our future
And for our life that they manage to destroy important part of our innocence which is
Always hidden inside our brain and inside our mind so I just wish sometime that only
If those sentences were not said at all or never heard by me but once you heard something
It just stay there inside your heart and it will never manage to leave your brain and mind.

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