Friday, November 22, 2013

Poem 1179. Heights

How interesting was that drawing which made by that artist while using their mind and
How natural were that steps which dancer did while dancing it feel so nice and it feel that
Dancer wanted to do it from inside our thoughts and mind after all in our life on each and
Every point I just feel one thing from mind that is there are many artist who do their art
On each point it will look perfect for our thought and our heart because that artist was
So happy and willing to do his art even on his each step it felt as if that one wanted to do
This type of art while on another occasion and on other spot I just feel that one thing
From our heart this art have something impossible for future and our life then one day
I feel that when someone does happily that art before me on that point I just feel so happy
That this artist have something inside mind that is to show his art and give pleasure to
Each and every fan inside life on every point in life we just feel one thing from mind that
Is we all want something nice but not that bad for our life after all art is something which
Will change our days and nights we just feel one thing from our mind that is our thinking
Is totally wrong on each and every point we just feel one thing that art is part of our life
But when artist comes before us and does art as he prefer and like it feel so lovely in
Our heart as well as inside our mind every day in life we just feel one thing on every point
We will only enjoy that thing if someone does give things willingly in life not with just
Ambition of money but with feeling inside life from time to time inside life after all money
Is something which just force you sometimes and then some people do something which
They don't like from heart inside their life after all our life is something so interesting on
Each and every point we just keep changing our thoughts just because we want money
On many times so when someone just come for money it is not willingness inside mind
Because our mind can't help us every time when we just want it work for money and
We are so tired that we are not that interested inside our future and our art after all life
Is something so interesting on world's each and every part I just feel one thing inside
Our heart because those thoughts are which show truly natural art how upsetting was that
Thought which will help us in world's each and every part that art is just forced from artist
Because that artist or that one's maker need money from heart then when that artist does
That art it just don't seem perfect in any future or it's part after all our life is something of
That art which will help us in every way inside our future and our every part we feel
One thing from inside of our heart that we may need people who can understand that
Importance of art after all as days went ahead in life we just feel one thing from inside
Of our thoughts and our mind that those art which touch us are not that perfect inside
Our future or our life those art will help us on each and every point but if that artist don't
Do it because it is wish from that artist's heart then those two things look different in life
Includes even that artist's smile how much you may try to give a natural smile still your
Smile tell many things in life maybe that person is actor inside life but still that person's thoughts
Seems like mirror of that person's mind after all in life on every moment and on every time
We just feel one thing so funny that when you can see true smile suddenly even that acting
Fail before you inside your life after all in this life on every moment and on every time
We just feel one thing from inside of our mind how sad you may feel on each and every time
When you understand that first actor was not smiling just showing lot of lies so on each and
Every moment inside our life I just feel one thing about life that is if we want to win in life
Then we must give true smile which will help us on each and every time inside our life
After all those artist which was so happy to perform before you inside life just don't feel
One thing in life that artificial smile can fool you for long time sometimes you may get confuse
Or you may feel happy with that artificial smile but when days went ahead we will see
People and their thoughts in life when someone truly dance with heart then those moment
Will touch our heart like fresh air and wind which will touch us from time to time inside life
After all in life nothing is as simple as those thoughts in life because they will make you
True winner from time to time inside our life inside this life on each moment we just feel
One thing from our mind that when artist perform properly then only that art will touch heights.

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